
语言百科2024-01-24 10:34:56留学世界




1. 肠道的意思:bowel一词源自于拉丁语的 “botellus”,意为 “小肠”,在英文中指的是人类消化系统的一部分,也就是我们常说的肠道。它由小肠和大肠组成,是人体消化食物、吸收营养以及排除废物的重要器官。

2. 与内脏有关:除了指肠道,bowel也可以用来指内脏器官。比如 “intestinal bowel obstruction” 指的是肠梗阻,而 “bowel movement” 则是指排便。

3. 情感表达:在日常生活中,bowel也可以用来表达情感。比如 “I have a gut feeling” 意为 “我有一种直觉”,“I hate his guts” 则表示对某人极度厌恶。

4. 笑点满满:不得不说,“bowel” 这个词在英文里还有一个非常幽默的用法。当你听到别人说 “He has a lot of guts” 的时候,别惊讶!这里其实是在夸奖对方勇敢、有胆量。因为在英文中,“guts” 和 “bowels” 都可以指肠道。所以当你听到这句话时,不妨回应一句:“That's a lot of bowel!”,让场面更加欢乐


1. 什么是bowel?


2. 如何正确读音?


3. 为什么要了解bowel的发音?


4. 如何正确使用bowel这个词?


- The bowel is an important part of the digestive system.


- A healthy diet can help maintain a healthy bowel.


- The doctor examined her bowels and found no abnormalities.


5. 有哪些相关词汇?


- Intestine:肠子,是bowel的同义词。

- Digestive system:消化系统,包括口腔、食管、胃、小肠和大肠等器官。

- Digestion:消化,指食物在消化道中被分解为营养物质并被吸收的过程。

- Absorption:吸收,指营养物质被身体吸收利用的过程


1. Bowel的含义


2. Bowel的用法

- 名词:The patient has a blockage in his bowel.(病人的肠道有堵塞)

- 动词:She needs to go to the bathroom to bowel.(她需要去卫生间排便)

3. Bowel的双语例句

- The doctor prescribed a laxative to help relieve her bowel movements.(医生开了一种泻药来帮助她排便)

- Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fiber can improve your bowel health.(摄入平衡的膳食和足够的纤维可以改善你的肠道健康)

- The patient complained of abdominal pain and bloating, which may be symptoms of a bowel obstruction.(病人抱怨腹痛和胀气,这可能是肠梗阻的症状之一)

4. Bowel在日常生活中也经常被用来形容某件事情非常恶心或令人不快。例如:

- The smell in the bathroom was absolutely foul, it turned my stomach and made me want to avoid boweling for the rest of the day.(卫生间里的味道实在太恶心了,让我恶心得想要避免整天排便)


1. Bowel movement - 排便

2. Bowel obstruction - 肠梗阻

3. Inflammatory bowel disease - 炎症性肠病

4. Irritable bowel syndrome - 肠易激综合征

5. Bowel cancer - 结肠癌

6. Bowel resection - 肠切除术

7. Small bowel - 小肠

8. Large bowel - 大肠

9. Bowel incontinence - 大便失禁

10. Bowel cleansing - 肠道清洁

11. Bowel flora - 肠道菌群

12. Bowel transit time - 肠通时间

13. Irritable bowel disease (IBD) - 肠易激症

14. Bowel habit training - 排便习惯训练

15. Slow transit constipation (STC) – 慢性传输性便秘

16.Bowel preparation – 准备肠镜检查的肠道清洁过程

17.Bowel sounds – 肠鸣音

18.Bowel movement frequency – 排便频率

19.Bowel urgency – 排便紧迫感

20.Bowel decompression – 减压排气


1. Intestine - This refers to the long, tube-shaped organ in the body that is responsible for digesting food and absorbing nutrients.

2. Gut - This is a more informal term for the intestine, often used in everyday language.

3. Colon - This is the part of the large intestine that helps to absorb water and electrolytes from digested food.

4. Digestive tract - This is the pathway through which food travels in the body, including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

5. Gastrointestinal system - This refers to all of the organs involved in digestion, including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas.

6. Entrails - A more archaic term for the internal organs of an animal or human body.

7. Bowels - This can refer to both the small and large intestines or be used as a general term for all of the organs involved in digestion.

8. Innards - An informal term for internal organs, often used in a humorous or exaggerated way.

9. Viscera - This refers to all of the internal organs located within the abdominal cavity.

10. Insides - Another informal term for internal organs or specifically for the digestive system

