
语言百科2024-01-24 05:40:56留学世界





1. 瓶子:作为名词,bottle指的就是我们常见的容器,通常用来装饮料、调味料等。

2. 酒瓶:在英文中,“bottle”也可以指代酒瓶。所以如果你听到有人说“a bottle of wine”,那就是一瓶葡萄酒啦。

3. 扔瓶子:作为动词,“bottle”也可以表示扔瓶子的意思。比如说,在足球比赛中,球迷们经常会扔空酒瓶来表达自己的情绪。

4. 约架:还记得电影《西游记》里面孙悟空和牛魔王打架时候说的“let's go bottle”吗?在英文中,“go bottle”就是约架、打斗的意思。

5. 冷藏:如果你看到食物包装上面写着“keep refrigerated”,那么这种食物需要放在冰箱里冷藏保存。而“refrigerated”一词就是“bottled”的同义词。

6. 压制:在英文中,“bottle”也可以指压制、控制的意思。比如说,“I had to bottle my anger”就是我不得不控制住自己的愤怒。

7. 装弱:还有一种用法就是“bottle out”,表示装弱、退缩的意思。比如说,如果你原本想要参加一个挑战,但最后因为害怕而退缩了,那么你就可以说“I bottled out”。



1. 首先,我们来看一下bottle这个词的发音。它的正确发音是[bɒtl],其中的"o"发音为短元音,类似于单词"pot"中的发音。

2. 如果你觉得这个发音有点难记,可以尝试把它分解成两个部分来读。首先读"bot",像是在说"but"这个单词,然后再加上后面的"-tle",就像是读"-tle"这个单词一样。

3. 除了正式的发音外,还有一些地方会用到简化版的发音[bɑːtl]。这种发音比较接近于美式英语中的发音,在美国地区可能更常见。

4. 如果你想要更加生动地表达bottle这个词,可以尝试用一些俚语来代替。比如说"soda popper"或者"soda bottle"都可以表示可乐瓶。

5. 当然,在不同国家和地区还可能会有不同的称呼。比如在澳大利亚和新西兰,人们可能会称呼它为"schooner bottle"或者"schooner glass"。

6. 总之,无论你是想要学习正式还是非正式的发音方式,在掌握了基本规则后就能够轻松地读出bottle这个单词啦!记得多加练习,让你的发音更加准确流利


1. bottle的基本用法


2. bottle的发音


3. bottle作为名词的双语例句

- She filled the bottle with water. (她用水把瓶子装满了。)

- The perfume comes in a beautiful glass bottle. (这款香水装在一个漂亮的玻璃瓶子里。)

- The baby was happily playing with his toy bottle. (宝宝正在高兴地玩他的玩具奶瓶。)

4. bottle作为动词的双语例句

- She bottled up her emotions and didn't show any sign of sadness. (她把自己的情绪压抑起来,没有表现出任何悲伤的迹象。)

- The winemaker carefully bottled the wine to preserve its flavor. (酿酒师小心地把葡萄酒装瓶,以保持其风味。)

- The company is planning to bottle and sell their own brand of mineral water. (公司正在计划把自己的品牌矿泉水装瓶并销售。)

5. bottle的常见搭配短语

- a bottle of:一瓶

- empty bottle:空瓶子

- message in a bottle:漂流瓶

- pop the cork/bottle:打开软木塞/开启瓶子

- milk bottle:奶瓶

6. bottle作为动词的其他用法


- 压抑(情绪):She bottled up her anger and didn't say anything.

- 保存(记忆):He bottled up his childhood memories in a diary.

- 捕捉(动物):The zookeeper bottles up the newborn panda for protection.

7. bottle在英文中的常见表达方式


- hit the bottle:指喝酒放松或逃避现实。

例句:After losing his job, he hit the bottle and couldn't stop drinking.

- bottle it up:指压抑情绪或秘密。

例句:She always bottles up her feelings and never talks about her problems.

- bottled water:指瓶装水。

例句:I always carry a bottle of water with me when I go out.

- bottle out:指退缩或放弃。

例句:He was going to ask her out, but he bottled out at the last minute


1. "Message in a bottle":瓶中信,指用瓶子装载的信件。

2. "Bottom of the bottle":瓶底,指酒瓶底部。

3. "Bottle up":压抑,指把情绪或感情藏在心里。

4. "Bottle service":酒水服务,指在酒吧或夜总会提供的订购整瓶酒的服务。

5. "Bottle it":慌张,指在紧张的情况下失去自制力。

6. "Bottle opener":开瓶器,指用来打开瓶盖的工具。

7. "Bottle bank":垃圾箱,指专门收集玻璃瓶的垃圾箱。

8. "Full bottle":专家,指对某一领域非常懂行的人。

9. "Lightning in a bottle":闪电般的奇迹,形容极其罕见和难以捉摸的事物。

10. "Open a can of worms (or bottles)":惹上麻烦,形容引发一系列复杂问


1. Container - This is a common synonym for bottle, as it also refers to a vessel used for storing liquids.

2. Flask - A flask is a type of bottle with a narrow neck and a flat or rounded body, often used for carrying alcoholic beverages.

3. Vial - This refers to a small bottle used for storing medication or other substances in liquid form.

4. Jar - A jar is another type of container similar to a bottle, but with a wider opening and usually made of glass or plastic.

5. Canteen - A canteen is a type of bottle used for carrying water or other drinks while traveling or camping.

6. Decanter - This is a synonym for bottle that specifically refers to a vessel used for pouring and serving wine or other spirits.

7. Carafe - Similar to a decanter, this is also used for serving wine or other beverages, but typically has a narrower neck and may be made of glass or ceramic.

8. Jug - A jug is another type of container similar to a bottle, but usually larger in size and often used for holding liquids such as milk or juice.

9. Ampoule - An ampoule is a small sealed vial often used in medicine or chemistry to store and dispense precise amounts of liquid substances.

10. Vessel - This is another general term that can be used as a synonym for bottle, as it refers to any container that holds liquids.

11. Cruet - A cruet is typically smaller than a bottle and may have multiple compartments, often used for holding oil and vinegar in the kitchen.

12. Demijohn - This refers to large glass bottles with narrow necks, often used for fermenting and storing homemade wines or spirits.

13. Thermos - A thermos is an insulated container designed to keep drinks hot or cold, commonly used for carrying coffee, tea, soup, etc.

14. Bota - This is a traditional leather bottle typically used for carrying wine or other liquids while hiking or traveling.

15. Squeeze bottle - This type of bottle has a narrow opening and is designed for dispensing condiments or other thick liquids by squeezing the bottle.

16. Tumbler - A tumbler is a type of glass with a flat bottom and no handle, often used for serving water or other beverages at meals.

17. Growler - A growler is a large glass or ceramic bottle used for storing and transporting beer from a brewery.

18. Miron jar - This refers to a special type of dark violet glass jar that is said to preserve the contents better than regular glass bottles.

19. Hip flask - A hip flask is a small, flat container designed for carrying alcohol in one's pocket, often used for discreetly drinking on the go.

20. Vodka bottle - This refers to a specific type of bottle commonly used for storing and selling vodka, often made of clear glass with unique designs and labels

