此外,作为一个专业术语,“borehole”也经常被用来指代地质勘探或者水文地质调查的报告中所提及的钻孔。比如,“the borehole data shows that the soil is mainly composed of sandstone and clay”(钻孔数据显示土壤主要由砂岩和粘土组成)。
1. 是不是很好奇,“borehole”这个单词到底怎么读?别着急,我来告诉你。
2. 首先,我们可以把它分成两部分来读,"bore"和"hole"。"bore"发音为/bɔːr/,就像是“波尔”这个名字的发音,而“hole”发音为/həʊl/,就像是“霍尔”的发音。
3. 如果你觉得分开读有点别扭,也可以把它们连起来读。整个单词的发音为/bɔːrhəʊl/。记住,在英语中,“e”在结尾通常不发音。
4. 还有一种说法是把“borehole”读作/bɔːhəʊl/,即把“e”的发音省略掉。这种方式也是正确的。
5. 哦对了,如果你想知道这个单词的意思,它指的是一种钻孔设备或者钻孔所形成的孔洞。现在你知道了吧?
6. 不过要注意的是,在美式英语中,“borehole”的读法可能会略有不同。它们可能会把最后一个音节“hole”的发音变成/hɑːl/。
7. 总之,“borehole”的正确读法取决于你所在的国家和地区,但是无论怎么读,只要你发音准确,就能被人听懂。
8. 希望这篇小文章能帮助到你,让你在下次看到“borehole”这个词时不再感到困惑。记住,学习英语不仅要掌握单词的意思,还要学会正确的发音哦!
1. borehole的定义
2. borehole在翻译行业中的用途
3. borehole在双语例句中的应用
- The boreholes were drilled to a depth of 200 meters.
- The geologist studied the samples collected from the boreholes.
- We need to analyze the data from the boreholes before making any conclusions.
4. 如何正确读音borehole?
如果你想要正确地读音borehole,在这里有一个小技巧:把“boar”(野猪)和“hole”(孔)连起来读,就像是在说“boar hole”。这样就能轻松地读出正确的发音啦!
1. Borehole drilling - 钻井
Borehole drilling refers to the process of creating a narrow, deep hole in the ground using specialized equipment. This method is commonly used for extracting water, minerals, or oil from underground sources.
2. Borehole logging - 钻孔测井
Borehole logging is a technique used to record and measure various physical properties of the rocks and soil layers encountered during drilling. This information is crucial in determining the potential of a borehole for water or resource extraction.
3. Borehole pumping - 钻孔抽水
Borehole pumping is the process of extracting water from an underground source through a borehole using a pump. This method is commonly used for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes.
4. Borehole stability - 钻孔稳定性
Borehole stability refers to the ability of a drilled hole to maintain its structural integrity without collapsing or caving in. This is an important consideration during drilling operations to ensure safety and efficiency.
5. Borehole surveying - 钻孔测量
Borehole surveying involves measuring and recording the orientation and location of a borehole using specialized instruments such as inclinometers and gyroscopes. This information is crucial for accurately mapping underground structures and resources.
6. Borehole wall - 钻孔壁
The borehole wall refers to the inner surface of a drilled hole that is exposed by removing the drill bit. It can provide important clues about the geological composition and structure of the surrounding rock formations.
7. Borehole diameter - 钻孔直径
Borehole diameter refers to the width of a drilled hole, which can vary depending on the purpose and depth of drilling. It is an important factor in determining the flow rate and capacity of a borehole for water or resource extraction.
8. Borehole depth - 钻孔深度
Borehole depth refers to the distance from the surface to the bottom of a drilled hole. This is an important consideration in determining the potential yield and sustainability of a borehole for water or resource extraction.
9. Borehole casing - 钻孔套管
Borehole casing is a protective pipe that is inserted into a drilled hole to prevent it from collapsing and to maintain its structural integrity. It also helps in controlling the flow of water or resources from underground sources.
10. Borehole development - 钻孔开发
Borehole development refers to the process of improving the flow of water or resources from a drilled hole by removing obstructions, such as debris and sediment, and increasing its permeability. This is necessary for maximizing the potential yield of a borehole
1. 煤气井:在翻译行业中,borehole也可以被称为煤气井,因为它们都是用来获取地下资源的。
2. 钻孔:钻孔是指通过钻探技术在地下开凿出来的洞穴,与borehole有着相似的意义。
3. 探井:探井是指用于勘探地下资源的钻孔,与borehole也有着相同的作用。
4. 地质勘探井:这个词组虽然比较长,但它也可以替代borehole来表示对地下资源进行勘探和开采。
5. 采油井:采油井是指用于开采石油和天然气等能源资源的钻孔,与borehole具有相同的功能