
语言百科2024-01-23 08:50:56留学世界




1. 用于形容外表


当我们说某个人是“a total boob”时,意思是这个人的外表看起来有点傻或者笨拙。比如,一个男生穿着奇怪的衣服出现在聚会上,他的朋友们可能会开玩笑说:“Look at him, he's such a boob!”(看他,他真是个大傻瓜!)

2. 用于表示行为

除了形容外表,boob也可以用来表示某种行为。比如,当我们说“Don't be such a boob”时,意思是不要做傻事或者做出愚蠢的决定。类似地,“making a boob of oneself”就是指做出令人尴尬的举动。

3. 笑料来源

由于boob本身带有一些幽默感,因此它也经常被用作笑料来源。比如,在美国电视剧《老友记》中,主角之一乔伊经常戏弄另一个主角钱德:“How you doin'?”(你好吗?),而钱德则会回答:“Not so good, I just made a total boob of myself in front of my boss.”(不太好,我刚刚在老板面前做了个大傻瓜。)


1. 介绍boob的基本含义


2. 发音及重音位置


3. 相关词汇及用法

除了作为名词和动词外,boob还可以作为形容词使用,表示愚蠢或无知的。例如:“She made a boob mistake by forgetting the meeting.”

4. 同义词及反义词


5. 意思扩展

除了指代女性的乳房外,boob还可以用来形容某人做出愚蠢或无知的行为。例如:“He is such a boob for believing that fake news.”

6. 用于不同场合


7. 常见搭配短语

- make a boob: 做出愚蠢的事情

- boob job: 乳房整形手术

- boob tube: 胸罩或电视机(俚语)

- boob out: 乳房外露(俚语)

9. 结束语



1. “boob”的含义


2. “boob”的用法

作为名词,除了指代女性的乳房外,它也可以用来形容一个愚蠢或笨拙的人。例如:“Don't be such a boob!”(别这么傻!)此外,在美国俚语中,“boob”还可用来指代一个吸毒者或吸毒者之间的交易。

作为动词,“boob”通常用来表示犯错或搞砸。例如:“I totally boobed that presentation.”(我完全搞砸了那个演讲。)

3. 双语例句

1) She is worried about her small boobs.(她担心自己的小胸部。)

2) He's such a boob, he can't even tie his own shoes.(他太笨了,连自己的鞋带都系不上。)

3) I accidentally hit the wrong button and boobed the whole system.(我不小心按错了按钮,整个系统都出问题了。)

4) Her dress was so tight that her boobs were almost popping out.(她的衣服太紧了,差点把她的胸部挤出来。)

5) He's always making jokes about boobs, it's really inappropriate.(他总是开些关于胸部的玩笑,真是不合适。)


1. Boob tube - 无肩带胸衣,也指电视节目

2. Boob job - 隆胸手术

3. Boob grab - 抓胸行为,通常指性骚扰

4. Boob sweat - 乳房出汗

5. Boob hug - 怀抱乳房,指拥抱时乳房与他人接触

6. Boob tube top - 胸衣上衣,通常指无肩带的上衣

7. Boob enhancer - 增大乳房的产品或手术

8. Boobalicious - 指拥有性感丰满的乳房的女性

9. Booby trap - 猫腻陷阱,也指诡计陷阱

10. Booby prize - 安慰奖,也指次等奖品


1. Breast - This is a common synonym for "boob" and refers to the female mammary gland. It is often used in a medical or scientific context.

2. Bust - This term can be used to refer to a woman's breasts, but it can also have a more negative connotation, implying that the woman's breasts are too large or disproportionate.

3. Bosom - This word is often used in a poetic or romantic sense to describe a woman's breasts. It can also be used as a euphemism for breasts in more conservative settings.

4. Chest - While this term can refer to both male and female chests, it is often used to describe women's breasts in a more formal or clinical manner.

5. Cleavage - This word specifically refers to the space between a woman's breasts, but it is often used as a synonym for "boobs" or "breasts."

6. Rack - This slang term is typically used by men to refer to women's breasts in an objectifying manner.

7. Melons - Another slang term for breasts that compares them to the fruit of the same name.

8. Jugs - Similar to "melons," this slang term is also objectifying and reduces women's bodies to sexual objects.

9. Knockers - Another slang term that refers to women's breasts in a crude and disrespectful way.

10. Ta-tas - A playful and cutesy way of saying "boobs," often used among friends or in more casual settings.

11. Hooters - This slang term not only refers to women's breasts, but it is also the name of a popular chain restaurant known for its female servers wearing revealing outfits.

12. Funbags - A humorous and somewhat crude way of referring to women's breasts.

13. Boobies - A childish and playful way of saying "boobs," often used by children or among close friends.

14. Peaks - This term is often used to describe the shape of a woman's breasts, particularly when they are pointed or perky.

15. Twins - A slang term that refers to a woman's two breasts, emphasizing their symmetry.

16. Globes - Another slang term that compares women's breasts to round objects, such as the earth or a ball.

17. Bazoombas - A silly and exaggerated way of referring to women's breasts.

18. Chesticles - A humorous and somewhat crude term that combines "chest" with "testicles."

19. Knockers - Similar to "knockers," this slang term also objectifies women's bodies and reduces them to sexual objects.

20. Boobage - A playful and lighthearted way of referring to women's breasts, often used among friends or in a flirtatious manner

