
语言百科2024-01-21 11:25:53留学世界




1. 简介


2. "bite"的基本含义

作为动词,"bite"的基本含义是指用牙齿咬或咬住某物。例如:"The dog bit the bone."(狗咬了骨头。)此外,它还可以指用牙齿刺破皮肤或伤口。例如:"The mosquito bit me."(蚊子咬了我。)

3. 比喻意义

除了字面意义外,"bite"还可以用来表示某种强烈的感觉或影响。例如:"The cold wind bites my skin."(寒风刺痛我的皮肤。)另外,它也可以表示某种坏处或损失,类似于“伤害”的意思。例如:"The high taxes really bite into my income."(高额税收真的损害了我的收入。)

4. "bite off more than one can chew"

这是一个常见的英语习语,意思是做超出自己能力范围的事情。例如:“I think I bit off more than I can chew with this project.”(我觉得我在这个项目上做得太多了,超出了我的能力范围。)

5. "bite"的变形


6. 其他含义

除了作为动词外,"bite"还可以作为名词和形容词使用。作为名词时,它可以指用牙齿咬或咬伤的痕迹。例如:“I have a bite on my arm from a mosquito.”(我手臂上有一处蚊子咬的痕迹。)作为形容词时,它可以表示食物或饮料味道强烈而令人印象深刻。例如:“This chili has a really spicy bite to it.”(这个辣椒真的很辣。)



1. 是不是想知道“bite”到底是什么意思?别着急,今天我就来给你揭晓!

2. “bite”一词的发音就像是在说“拜特”,简单又好记。

3. 说起来,这个词的意思还真不少呢。下面就让我来给你逐一解释。

4. 首先,“bite”的基本意思是“咬”,比如:“The dog bit my hand.”(那条狗咬了我的手。)

5. 不过,它也可以用作动词,表示“叮咬”、“刺痛”,比如:“The cold wind bites my skin.”(寒风刺痛我的皮肤。)

6. 此外,“bite”也可以指“咬伤”的伤口,比如:“He has a bite on his leg from a spider.”(他的腿上有一处被蜘蛛咬伤的伤口。)

7. 在俚语中,“bite”还可以表示被欺骗或受到损失,例如:“Don't let him bite you with his false promises.”(别让他用虚假承诺欺骗你。)

8. 另外,“bite”也可以指某种程度的影响或影响力,比如:“His words had a real bite to them.”(他的话有一种真正的影响力。)

9. 最后,作为名词,“bite”可以表示“一口”、“咬伤”、“叮咬”的动作,也可以指“咬的痕迹”,例如:“She took a bite of the apple.”(她咬了一口苹果。)

10. 怎么样,是不是对“bite”的意思有了更清楚的认识?希望我的解释能帮到你!


1. “bite”的基本含义


2. “bite”的常见用法

a. bite into:表示“咬入、啃入”,常用来描述食物被咬下或咬开的动作。例如:“He took a big bite into the juicy apple.”(他大口地咬进了多汁的苹果。)

b. bite off:表示“咬下、啃下”,常用来描述将食物从整个物体上分离出来的动作。例如:“She bit off a piece of the bread.”(她咬下了一块面包。)

c. bite on:表示“咬住、紧咬”,常用来描述牙齿抓住某物的动作。例如:“The dog bit on the bone tightly.”(狗紧紧地咬住骨头。)

d. bite through:表示“穿透、刺破”,常用来形容尖锐物体刺入或刺伤皮肤的感觉。例如:“The needle bit through his skin and drew blood.”(针刺破了他的皮肤,流出了血。)

3. “bite”的双语例句

a. The little girl took a big bite of the chocolate cake and smiled with joy.(小女孩大口地咬下一块巧克力蛋糕,满脸笑容。)

b. The puppy bit off a piece of the toy and happily played with it.(小狗咬下了玩具的一块,高高兴兴地玩耍。)

c. He had to bite on a stick to endure the pain of having his tooth pulled out.(他不得不咬着一根木棍忍受拔牙的疼痛。)

d. The thorn bit through her skin, causing a small wound on her finger.(荆棘刺穿了她的皮肤,在手指上留下了一个小伤口。)

4. “bite”的常见搭配

a. bite one's tongue:表示“咬住舌头、闭嘴”,常用来形容因为惊讶或害怕而忍住不说话。例如:“She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from screaming.”(她不得不咬住舌头,阻止自己尖叫。)

b. bite the bullet:表示“硬着头皮做某事、忍耐坏境”,常用来形容面对困难时的勇气和决心。例如:“I know it's hard, but you just have to bite the bullet and get through it.”(我知道这很难,但你必须硬着头皮挺过去。)

c. bite off more than one can chew:表示“贪多嚼不烂、力不从心”,常用来形容做事过于贪心或超出自己能力范围。例如:“Don't bite off more than you can chew, or you'll end up in trouble.”(不要贪多嚼不烂,否则你会惹上麻烦。)

5. “bite”的常见短语

a. a bite to eat:表示“一点吃的、一顿简单的饭食”,常用来形容轻便的食物。例如:“Let's stop by the café and grab a quick bite to eat.”(我们去咖啡厅吃点轻便的东西吧。)

b. have a bite:表示“吃一口、尝一尝”,常用来邀请别人分享食物或品尝新鲜事物。例如:“Do you want to have a bite of my sandwich?”(你想尝一口我的三明治吗?)

c. put the bite on someone:表示“向某人要钱、向某人求助”,常用来形容向他人寻求帮助或资金援助。例如:“I had to put the bite on my parents for some extra cash.”(我不得不向父母要点额外的钱。)


1. Bite off more than you can chew:贪多嚼不烂,意为承担超过自身能力的事情。

2. Bite the bullet:咬紧牙关,意为勇敢面对困难或不愉快的事情。

3. Bite the dust:倒下,意为失败或死亡。

4. Bite one's tongue:咬住舌头,意为忍住不说话或不发表评论。

5. Give someone a bite:给某人一口吃的东西,意为分享食物。

6. Bite someone's head off:厉声责骂某人,意为发脾气或生气地对待某人。

7. Take a bite out of something:啃下一口,意为吃掉一部分食物。

8. A dog's bark is worse than his bite:狗叫得凶并不代表它会咬人,比喻某人说话凶恶但实际上并无伤害性。

9. Put the bite on someone:向某人要钱或要求帮助,意为向某人施压。

10. Bite the hand that feeds you:恩将仇报,比喻背叛或伤害帮助过自己的人


1. Nibble: This word is often used to describe a small, gentle bite, like when a mouse nibbles on a piece of cheese.

2. Chomp: This word is used to describe a more forceful bite, like when someone chomps down on a big juicy burger.

3. Gnaw: This word is often used to describe the action of biting and chewing on something repeatedly, like when a dog gnaws on a bone.

4. Nip: This word is similar to nibble but with a bit more force behind it, like when someone gives you a playful nip on the arm.

5. Snap: This word describes the quick action of biting down and pulling away, like when an alligator snaps at its prey.

6. Chew: This word refers to the act of grinding food between your teeth with your jaw muscles.

7. Munch: This word is often used to describe the sound and action of eating something loudly and enthusiastically, like munching on popcorn while watching a movie.

8. Gobble: This word describes eating or biting quickly and greedily, like when someone gobbles up their food at Thanksgiving dinner.

9. Bite into: This phrase means to sink your teeth into something, usually with some force or effort involved.

10. Sink your teeth into: Similar to "bite into," this phrase also implies putting some effort into biting down on something

bite是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是咬或叮,读音为[bait]。它可以用作动词或名词,常见的词组有“take a bite”(咬一口)、“dog bite”(狗咬)、“bite the bullet”(咬紧牙关)等。除了表示实际的咬或叮,bite也可以用来比喻某种强烈的感觉或经历。例如,“the cold wind bites my skin”(寒风刺骨)。“同义词示例包括nibble、chew、gnaw等。希望本文对你有所帮助,并且能够让你更加了解和熟悉这个单词。我是网站编辑,如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢阅读!
