bitten是什么意思 bitten的中文翻译、读音、例句

语言百科2024-01-21 13:09:52留学世界



1. 概述


bitten是什么意思 bitten的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 中文翻译


3. 读音


4. 例句

- He was bitten by a dog when he was young.


- I have never been bitten by a mosquito.


- The cold weather has really bitten into our crops this year.


5. 衍生用法


- Bitter:苦涩的、刺鼻的;

- Bite-sized:小口大小的;

- Bitingly:尖刻地、辛辣地。

6. 相关搭配

- Get bitten by the travel bug:染上旅游瘾;

- Be bitten by the love bug:爱上某人;

- Bitten off more than one can chew:贪多嚼不烂


1. bitten的读音

Bitten的发音为 [ˈbɪtən],其中的“i”发音为短元音,而“e”发音为长元音。在英语中,“t”和“en”的发音比较接近,所以在快速朗读时可能听起来像是[bɪtn]。

2. bitten的中文翻译

Bitten是bite(咬)的过去分词形式,在英语中常用来表示被动或完成的动作。它可以翻译为“被咬”,也可以表示“咬伤了”。例如:“He was bitten by a dog.”(他被一只狗咬了。)

3. bitten的用法示例

- She was bitten by a mosquito last night.(昨晚她被蚊子叮咬了。)

- The apple had been bitten into pieces.(这个苹果已经被咬成碎片了。)

- He was bitten by the travel bug and couldn't stop exploring new places.(他被旅行的热情所感染,无法停止探索新地方。)

4. “bitten”与其他形容词搭配使用

- Bitten意为“被咬”,可以与不同动物搭配使用,如:bitten by a snake(被蛇咬)、bitten by a spider(被蜘蛛咬)等。

- Bitten还可以与其他形容词搭配,表示不同的状态,如:bitten by love(被爱情咬住)、bitten by jealousy(被嫉妒所伤)等。

5. “bitten”与其他动词的区别

Bitten是bite的过去分词形式,它可以表示被动或完成的动作。而bite则是一个及物动词,表示主动咬或咬伤的行为。例如:“The dog bit the man.”(那只狗咬了那个人。)

6. “bitten”与其他过去分词形式的区别



1. bitten的中文翻译


2. bitten的读音


3. bitten的例句

- He was badly bitten by a dog last week. (上周他被一只狗咬得很严重。)

- The child was bitten by a mosquito and got a big red bump on his arm. (孩子被蚊子咬了,在手臂上起了一个大红包。)

- She was bitten by the travel bug and has been to over 20 countries in the past year. (她被旅行热情所感染,在过去一年里已经去了20多个国家。)

- The apple looks fine, but I'm afraid it might be bitten by worms inside. (这个苹果看起来不错,但我担心里面可能被虫子咬过。)

- He was so angry that he could have bitten off someone's head. (他非常生气,几乎要把某人的头给咬下来。)



1. bitten的读音


2. 发音示例

- 英式发音:[ˈbɪtn]

- 美式发音:[ˈbɪtn]

3. 例句

- He was bitten by a mosquito and now his arm is swollen.


- The dog has never bitten anyone before, it must be scared.


- She was bitten by the travel bug and has been to over 20 countries.


4. 相关短语

- get bitten: 被咬伤

- be bitten by the love bug: 被爱情冲昏头脑

- once bitten, twice shy: 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

5. 拓展知识:bite和bitten的区别

bite是动词,表示“咬”,过去式为bit。而bitten则是bite的过去分词形式,在句子中通常作表语或定语。例如:“The apple is bitten.”(这个苹果被咬了。)在这个例句中,bitten作为表语,说明苹果的状态。另外,bite还可以用作名词,表示“咬”的动作或伤口


1. 搭配:bitten by the travel bug(被旅行热所感染)

例句:I was bitten by the travel bug and now I can't stop exploring new places.(我被旅行热所感染,现在无法停止探索新的地方。)

2. 同义词:infatuated with(迷恋)

例句:She is infatuated with fashion and spends all her money on designer clothes.(她迷恋时尚,把所有的钱都花在了设计师的衣服上。)

3. 搭配:bitten off more than one can chew(贪多嚼不烂)

例句:He has bitten off more than he can chew by taking on three projects at once.(他一次承担了三个项目,贪多嚼不烂。)

4. 同义词:obsessed with(着迷)

例句:She is obsessed with her new hobby and spends hours practicing every day.(她对自己的新爱好着迷,每天花几个小时练习。)

5. 搭配:bitten the bullet(下定决心)

例句:I finally bit the bullet and quit my job to pursue my dream of traveling the world.(我终于下定决心辞职,追求我环游世界的梦想。)

6. 同义词:hooked on(上瘾)

例句:He is hooked on playing video games and can't seem to stop.(他上瘾玩电子游戏,似乎无法停下来。)

7. 搭配:bitten the dust(失败)

例句:Their business venture has bitten the dust and now they are struggling to pay off their debts.(他们的商业冒险失败了,现在正在努力偿还债务。)

8. 同义词:captivated by(被迷住)

例句:She was captivated by his charm and couldn't resist him.(她被他的魅力迷住,无法抗拒他。)

通过本文我们了解到bitten是一个常用的英语单词,它的中文翻译是“被咬”,读音为[bɪtən],可以用于描述被动物咬伤的情况。它也可以引申为其他含义,例如“受到伤害”、“受到影响”等。在日常生活中,我们可以说“My hand was bitten by a dog.”(我的手被狗咬了。)作为网站编辑,我希望本文能帮助到大家更好地理解和使用这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我哦!祝愿大家学习进步,用英语表达更加准确流畅。
