
语言百科2024-01-27 03:32:01留学世界



1. 发音:brush的发音为/bɹʌʃ/,其中/r/发音为舌尖卷起,/ʌ/发音为嘴唇张开,/ʃ/发音为舌尖抵住上齿龈。


2. 含义:brush作为名词时,可以指刷子、刷牙器具等物品;作为动词时,则表示刷、擦拭的意思。但在当下年轻人的语言中,brush也常被用来表示“忽略、不理着”的含义。例如,“他对我的感情完全brush掉了”。

3. 笑点:那么,你是不是也有过被别人brush掉的经历呢?或许有一天你会发现,自己也曾经把某件事情或某个人给brush掉了。这样幽默的用法,让我们对于brush这个单词有了更加生动的理解。

4. 真实情感:当我们听到别人说“我被他brush掉了”,或者自己用这句话来形容自己时,内心可能会有些许失落和无奈。因为在当下社会中,“忙碌”和“高效”似乎成了一种价值观,我们很容易就忽略了身边的人和事。而使用brush这个词语,也许就是一种对这种现实的调侃和抗议。

5. 幽默感:尽管brush的含义并不是很正面,但它却有着一种幽默感。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来调侃自己或者朋友的懒惰和忽略,也可以用来解压和缓解压力。所以,无论是作为名词还是动词,brush都是一个充满幽默感的单词。

6. 总结:从发音到含义再到幽默感,brush都是一个非常有趣的单词。它既可以指代物品和动作,又可以用来表达情感和态度。希望通过本小节的介绍,你能够更加了解并喜欢上这个有趣的单词


1. 作为名词使用

- brush的基本含义是“刷子”,它可以用来清洁、涂抹或梳理物体表面。例如:

- I need a brush to clean my shoes.(我需要一把刷子来清洁我的鞋子。)

- She is using a brush to apply makeup.(她正在用刷子来化妆。)

- The dog's fur was matted, so I brushed it.(狗的毛发打结了,所以我给它梳理了一下。)

2. 作为动词使用

- brush作为动词时,意思是“擦拭”、“刷洗”或“轻轻触碰”。例如:

- She brushed her hair before going out.(她出门前梳理了头发。)

- He brushed the dust off his jacket.(他把上衣上的灰尘刷掉了。)

- The cat brushed against my leg as it walked by.(猫走过时轻轻碰了一下我的腿。)

3. 比喻意义


- I don't want to brush with danger again.(我不想再与危险接触了。)

- We brushed shoulders in the crowded hallway.(我们在拥挤的走廊上肩并肩走过。)

- She brushed against fame when her book became a bestseller.(她的书成为畅销书时,她接触到了名声。)

4. brush的常见搭配

- brush up on:复习、温习。例如:I need to brush up on my Spanish before my trip to Spain.(我需要在去西班牙旅行前复习一下西班牙语。)

- brush off:摆脱、拒绝。例如:He brushed off my invitation to the party.(他拒绝了我的聚会邀请。)

- brush aside:忽视、不理着。例如:She brushed aside his comments and continued with her presentation.(她不理着他的评论,继续做她的演讲。)

5. 例句

1) I always use a soft-bristled brush to clean my teeth.

2) The painter used a large brush to cover the canvas with bold strokes.

3) He brushed the crumbs off his shirt after finishing his sandwich.

4) The two runners were neck and neck, brushing against each other as they raced towards the finish line.

5) She decided to brush up on her French before her trip to Paris next month.

6) He tried to explain his mistake, but she just brushed him off and walked away.

7) The CEO brushed aside the concerns of the employees and continued with his decision.

8) She couldn't believe her luck when she brushed against her celebrity crush at the grocery store.

9) The artist was careful not to brush too hard and ruin the delicate painting.

10) I always keep a lint roller handy to brush off any pet hair from my clothes


1. Scrub - 洗刷

- 用刷子或者手来洗涤表面,通常是为了清除污垢或者污染物。

- 例如:I need to scrub my shoes before going out.

2. Sweep - 扫除

- 用扫帚来清理地面,通常是为了去除灰尘或者杂物。

- 例如:I swept the floor before guests arrived.

3. Polish - 抛光

- 使用布或者抛光剂来使表面变得光滑,通常是为了使其更加闪亮。

- 例如:She spent hours polishing her silverware.

4. Clean - 清洁

- 使用水和清洁剂来去除污垢和杂物,通常是为了保持卫生和干净。

- 例如:I need to clean my room before my parents come home.

5. Wipe - 擦拭

- 使用布或者纸巾来轻轻擦拭表面,通常是为了去除灰尘或者污渍。

- 例如:She wiped the counter after cooking dinner.

6. Dust - 去尘

- 使用抹布或者吸尘器来去除表面的灰尘,通常是为了保持干净和卫生。

- 例如:I need to dust the shelves in my room.

7. Mop - 拖地

- 使用拖把和水来清洁地板,通常是为了去除污垢和污渍。

- 例如:I mop the kitchen floor every week.

8. Shine - 发光

- 使用布或者抛光剂来使表面变得闪亮,通常是为了增加光泽。

- 例如:He shined his shoes before the job interview


1. Brush up on: 指复习或重温某个知识或技能,例如:I need to brush up on my Spanish before my trip to Spain.

2. Brush off: 指忽视或拒绝,例如:He just brushed off my suggestion without even considering it.

3. Brush against: 指轻轻碰触,例如:The cat brushed against my leg as it walked by.

4. Brush away: 指擦去或清除,例如:She quickly brushed away the tears from her eyes.

5. Brush aside: 指不予理着,忽略,例如:He brushed aside all of my concerns and continued with his plan.

6. Brush with fame: 指与名人有过接触或经历,例如:She had a brief brush with fame when she appeared in a popular TV show.

7. Paintbrush: 画笔,用于绘画的工具。

8. Toothbrush: 牙刷,用于刷洗牙齿的工具。

9. Hairbrush: 发刷,用于梳理头发的工具。

10. Makeup brush: 化妆刷,用于上妆的工具。

11. Bottle brush: 瓶刷,用于清洁瓶子内部的工具。

12. Grill brush: 烧烤刷,用于清洁烧烤架的工具。

13. Paint roller brush: 滚筒刷,用于涂抹油漆的工具。

14. Dustpan and brush: 簸箕和刷子,用于清理灰尘的工具。

15. Brush fire: 火灾,指由于植物或树木起火而引发的燃烧


1. 刷牙:在日常生活中,我们通常会使用brush这个词来指代刷牙。比如说,"I brush my teeth every morning."(我每天早上都会刷牙。)这里的brush就表示用牙刷刷牙的意思。

2. 刷子:除了刷牙,brush也可以指代一种工具——刷子。比如说,"Can you pass me the brush?"(你能把刷子递给我吗?)这里的brush就表示一种用来清洁或涂抹物体的工具。

3. 拂尘:在古老的英国文学作品中,我们也可以看到brush被用来指代拂尘。比如说,在莎士比亚的作品《仲夏夜之梦》中,有这样一句话:"I'll put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes."(我将在四十分钟内绕地球一圈。)这里的girdle就是指拂尘。

4. 刮胡子:在美国英语中,brush还可以指代剃须刀。比如说,在电影《海军罪案调查处》中,主人公对着镜子说:"I need to brush before we go out."(我们出门前我需要先刮个胡子。)这里的brush就表示剃须刀。

5. 轻碰:除了实物,brush还可以表示一种动作——轻碰。比如说,"She brushed her lips against his cheek as a sign of affection."(她轻轻地吻了吻他的脸颊,表示爱意。)这里的brush就表示轻轻接触。

6. 擦过:在某些场合,brush也可以指代一种动作——擦过。比如说,在讨论足球比赛时,我们可以说:"The ball just brushed the goal post."(球刚好擦过了球门柱。)这里的brush就表示擦过。

7. 快速移动:在美国英语中,brush还有一个意思是快速移动或穿过。比如说,在电影《速度与激情》中,主人公们会说:"I just brushed past that car."(我刚刚从那辆车旁边快速穿过。)这里的brush就表示快速移动。


