
语言百科2024-01-26 05:07:59留学世界



1. 指导教育:bring up一词源于英文,意为“培养”、“抚养”,通常指对孩子进行教育和引导。


2. 提及或提出:除了指代对孩子的教育,bring up也可以用来表示提及或提出某个话题或想法,比如“我想跟你谈谈我们的未来,你怎么看?”就可以说成“I want to bring up our future and see what you think about it.”

3. 带来某种感觉或记忆:bring up也可以用来表示带来某种感觉或记忆,比如“这首歌让我想起了我们一起度过的那个夏天。”就可以说成“This song brings up memories of that summer we spent together.”

4. 提高水平:在一些专业领域中,bring up也可以表示提高水平,比如在体育中,“他的训练计划帮助他提高了自己的速度。”就可以说成“His training plan brought up his speed.”

5. 引发争议:最后,bring up也可以用来表示引发争议或讨论。比如“他在会议上提出了一个有争议的建议。”就可以说成“He brought up a controversial proposal at the meeting.”


1. bringup的发音

bringup的发音为 /brɪŋˈʌp/,其中的“br”发音为/b/,“ing”发音为/ɪŋ/,“u”发音为/ʌ/,“p”发音为/p/。

2. bringup的词性和词义


3. bringup的同义词和近义词


4. bringup的用法示例

a) My parents brought me up to be independent and self-reliant.


b) He was brought up in a strict household.


c) The teacher brought up an interesting point during the discussion.


d) The company is bringing up a new generation of leaders through its training program.


5. bringup与其他短语搭配

a) bring up to date:使更新,使符合最新情况

b) bring up the rear:在队伍最后面,处于最后一位

c) bring up the subject:提及话题,谈论某事

d) bring up children:抚养孩子

6. bringup的词源

bringup源自古英语的bryngan up,意为“提升;抚养”。其中的up一词来自原始日耳曼语中的upp,意为“向上”。

7. bringup的衍生词

a) upbringing:n. 抚养;教育;成长环境

b) brought up:adj. 成长于…的,受过…教育的

8. bringup相关词汇

a) upbringing:n. 抚养;教育;成长环境

b) upbringing cost:抚养费用

c) child-rearing:n. 抚养孩子,育儿


1. 用法

bringup是一个动词,意为“抚养,培养,教育”。它可以指抚养孩子,培养某种能力或特质,也可以指提出某个话题或问题。它的过去式和过去分词形式分别为brought up和brought up。

2. 双语例句

1) She was brought up by her grandparents after her parents passed away.


2) It's important to bring up children in a loving and supportive environment.


3) My parents brought me up to always be respectful to others.


4) The teacher brought up the topic of climate change in class today.




1. bring up to date:使更新、使现代化

例句:The company is constantly working to bring up to date its products and services to meet the changing needs of its customers.

2. bring up the rear:走在最后面、排在最后

例句:The slowest runner always brings up the rear in our group.

3. bring up a topic:提出一个话题

例句:I don't want to bring up a topic that might make you uncomfortable, but have you thought about your future plans?

4. bring up children:抚养孩子

例句:It takes a lot of patience and hard work to bring up children, but it's also very rewarding.

5. bring up the past:提起过去的事情

例句:Let's not bring up the past, we need to focus on moving forward and finding a solution.

6. bring someone up short:使某人突然停下来、吃惊不已

例句:His rude comment brought me up short and I didn't know how to respond.

7. bring someone or something into line with something:使某人或某事符合某标准或要求

例句:The new regulations are meant to bring companies into line with ethical standards.

8. bring about change:引起变化、促成改变

例句:It's time for us to come together and work towards bringing about change in our community.

9. bring something into effect/operation/use:使某物生效/运作/使用

例句:The new law will be brought into effect next month, so make sure you are aware of the changes.

10. bring something home (to someone):让某人明白某事的重要性、使某人感受到

例句:Seeing the poverty in the developing country really brought home the importance of giving back and helping those in need.

11. bring something to a close/end:结束某事

例句:After months of negotiations, the two sides finally brought the dispute to a close.

12. bring something to light:揭露、使暴露

例句:The investigation brought some shocking information to light about the company's illegal activities.

13. bring something to mind:使想起、使记起

例句:The smell of freshly baked cookies always brings happy childhood memories to mind.

14. bring something to perfection:使完美

例句:With years of practice, she finally brought her cooking skills to perfection.

15. bring someone/something into disrepute: 使某人/某事名声扫地

例句: His scandalous behavior has brought the entire company into disrepute


1. Raise - This is the most common synonym for bring up. It means to lift or elevate something or someone to a higher position or level. In the context of raising children, it means to care for and educate them.

2. Nurture - This word also has a similar meaning to bring up, but it emphasizes the idea of providing care and support for someone's growth and development.

3. Rear - This word can be used as a synonym for bring up, especially when referring to raising children. It means to raise, care for, and educate them until they reach adulthood.

4. Train - This word can also be used as a synonym for bring up, specifically when talking about teaching someone skills or behaviors.

5. Foster - This word has a slightly different connotation than bring up, as it implies providing temporary care and support for someone who is not your own child.

6. Cultivate - Similar to nurture, this word emphasizes the idea of fostering growth and development in someone through careful attention and effort.

7. Educate - This word can be used as a synonym for bring up when referring to the process of teaching and instructing children in various subjects or skills.

8. Rearrange - While this word may not seem like an obvious synonym for bring up, it can be used in certain contexts where one is referring to rearranging or reorganizing something in order to improve it or make it more suitable.

9. Train up - A more informal way of saying "bring up," this phrase implies the idea of teaching and guiding someone in a specific direction or path.

10. Instill - Similar to train up, this word suggests gradually introducing something into someone's mind or character through persistent effort and repetition.

11. Develop - While not often used as a direct synonym for bring up, this word can be used when talking about nurturing or fostering growth in someone's abilities or qualities over time.

12. Inculcate - This word has a similar meaning to instill, but it often carries a stronger connotation of teaching or impressing something upon someone's mind or character.

13. Rear up - Another informal synonym for bring up, this phrase can be used to describe the process of raising and caring for children until they reach adulthood.

14. Raise up - This phrase can be used as a synonym for bring up, especially when referring to the idea of lifting someone or something to a higher level or position.

15. Support - While not an exact synonym for bring up, this word can be used in certain contexts where one is providing care and assistance to someone's growth and development

bringup是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是培养、抚养。在发音上,它的读音为 [brɪŋ ʌp]。在使用中,我们可以说“bring up a child”来表示“抚养孩子”,也可以说“bring up a topic”来表示“提出一个话题”。除此之外,还有一些与bringup相关的常用词组,比如“bring up to date”(使更新)、“bring up the rear”(排在最后)等等。如果你想要表达相同的意思,还可以使用其同义词raise、nurture等。希望本文能够帮助到你,如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我将会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。我是网站编辑,感谢您的阅读!
