
语言百科2024-01-21 12:49:52留学世界




1. 什么是bite?


2. Bite作为名词的用法

作为名词,bite通常指动物或人咬的痕迹或伤口。例如,“The dog left a bite mark on my arm.”(这只狗在我的手臂上留下了一道咬痕。)此外,bite也可以指食物中一口大小的量,“Take a bite of this sandwich.”(吃一口这个三明治。)

3. Bite作为动词的用法

作为动词,bite通常指用牙齿咬或抓取东西。例如,“The baby likes to bite his toys.”(这个宝宝喜欢咬他的玩具。)此外,bite也可以指被某物所伤,“I was bitten by a mosquito last night.”(昨晚我被蚊子咬了。)

4. Bite还有其他含义和用法


- 指某种感觉或情绪“His words really bite.”(他说的话真让人感到不舒服。)

- 指某种压力或困难“Don't bite off more than you can chew.”(不要贪多咬不动。)

- 指某物的大小或程度“Her criticism had a real bite to it.”(她的批评非常尖锐。)

- 指某种程度的相似性“His writing has a bite of Hemingway.”(他的写作有点像海明威。)

5. Bite在口语中的常用表达


- Have a bite:吃一口。

- Bite me:去死吧。

- Can't bite the hand that feeds you:不要恩将仇报。



1. bite的发音


2. bite的词性及含义

bite是一个动词,意为“咬”,也可以用作名词,表示“一口”。在日常生活中,我们常用这个词来形容动物或人的咬伤行为,比如“A dog bit me.”(一只狗咬了我)。

3. bite的常见搭配

(1) bite into:意为“咬进去”,通常用来形容食物或者硬物被咬下去的动作。比如“I bit into the apple and it was juicy.”(我咬了一口苹果,很多汁液都流出来了)。

(2) bite off:意为“咬断”,通常用来形容某物被强力咬断。比如“The dog bit off a piece of my shoe.”(那只狗把我的鞋子咬断了一块)。

(3) bite the bullet:意为“忍耐不住”,通常用来表示面对困难或艰难情况时的勇气。比如“I know it's hard, but you just have to bite the bullet and do it.”(我知道很难,但你必须忍耐下来做完它)。

4. bite与其他单词的搭配

(1) bite one's tongue:意为“咬住舌头”,通常用来形容在不想说话的情况下强忍住。比如“I wanted to tell her the truth, but I had to bite my tongue.”(我想告诉她真相,但我不得不咬住舌头)。

(2) bite the dust:意为“倒下”,通常用来形容失败或死亡。比如“The company finally bit the dust after years of struggling.”(经过多年的挣扎,这家公司最终倒闭了)。

5. bite与其他语言的对应词


6. bite的近义词和反义词



7. bite在文学作品中的引用

(1) “One dog barks at something, and a hundred bark at the bark.” - Chinese Proverb


(2) “I'll bite my tongue before I let you make me cry.” - Taylor Swift, "Picture to Burn"

这首歌词中使用了bite one's tongue一词,表示不想让对方看到自己的脆弱


1. “bite”的意思是咬,通常用作动词,表示用牙齿咬或刺痛。也可以用作名词,表示一口或一次咬。

2. 例句1:He bit into the apple and felt the juice running down his chin. (他咬了一口苹果,感觉汁液顺着下巴流下来。)

例句2:The mosquito bite left a red mark on her arm. (蚊子叮咬在她的手臂上留下了一道红印。)

3. “bite”的相关短语:

- take a bite:吃一口

- give someone a bite:给某人吃一口

- have a bite to eat:吃点东西

- bite off more than you can chew:贪多嚼不烂

- be bitten by the bug:被某事物迷住

4. 例句3:She took a big bite of the sandwich and smiled in satisfaction. (她大口地吃了一个三明治,满意地笑了。)

例句4:He was bitten by the travel bug and couldn't wait to explore new places. (他被旅行的魅力所迷住,迫不及待地想要探索新的地方。)

5. “bite”的同义词:

- nibble: 轻轻啃食

- gnaw: 咬、啃、折磨

- chew: 咀嚼

- chomp: 大声咀嚼

6. 例句5:The puppy nibbled on my shoelaces while I tied them. (小狗在我系鞋带的时候轻轻啃着它们。)

例句6:The rat gnawed through the wires and caused a power outage. (老鼠啃断了电线,导致停电。)

7. “bite”的反义词:

- lick: 舔

- kiss: 吻

- caress: 抚摸、爱抚

8. 例句7:The dog licked my hand and wagged its tail happily. (狗舔了舔我的手,高兴地摇着尾巴。)

例句8:She kissed her baby's forehead before putting him to bed. (她吻了吻宝宝的额头,然后把他放到床上睡觉。)


1. Take a bite: 捕捉机会,抓住时机

2. Bite off more than one can chew: 贪多嚼不烂,贪多嚼不下

3. A bite to eat: 一点吃的,一顿饭

4. Bite the bullet: 咬紧牙关,勇敢面对困难

5. Give someone a bite: 分给某人一口吃的东西

6. Bite one's tongue: 忍住不说话,闭嘴

7. Put the bite on someone: 向某人讨要钱财

8. Get a bite to eat: 吃点东西,进餐

9. Have a bite of something: 尝尝某物的味道

10.Bite the dust: 失败,死亡


1. Nibble:这个词可以用来表示轻轻地咬或啃食,也可以用来比喻某种程度的行为或动作。例如:She nibbled on her sandwich while reading a book.(她一边读书一边轻轻地咬着三明治。)

2. Gnaw:这个词通常用来描述动物或人用牙齿不断地咬或啃,也可以比喻某种痛苦或折磨。例如:The dog gnawed on the bone for hours.(那只狗咬了几个小时的骨头。)

3. Chomp:这个词通常用来形容有力地、大口地咬。例如:He chomped on his cigar as he walked down the street.(他一边走路一边大口吸着雪茄。)

4. Nip:这个词可以表示轻微的咬,也可以指某种行为的快速执行。例如:She gave him a quick nip on the cheek as a sign of affection.(她在脸颊上轻轻地咬了他一下,表示爱意。)

5. Snap:这个词通常用来形容突然、急促地咬或啮,也可以比喻某种急躁的情绪。例如:The alligator snapped at the fish in the river.(鳄鱼在河里突然咬住了鱼。)

6. Chew:这个词可以表示用牙齿不断地咀嚼,也可以比喻思考或琢磨某件事情。例如:He chewed on his pen while trying to come up with a solution.(他一边咬着笔一边试图想出一个解决方案。)

7. Nosh:这个词通常用来指吃零食或小吃,也可以形容轻轻地咬食物。例如:She noshed on some chips while watching TV.(她一边看电视一边吃着薯片。)

8. Bite down:这个短语可以表示用力咬住某物,也可以比喻强迫自己保持冷静或忍耐。例如:She had to bite down on her anger when her boss criticized her work.(当老板批评她的工作时,她不得不强忍住愤怒。)

9. Sink one's teeth into:这个短语可以指用力地咬住某物,也可以比喻全身心投入某件事情。例如:He was excited to sink his teeth into his new project at work.(他对工作中的新项目充满了热情。)

10. Munch:这个词通常用来形容大口地吃东西,也可以比喻某种声音。例如:The cows were munching on the grass in the field.(牛在田地里大口地吃草。)

