
语言百科2024-01-22 04:40:54留学世界




1. 简介

Blowjob是一个英文单词,也可以写作blow job,它的意思是“口交”,指的是一种性行为,男性用嘴唇、舌头和口腔刺激女性的生殖器官,以达到性高潮的行为。这是一种非常普遍的性行为,在许多国家和文化中都存在。

2. 来源


3. 有关文化背景


4. 性爱技巧


5. 安全性


6. 性别平等




1. blowjob是一个英文单词,读作[ˈbləʊdʒɒb],其中的“blow”发音为[bləʊ],“job”发音为[dʒɒb]。

2. 这个单词通常用作名词,意为“口交”,是一种性行为的俗称。它由两个单词组合而成,即“blow”和“job”。其中,“blow”的意思是吹气、吹风,而“job”的意思是工作、职业。因此,“blowjob”的字面意思可以理解为用嘴吹的工作,但实际上指的是一种性行为。

3. “blowjob”也可以简写为“BJ”,这是它在网络用语中常见的缩写形式。

4. 这个词最早出现在20世纪60年代的美国俚语中,最初指的是男性对女性进行口交。后来随着社会观念的变化和性解放运动的兴起,“blowjob”也被广泛地应用到同性恋者和异性恋者之间。

5. 在英语中,“blowjob”还有其他一些近义词,比如“oral sex”、“fellatio”等。它们都指代同样的含义,只是表达方式不同。

6. 由于“blowjob”的含义较为直白,因此在正式场合或文学作品中并不常见。但在口语和网络用语中,它仍然是一个常用的词汇。

7. 总的来说,“blowjob”是一个俗语,它的意思是口交,读作[ˈbləʊdʒɒb]。它源自于美国俚语,最早指男性对女性的口交,现在已被广泛地应用到各种性取向的人群中


1. 什么是blowjob?


2. blowjob的用法

Blowjob通常被用作动词,表示“给某人口交”。例如:“She loves giving him a blowjob.”(她喜欢给他口交。)除了正式的用法外,它也可以作为名词,“a blowjob”,表示“一次口交”。

3. 例句1:Do you want a blowjob?


4. 例句2:He asked her for a blowjob.


5. 例句3:She gave him a mind-blowing blowjob.


6. 双语例句:

- He loves receiving blowjobs from his girlfriend.


- She's really good at giving blowjobs.


- Many people enjoy giving and receiving blowjobs as part of their sexual activities.


- Some people consider blowjobs to be an intimate and pleasurable act between partners.



1. "Oral sex" - 口交

2. "Sucking off" - 吮吸

3. "Giving head" - 做口交

4. "Blowing someone" - 给某人口交

5. "Going down on someone" - 给某人口交

6. "Fellatio" - 口交(男性对女性)

7. "Cunnilingus" - 口交(女性对女性)

8. "69" - 69式,同时给对方口交的姿势

9. "Deep throat" - 深喉咙(指将男性生殖器完全吞入口中)

10. "Face fucking" - 脸部干炮(指将男性生殖器插入对方的嘴巴并抽动)

11. "BJ" - blowjob的缩写形式,即口交

12. "Gobbling the knob" - 吞噬龟头(指用嘴巴吮吸龟头)

13. "Sucking cock" - 吮吸阴茎

14. "Dome action" - 在顶上动作(指在阴茎上做出动作)

15. "Slurping sausage" - 吞食香肠(指用嘴巴吃香肠,也可以指做口交)

16. “Licking the lollipop”- 舔舐棒棒糖(指用舌头舔舐阴茎)

17. “Mouth party” - 口腔派对(指做口交)

18. “Sucking off the boss” - 吮吸老板(指给老板做口交)

19. “Throat job” - 喉咙工作(指用嘴巴做出动作,如吞咽等)

20. “Playing the skin flute” - 演奏皮肤长笛(指用嘴巴吹奏阴茎)


1. Oral sex: This is a commonly used synonym for blowjob and refers to any sexual activity involving the mouth and genitals.

2. Fellatio: This is the technical term for oral sex performed on a man, specifically referring to stimulation of the penis with the mouth.

3. Giving head: This is a colloquial term that is often used in place of blowjob, and it refers to the act of performing oral sex on a man.

4. Sucking off: This is another colloquial term that means the same as giving head or blowjob, and it emphasizes the act of sucking on the penis.

5. Mouth job: This is a more playful way of saying blowjob, and it highlights the use of the mouth in stimulating the penis.

6. Going down: This phrase can be used to refer to any type of oral sex, but it is commonly used as a synonym for blowjob.

7. Bobbing: This term refers to the up-and-down motion of the head during oral sex, mimicking a bobbing motion.

8. Lewinsky (ing): This term became popularized after former President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, and it is now often used as slang for giving or receiving oral sex.

9. Blowing (someone): This phrase can be used as a euphemism for performing oral sex on someone.

10. Cock sucking: While this term may sound crude, it is still commonly used as a synonym for blowjob and emphasizes the act of sucking on the penis.

11. Gobbling (someone) up: This phrase can be used playfully to describe giving someone intense pleasure through oral sex.

12. Licking (someone) off: Similar to gobbling someone up, this phrase highlights using one's tongue to stimulate their partner's genitals during oral sex.

13. Mouth love: A more romantic way of describing oral sex, highlighting the love and intimacy involved in the act.

14. Playing the skin flute: This is a humorous and playful way of saying blowjob, often used as a joke between partners.

15. Taking care of (someone): This phrase can be used to refer to performing any sexual act on someone, but it is often used as a synonym for giving head or blowjob

blowjob是一个英文单词,意思是口交。它的读音是[ˈbloʊdʒɑːb],并且可以用作动词或名词。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来描述一种性行为,但也可以用作幽默或脏话。例如,“She gave him a great blowjob last night.”(她昨晚给了他一个很棒的口交。)同时,它也有一些同义词如oral sex、fellatio等。总的来说,blowjob这个词虽然有些敏感,但在合适的场合使用还是能够增添语言的表达力。

