
语言百科2024-01-25 15:27:59留学世界



1. 什么是breeding



2. breeding的发音


3. breeding与breed的区别


4. breeding在不同领域中的含义


5. breeding的重要性


6. breeding与动物保护



1. 先来一点幽默:breeding是不是听起来有点像“布瑞丁”?说出来感觉很像是在念一个帅气的男生名字,其实这个单词的发音也是很简单的。

2. 重音在哪里?首先,我们要知道breeding这个单词的重音在第二个音节,也就是“breed”的部分。

3. “bree”怎么发音?这个部分读起来就像是“bree”一样,注意不要把“ee”读成“i”的发音,不然就变成了“brid”,那就太奇怪了。

4. “ding”的发音:最后一个音节“ding”的发音其实和英文中的“ring”很像,只不过换了一个辅音字母。“ding”读起来就像是叮当铃声一样,轻松又好记。

5. 总结一下:所以,breeding的正确发音应该是[bree-ding]。重点在第二个音节,“bree”要读清楚,“ding”的发音要轻松自然。试试看吧,你也可以轻松地念出这个单词啦!


1. 什么是breeding?


2. breeding的双语例句

1) The breeding of endangered species is crucial for their survival.(繁殖濒危物种对其生存至关重要。)

2) Good manners are a sign of good breeding.(良好的举止是高贵教养的象征。)

3) The company is committed to the breeding and training of high-quality employees.(公司致力于培养和训练高素质员工。)

4) The school focuses on the breeding of talented individuals in various fields.(学校专注于各领域人才的培养。)

5) His arrogance shows a lack of proper breeding.(他的傲慢表明他缺乏适当的教养。)

3. 培育自信心

除了字面上的意思,breeding也可以指代某种品质或特质的培养和发展。比如我们常说“有教养”的人,就是指具备良好教育背景和优秀品格的人。而当下的年轻人更注重内在的培养,比如自信心。所以,我们可以说“breeding self-confidence”来表达“培养自信心”的意思。

4. 培育良好习惯

另外,breeding也可以指代某种良好的习惯或行为模式的培养。比如我们常说“有素质”的人,就是指具备良好的行为规范和社会道德的人。因此,我们可以说“breeding good habits”来表达“培养良好习惯”的意思。



1. breeding的词性


2. breeding的常见搭配

- selective breeding:选择性繁殖,指通过人工选择优良品种进行繁殖来改良物种。

- animal breeding:动物繁殖,指对动物进行人工控制的繁殖活动。

- plant breeding:植物育种,指通过人工选择和交配改良植物的特征和品质。

- responsible breeding:负责任的繁殖,指对动物或植物进行繁殖时要考虑其健康和福利。

- inbreeding:近亲交配,指同一品种内不同个体间的交配活动。

- crossbreeding:杂交,指不同品种或种类间的交配活动。

3. breeding的相关词汇

- breed:动词,意为“繁殖;养育”,例如:“These animals are bred for their wool.”(这些动物是为了它们的毛而被培育出来的。)

- breeder:名词,意为“饲养者;培育者”,例如:“She is a responsible dog breeder.”(她是一位负责任的犬类饲养者。)

- offspring:名词,意为“后代;子孙”,例如:“The offspring of these two animals are very healthy.”(这两只动物的后代非常健康。)

- lineage:名词,意为“血统;世系”,例如:“This breed has a long and distinguished lineage.”(这个品种有着悠久而杰出的血统。)

4. breeding的同义词和反义词

- 同义词:reproduction、procreation、multiplication

- 反义词:infertility、sterility

5. breeding在句子中的用法

- The dog breeder has been breeding champion dogs for over 20 years.(这位犬类饲养者已经培育出冠军犬超过20年了。)

- The selective breeding of plants has led to the development of new and improved varieties.(对植物进行选择性繁殖已经导致了新品种的发展和改良。)

- Inbreeding can lead to health problems in animals due to the lack of genetic diversity.(近亲交配可能会导致动物健康问题,因为缺乏基因多样性。)

6. breeding的常见错误用法

- 错误:She is responsible for the breeding of these animals.

正确:She is responsible for breeding these animals.


- 错误:The breed of this horse is very popular.

正确:This breed of horse is very popular.


7. breeding的常见扩展用法

- breeding ground:滋生地,指动物或植物繁殖的场所。

- pure breeding:纯种繁殖,指同一品种内个体间的交配活动。

- breeding season:繁殖季节,指动物或植物进行繁殖的特定时期。

- good breeding:良好的家教,指受过良好教育和培养的人。

- bad breeding:粗鲁无礼,指缺乏良好教养和修养。



1. Reproduction

- Definition: the process of producing offspring or new individuals of the same species.

- Example: The breeding of horses is a complex process that requires careful planning and management.

2. Propagation

- Definition: the act of increasing or spreading something, especially by natural or artificial means.

- Example: The propagation of plants through seeds is a common method used in gardening.

3. Procreation

- Definition: the act of producing offspring or reproducing.

- Example: The ultimate goal of any species is procreation, ensuring the continuation of its genetic lineage.

4. Generation

- Definition: the production or creation of something.

- Example: The breeding of new ideas and innovations is essential for progress and development in any field.

5. Offspring

- Definition: the result of reproduction, usually referring to children or young animals.

- Example: The quality and health of an animal's offspring are often used as indicators for its breeding potential.

6. Descendants

- Definition: individuals who are descended from a particular ancestor.

- Example: The descendants of a famous racehorse are highly sought after for their potential in breeding future champions.

7. Lineage

- Definition: the series of ancestors from which someone or something is descended.

- Example: The lineage of thoroughbred horses can be traced back for centuries, with careful breeding practices ensuring their continued excellence on the racetrack.

8. Bloodline

- Definition: a line of descent traced through blood relationships.

- Example: Breeders often focus on maintaining specific bloodlines in order to preserve desirable traits in their animals.

9. Heredity

- Definition: the passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.

- Example: Genetics plays a crucial role in determining an animal's breeding potential, as certain traits and characteristics can be inherited from their parents.

10. Genetics

- Definition: the study of genes and heredity in living organisms.

- Example: With advancements in genetic research, breeders are now able to make more informed decisions when it comes to breeding animals for specific traits and qualities

