
语言百科2024-01-23 17:03:56留学世界







不过,在英语中,“bore”也可以作为动词使用。比如说,“I am bored.”(我感到无聊。)或者“I don't want to bore you with the details.”(我不想把细节讲给你听,怕你觉得无聊。)这里的意思是感到无聊或者让别人感到无聊。

或许你会想,这个词听起来有点贬义,似乎没有什么好意思。但是,其实“bore”也可以用来形容一些我们喜欢的事物。比如说,“I am a total history bore.”(我完全是一个历史迷。)或者“Don't mind me, I'm just a book bore.”(别在意我,我只是个书迷。)这里的意思是对某件事物非常热衷、着迷。



1. bore的发音是/bɔːr/,读作“博尔”。

2. bore一词源于古英语borian,意为“穿孔”,在现代英语中有多种含义,包括“无聊的人”、“枯燥乏味的事物”、“令人厌烦的事情”等。

3. 在单词bore中,字母o和e都发音为长音,即/bɔː/和/r/。注意不要把它们读作短音/bɒ/和/r/,否则会影响单词的正确发音。

4. 发音时,舌头要平放在口腔底部,嘴唇微微向前突出,舌尖轻触上颚后部。同时要注意舌头和嘴唇的放松程度,避免过分用力造成不正确的发音。

5. bore一词在口语中往往被缩写为/bɔːr/或者/bɔː/, 但在正式场合还是应该保持完整的发音。

6. bore一词的复数形式bores同样也是以长音结尾,即/bɔːz/。这一点需要特别注意,在念错复数形式时会让人听起来不太自然。

7. 当bore作为动词使用时,其过去式和过去分词形式分别为bored和bored,发音同样是以长音结尾。

8. bore一词的读法在不同的英语口音中可能会有细微差别,但总体来说,以上提到的发音规则适用于大多数英语口音。

9. 最后要提醒的是,在学习发音时,除了注意正确的发音规则外,还要多加练习和反复听模范发音,才能真正掌握bore这个单词的正确读法


1. bore的基本含义


2. bore的用法


- 形容某件事物或某个人令人感到无聊、厌烦:The movie was such a bore.(这部电影太无聊了。)

- 指一件令人失去兴趣的事情:I can't stand this bore any longer.(我再也受不了这件事情了。)

- 指一件让人感到厌烦的事情:I hate having to do this boring work every day.(我讨厌每天都要做这种枯燥乏味的工作。)


- 表示使某人感到无聊、厌烦:The lecture bored me to death.(那场演讲把我弄得无聊死了。)

- 表示使某物变得枯燥乏味:The constant repetition of the same thing bored me.(不断重复同样的事情让我感到厌烦。)

3. bore的双语例句

1) The meeting was a real bore, I couldn't wait for it to end.(这次会议真是太无聊了,我迫不及待地想让它结束。)

2) He's such a bore, he always talks about the same things.(他真是太无聊了,总是在说同样的事情。)

3) I'm sorry if I'm boring you with my stories.(如果我的故事让你感到无聊,我很抱歉。)

4) This book is a real bore, I couldn't even finish reading it.(这本书真是太无聊了,我甚至都没法读完它。)

5) The party was a total bore, there was nothing interesting happening.(这个派对太无聊了,什么有趣的事情都没有发生。)


1. Bore with: 与...无聊/厌烦

例句:I am so bored with this movie, let's do something else.

2. Bore to death: 无聊得要死

例句:I was bored to death at the meeting, it was so long and uninteresting.

3. Bore someone stiff: 把某人闷死了

例句:The lecture on economics bored me stiff, I couldn't stay awake.

4. Bore someone silly: 把某人搞得无聊透顶

例句:The party was so boring, it bored me silly and I left early.

5. Bore the pants off someone: 把某人无聊得要命

例句:The professor's lecture on history bored the pants off me, I couldn't wait for it to end.

6. Bored out of one's mind: 无聊得要命

例句:I was bored out of my mind at the conference, there was nothing interesting to do.

7. Boredom sets in: 开始感到厌烦/无聊

例句:After a few days of vacation, boredom sets in and I start missing work.

8. Die of boredom: 无聊得要死

例句:I would rather die of boredom than go to another one of his lectures.

9. Yawn-inducing bore: 让人打哈欠的无聊事物

例句:The movie was a yawn-inducing bore, I couldn't wait for it to end.

10. Mind-numbingly boring: 让人大脑麻木的无聊

例句:The seminar was mind-numbingly boring, I couldn't pay attention to anything


1. Monotony

- Definition: the quality or state of being boring and uninteresting; lack of variety or change

- Example sentence: The monotony of his daily routine is starting to wear on him.

2. Tedium

- Definition: the state of being tedious; dullness; monotony

- Example sentence: The tedium of this task is making me want to fall asleep.

3. Banality

- Definition: the fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality; lack of freshness or originality

- Example sentence: The banality of his jokes made everyone roll their eyes.

4. Dullness

- Definition: the quality or state of being dull; lacking interest, excitement, or liveliness

- Example sentence: The dullness of the lecture made it difficult for students to stay awake.

5. Tediousness

- Definition: the quality or state of being tedious; tiresome monotony; boredom

- Example sentence: The tediousness of this project is making me lose my motivation.

6. Repetitiveness

- Definition: the quality or state of being repetitive; characterized by repetition, especially in a way that becomes boring or monotonous

- Example sentence: The repetitiveness of her daily tasks was starting to take a toll on her mental health.

7. Sameness

- Definition: the quality or state of being the same as something else; lack of variety or diversity

- Example sentence: The sameness in their daily routines made them crave for some excitement in their lives.

8. Insipidity

- Definition: the quality or state of being insipid; lacking flavor, interest, or vigor

- Example sentence: The insipidity of this book made it difficult for me to finish reading it.

9. Prosaicness

- Definition: the quality or state of being prosaic; dullness; lacking imagination or originality

- Example sentence: The prosaicness of his writing style made the story uninteresting to read.

10. Dreariness

- Definition: the quality or state of being dreary; dullness; lack of liveliness or cheerfulness

- Example sentence: The dreariness of this town made me want to leave and find somewhere more exciting

