
语言百科2024-01-21 20:49:52留学世界



1. 炸裂:blast一词最常见的释义就是爆炸,通常用于形容巨大的声响和力量,比如“a loud blast”(巨响)或者“a powerful blast”(强大的力量)。

2. 疾驰:除了指爆炸,blast也可以表示快速移动或行进。比如,“the train blasted through the tunnel”(火车穿过隧道飞驰)。


3. 热情洋溢:在非正式语境中,blast也可以表示兴奋和热情洋溢。比如,“We had a blast at the concert last night!”(我们昨晚在音乐会上玩得很开心!)

4. 抨击:作为动词,blast也可以表示抨击或批评。比如,“The politician blasted his opponent's policies in his speech.”(政客在演讲中抨击了对手的政策)

5. 冲击波:在科学领域,blast还可以指冲击波,特别是指火箭发射时产生的冲击波。

6. 洗礼:在宗教仪式中,blast也可以指洗礼。比如,“The baby was baptized with a blast of holy water.”(婴儿被圣水洗礼)


1. 什么是blast?


2. 如何读blast?


3. 翻译行业中的blast


4. 翻译行业中的机遇与挑战


5. 如何做到爆发式增长?



1. Blast的基本释义


2. Blast作为动词的用法

作为动词,blast通常表示“爆炸”、“冲击”或“抨击”的意思。例如,“The bomb blasted the building into pieces.”(这颗炸弹把建筑物炸成了碎片。)另外,它也可以表示“大声喊叫”、“高声播放”等含义。例如,“He blasted the music so loud that the neighbors complained.”(他把音乐放得太大声了,邻居们都投诉了。)

3. Blast作为名词的用法

作为名词,blast可以指“爆炸声”、“冲击波”、“喷射物”等。例如,“The blast from the explosion was deafening.”(爆炸发出的巨大声响令人震惊。)此外,它还可以指“强风”,如“The blast of wind almost blew me off my feet.”(那股强风差点把我吹倒了。)

4. 双语例句

- The bomb blast killed several people and destroyed many buildings.


- The strong wind blasted through the trees, scattering leaves everywhere.


- The speaker blasted the government's policies in his speech.


- The rocket blast could be heard from miles away.


5. Blast的常见搭配

- Blast off: 发射,起飞

例句:The rocket blasted off into space.


- Blast furnace: 高炉

例句:Iron is produced in a blast furnace.


- Blast radius: 爆炸半径

例句:The bomb has a blast radius of 100 meters.




1. Blast off: 离开,起飞,发射

例如:The rocket blasted off into space.

2. Blast from the past: 过去的回忆,往事

例如:Seeing my old high school friends was a blast from the past.

3. Full blast: 全力以赴,全速前进

例如:The car was going full blast down the highway.

4. Blast zone: 爆炸区域,危险区域

例如:The firefighters evacuated everyone from the blast zone.

5. Blast out: 大声喊叫,发出巨响

例如:He blasted out a song on his guitar.

6. Blast through: 快速通过,轻松完成

例如:She blasted through her homework in record time.

7. A blast of cold air: 一股冷空气/一阵寒风

例如:As soon as I opened the door, a blast of cold air hit me.

8. Blast someone's mind: 让某人大吃一惊/震惊某人

例如:His amazing magic tricks blasted our minds.

9. Blast away at something: 不断攻击某物/射击某物

例如:The soldiers blasted away at the enemy's fortress.

10. Have a blast: 玩得开心,过得愉快

例如:I had a blast at the concert last night!


1. Explosion - The explosion was so loud that it caused a blast throughout the entire building.

2. Burst - The balloon burst with a loud blast, startling everyone in the room.

3. Boom - The sudden boom of thunder was like a blast from the sky.

4. Detonation - The detonation of the bomb created a powerful blast that could be heard for miles.

5. Eruption - The volcano's eruption sent a massive blast of ash and lava into the air.

6. Impact - The impact of the car crash caused a loud blast, shattering nearby windows.

7. Outburst - His sudden outburst of anger was like a verbal blast directed at everyone in the room.

8. Shockwave - The shockwave from the explosion created a powerful blast that knocked down nearby buildings.

9. Blare - The blare of the trumpet signaled the start of the parade with a triumphant blast.

10. Roar- The roar of the lion was like a fierce blast that echoed through the jungle

