
语言百科2024-01-27 20:27:02留学世界



1. 什么是bun?



2. bun在翻译行业中的意思

在翻译行业中,bun通常被用作一个缩写,代表“business unit number”,即“业务单元编号”。这个术语通常出现在商务文件或合同中,用于标识不同的业务部门或项目。

3. bun也可以指代其他内容


4. 为什么选择用bun作为翻译行业标题?


5. bun带来的幽默感



1. 英文单词“bun”的发音为/bʌn/,其中/b/为清辅音,/ʌ/为开元音,/n/为鼻音。

2. 在英式英语中,“bun”通常发音为/bʊn/,其中/u:/发音较短,类似于汉语拼音中的“u”。

3. 在美式英语中,“bun”的发音可能会有所不同,一般会将/u:/发音延长,类似于汉语拼音中的“uu”。

4. “bun”的读法与汉语拼音中的“本”相近,但要注意不要将/u:/读成“卜”,也不要在末尾加上声调。

5. 在英文中,“bun”的复数形式为“buns”,读法仍然保持不变。

6. 除了作为单词,“bun”还可以作为动词使用,在这种情况下读作/bʌn/,意思是把头发或头部卷起来或盘起来。

7. “bun”也可以用来指代一种圆形的面包或甜点,在这种情况下读作/bʌn/,类似于汉语拼音中的“饼”


1. Bun的基本含义


2. Bun作为“面包卷”的用法

在英文中,Bun通常指代一种小巧的圆形面包,通常是甜味或香料味道。它可以作为早餐、下午茶或甜点食用,也可以作为快餐中的主食。例如:“I had a cinnamon bun for breakfast this morning.”(今天早上我吃了一个肉桂面包卷。)

3. Bun作为“发髻”的用法

在英文中,“bun”还可以指代女性在头顶上扎成圆形或椭圆形的发髻。这种发型通常被认为是优雅和精致的象征。例如:“She put her hair up in a bun for the wedding.”(她把头发扎成了结婚式上那种圆发髻。)

4. Bun作为“包子”的用法

在英文中,“bun”也可以指代一种中国传统食品——包子。它是一种由面粉皮包裹馅料而成的小吃,在西方国家越来越受欢迎。例如:“I love steamed buns with pork filling.”(我喜欢带有猪肉馅料的蒸包子。)

5. Bun的双语例句

- Could I have a hot cross bun, please?(请给我一个热十字面包卷,好吗?)

- She always wears her hair in a bun, it suits her well.(她总是把头发扎成发髻,这个发型很适合她。)

- My mom makes the best buns, they are so soft and delicious.(我妈妈做的包子最好吃,又软又美味。)

- The bun is filled with red bean paste and steamed until it's fluffy.(这个包子里面填满了红豆沙,蒸得松软可口。)


1. Hot cross bun - 热十字面包

2. Cinnamon bun - 肉桂面包

3. Burger bun - 汉堡包面包

4. Sticky bun - 黏糊糊的面包

5. Sesame seed bun - 芝麻面包

6. Braided bun - 编织式面包

7. Steamed bun - 蒸馒头

8. Hamburger bun - 汉堡包的面包部分

9. Cinnamon roll bun - 肉桂卷面包

10. Bun hairstyle - 发髻发型


1. Roll - "Bun" is often used to refer to a type of bread roll, so "roll" can be considered a synonym for "bun".

2. Bunlet - This is a playful and cute way to refer to a small bun, similar to how "piglet" is used for a small pig.

3. Bap - In British English, this term is often used to describe a soft, round bread roll, making it another synonym for "bun".

4. Breadcake - This term is commonly used in Northern England and Scotland to refer to a type of soft bun or roll.

5. Scone - Although traditionally a baked good with different ingredients, some types of scones can resemble buns and can be considered synonyms in certain contexts.

6. Muffin - Similar to scones, muffins may also be considered synonyms for buns in certain cases due to their similar appearance and texture.

7. Doughnut - While not exactly the same as buns, doughnuts are also round bread-like treats that are often filled or topped with sweet flavors.

8. Pastry - In some cases, particularly with sweet buns like cinnamon rolls, the term "pastry" may be used interchangeably with "bun".

9. Bagel - While typically associated with savory toppings like cream cheese and lox, bagels can also be considered synonyms for buns due to their similar shape and texture.

10. Croissant - Another pastry that may be considered synonymous with buns in certain contexts due to its flaky texture and crescent shape

