
语言百科2024-01-23 23:00:58留学世界




1. borrowed的含义


2. borrowed的使用场景


3. borrowed在翻译中的意义


4. borrowed与lent的区别


5. borrowed在文学作品中的应用


6. borrowed与plagiarized的区别








1. 借用的意思

- 他的创意完全是从别人那里借来的,可以说是borrowed ideas. (His ideas were completely borrowed from others, you could say they were borrowed ideas.)

- 这个词是从法语中借用过来的。(This word was borrowed from French.)

- 我们可以借用这个方法来解决问题。(We can borrow this method to solve the problem.)

2. 借鉴的例子

- 我们可以从这个成功案例中借鉴经验。(We can borrow experience from this successful case.)

- 这首歌曲的旋律是从古典音乐中借鉴而来的。(The melody of this song was borrowed from classical music.)

- 他们公司成功的秘诀就是不断地从其他公司借鉴最佳实践。(The secret to their company's success is constantly borrowing best practices from other companies.)

3. 借来使用

- 我可以向你借一下你的笔吗?(Can I borrow your pen for a moment?)

- 我们可以向邻居家借一些糖吗?(Can we borrow some sugar from our neighbor?)

- 这本书我只能借来阅读,不能买下来。(I can only borrow this book to read, I can't buy it.)

4. 借用语言表达

- “borrowed time”意为“生命延续期限”,也可指“幸存时间”。(The phrase "borrowed time" means the remaining time in someone's life, or can also refer to a period of extended survival.)

- “borrowed happiness”指的是借用他人的幸福感,而不是真正拥有。(The term "borrowed happiness" refers to using someone else's sense of happiness, rather than truly having it oneself.)

- 他们的婚姻就像是借来的幸福一样,没有真正的爱情。(Their marriage was like borrowed happiness, without true love.)

5. 借用文化元素

- 这部电影从西方文化中借鉴了很多元素。(This movie borrowed many elements from Western culture.)

- 我们可以从其他国家的文化中借鉴一些东西,来丰富我们自己的文化。(We can borrow things from other cultures to enrich our own culture.)

- 这个节日是从古代传统中借鉴而来的。(This holiday was borrowed from ancient traditions.)

6. 双语例句

- 我们要学会借鉴先进经验,不断提升自己。(We should learn to borrow advanced experience and constantly improve ourselves.)

- 他们公司成功的秘诀就是不断地从其他公司借鉴最佳实践。(The secret to their company's success is constantly borrowing best practices from other companies.)

- 我们可以向邻居家借一些糖吗?(Can we borrow some sugar from our neighbor?)

- 这首歌曲的旋律是从古典音乐中借鉴而来的。(The melody of this song was borrowed from classical music.)

- 这个节日是从古代传统中借鉴而来的。(This holiday was borrowed from ancient traditions.)

- 我们可以从这个成功案例中借鉴经验。(We can borrow experience from this successful case.)


1. "Borrowed time": 指时间不多,即将结束的状态。例如:I feel like I'm living on borrowed time these days, with all the work I have to do.

2. "Borrowed from someone/something": 指从某人或某物那里借鉴、借用。例如:The design of this dress is borrowed from a famous fashion designer.

3. "Borrowed interest": 指通过借用别人的话题或兴趣来吸引注意力。例如:She only talks about politics because she wants to show off her borrowed interest in current affairs.

4. "Borrowed money": 指借来的钱。例如:I can't afford to buy a new car, so I had to borrow money from my parents.

5. "Borrowed nostalgia": 指对过去的怀旧情绪,尤其是对自己没有经历过的时代的怀念。例如:She loves listening to old songs from the 80s, even though she was born in the 90s. It's like she has a borrowed nostalgia for that era.

6. "Borrowed power": 指依靠他人或外部力量来获得成功或实现目标。例如:He may seem confident and powerful, but it's all borrowed power from his influential family.

7. "Borrowed words": 指从其他语言借用的词汇。例如:English has many borrowed words from French, such as "rendezvous" and "entrepreneur".

8. "Borrowed trouble": 指无谓地给自己增添麻烦或烦恼。例如:Don't worry about what might happen, you're just borrowing trouble.

9. "Borrowed wit": 指借用他人的幽默来让自己显得有趣或风趣。例如:He's not actually funny, he just has a talent for borrowed wit and repeating jokes he heard from others.

10. "Borrowed identity": 指假冒他人的身份或角色。例如:She was caught using a borrowed identity to enter the club, and was kicked out immediately


1. Copied: 英语翻译

2. Adapted: 英语翻译

3. Utilized: 英语翻译

4. Repurposed: 英语翻译

5. Reused: 英语翻译

6. Employed: 英语翻译

7. Taken from: 英语翻译

8. Used from: 英语翻译

9. Utilized from: 英语翻译

10. Borrowed and translated: 英语翻译

