
语言百科2024-01-21 11:46:52留学世界



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4. “bite”是什么意思?

根据牛津英语词典的定义,“bite”有多种含义。最基本的意思是指动物或人用牙齿咬或咬住某物。例如,“The dog bit the man.”(狗咬了那个人。)此外,它也可以指食物或饮料的一口,如“I took a bite of the apple.”(我咬了一口苹果。)

5. “bite”还可以表示伤害或刺激

除了上述基本含义外,“bite”还可以表示伤害或刺激。例如,“The cold wind bites my skin.”(寒风刺痛我的皮肤。)“The spicy food really bites.”(这个辣的食物真的很辣。)

6. “bite”也可以指影响

在某些情况下,“bite”还可以指影响或产生效果。比如,“The new tax policy will bite the middle class hard.”(新的税收政策将严重影响中产阶级。)“His words really bit me and I couldn't stop thinking about them.”(他的话对我产生了很大的影响,我无法停止思考。)

7. “bite”还有其他含义


- 指某物具有强烈的味道或气味。“The garlic really bites in this dish.”(这道菜里加了很多大蒜,味道真是太重了。)

- 指某种动物咬人。“Watch out for that dog, it bites!”(小心那条狗,它会咬人!)

- 指某种昆虫叮咬。“I got a mosquito bite on my arm.”(我手臂上被蚊子叮咬了。)



1. “bite”是一个常见的英文单词,它的意思是咬,也可以用作动词和名词。

2. 在美式英语中,“bite”的发音为[baɪt],重音在第一音节。

3. 在英式英语中,“bite”的发音为[baɪt]或[baɪtə],重音同样在第一音节。

4. 有时候,“bite”也可以用作俚语,表示被欺骗或受到伤害。

5. 如果你想要更加形象地描述“bite”的发音,你可以把它想象成一个人咬着手指的动作,然后发出轻微的声音。

6. 还有一种情况是,在某些特定的词组中,“bite”可能会被读作[bait],如“bite off more than you can chew”(不自量力)和“a bite to eat”(吃点东西)。

7. 总的来说,在大多数情况下,“bite”都是读作[baɪt],但如果遇到特殊情况,也可能会读作[bait]。所以记住这两种发音就可以了。

8. 希望本次介绍能帮助你正确地读出“bite”的发音,并且不要被它的俚语意思给“咬伤”


1. 什么是bite?


2. bite作为名词的用法

- 指咬、咬伤或咬痕:The dog gave me a nasty bite on my hand. (这只狗在我手上咬了我一口。)

- 指一小口食物:I took a bite of the apple. (我吃了一口苹果。)

- 指叮咬、刺激或刺痛的感觉:I felt a sharp bite on my leg. (我感到腿上有一阵刺痛。)

- 指影响力、压力或负担:The economic crisis is taking a big bite out of our savings. (经济危机正在吞噬我们的积蓄。)

3. bite作为动词的用法

- 指咬、啃或吃掉:The baby loves to bite his toys. (这个宝宝喜欢啃他的玩具。)

- 指叮咬、刺激或刺痛:Mosquitoes often bite me when I'm outside. (在外面时,蚊子经常叮我。)

- 指抓住、攫取或紧紧抓住:The cat bit the mouse and wouldn't let go. (猫抓住了老鼠,不肯放手。)

- 指影响、伤害或损害:The economic crisis is biting hard on small businesses. (经济危机严重影响着小企业。)

4. 双语例句

- The mosquito bites were so itchy that I couldn't sleep at night. (蚊子叮咬的地方很痒,我晚上都睡不着。)

- She took a big bite out of the sandwich and then put it down. (她大口吃了一口三明治,然后放下了。)

- The dog bit the postman when he tried to deliver the mail. (邮递员试图送信时,狗咬了他。)

- The company is trying to bite off more than it can chew by taking on too many projects at once. (公司试图一次承担太多项目,超出自身能力。)


1. Bite off:咬下,把...咬下

例句:The dog bit off a piece of meat from the bone.

2. Bite back:反击,回击

例句:The team was determined to bite back after their loss in the previous game.

3. Bite into:咬入,啃入

例句:She couldn't wait to bite into the juicy apple.

4. Bite down:咬紧,咬牙

例句:He had to bite down on his lip to keep from screaming in pain.

5. Bite the bullet:忍耐,硬着头皮做某事

例句:I didn't want to go to the dentist, but I knew I had to bite the bullet and get my tooth pulled.

6. Bite one's tongue:忍住不说话,克制住自己的话

例句:I wanted to tell her off, but I bit my tongue and stayed quiet.

7. Bite someone's head off:严厉责备某人,大声斥责某人

例句:She was in a bad mood and bit my head off for no reason.

8. A bite at the cherry: 一次机会,一次尝试的机会

例句: This is your last chance, don't miss your bite at the cherry.

9. Give someone a taste of their own medicine: 以其人之道还治其人之身

例句: He always makes fun of others, so it's time someone gave him a taste of his own medicine.

10. Take a bite out of something: 大量消耗或损失

例句: The recession has taken a big bite out of our savings.

11. Bite the hand that feeds you: 忘恩负义,伤害帮助过自己的人

例句: He turned against his boss and bit the hand that fed him when he was fired.

12. A snake in the grass: 假惺惺的人,虚伪的人

例句: I thought she was my friend, but she turned out to be a snake in the grass.

13. Bite off more than one can chew: 贪多咽不下,做超出自己能力范围的事情

例句: He took on too many projects and ended up biting off more than he could chew.

14. A dog's breakfast/dinner: 混乱不堪的事情或场面

例句: The party was a complete dog's breakfast with everyone talking at once and no one listening.

15. Bite-sized chunks: 简单易懂的知识点,小块内容

例句:The teacher broke down the lesson into bite-sized chunks for easier understanding


1. Nibble: This word is often used to describe small, gentle bites, like when you nibble on a piece of chocolate or a carrot stick.

2. Gnaw: This word implies a more aggressive and repetitive action, like when an animal gnaws on a bone or a toy.

3. Chomp: This word conveys the idea of biting down hard and quickly, often with force. It can also be used to describe eating something quickly and hungrily.

4. Nosh: This word is often used to describe snacking or eating small bites of food throughout the day.

5. Munch: Similar to nosh, this word describes eating in small bites, but with more enjoyment and satisfaction.

6. Nip: This word is often used to describe a quick and playful bite, like when a puppy nips at your fingers while playing.

7. Chew: While not exactly synonymous with bite, this word is often used in relation to biting down on food and grinding it with your teeth.

8. Gulp: This word describes swallowing something quickly without taking time to chew or savor it.

9. Bite-size: This phrase means something is small enough to be eaten in one bite, like bite-size candies or appetizers.

10. Snackable: Similar to bite-size, this adjective describes something that can be easily eaten as a snack or in small bites throughout the day.

So if you're wondering how to pronounce "bite" in English, just remember that there are many different ways to describe biting! Whether it's nibbling on some snacks or chomping down on a juicy burger, just make sure you enjoy every bite!

