
语言百科2024-01-28 09:07:02留学世界





1. “忙碌的”:这是最常见的用法,指某人在做很多事情,没有空闲的时间。例如:“I am busy with my work.”(我忙于工作。)

2. “繁忙的”:与“忙碌的”类似,但更强调事情的数量和复杂程度。例如:“The city is always busy during rush hour.”(在高峰时段,城市总是很繁忙。)

3. “占线的”:当你想打电话给某人但他们正在通话中时,你会听到电话提示音说“the line is busy”。这里的“busy”指对方正在使用电话。

4. “被占用的”:当你想去某个地方但发现所有座位都被别人占据时,你可以说“all the seats are busy”。这里的“busy”指被占用。

5. “充满活动的”:当一个地方或场所有很多人或事物时,可以说它是“busy”。例如:“The streets are always busy during the festival.”(节日期间街道总是很热闹。)

6. “使忙碌”:作为动词,busy也可以表示“使忙碌”。例如:“She is busy preparing for the party.”(她正忙着准备派对。)

7. “热门的”:在某个领域或行业中,如果某个人或事物很受欢迎,可以说它是“busy”。例如:“He is a busy actor in Hollywood.”(他是好莱坞备受欢迎的演员。)

8. “紧张的”:当某人感到压力很大,精神紧张时,可以说他们是“busy”。例如:“I have been very busy lately with all the exams.”(最近我被所有的考试弄得很紧张。)


1. 词性解释


2. 发音指南

在英语中,busy的发音为/bɪzi/,读音可以分为两个音节:bi 和 zi。注意发音时要轻声读第二个音节zi。

3. 基本用法


- She is always busy with her work.(她总是忙于工作。)

- The streets are very busy during rush hour.(上班高峰期街道非常繁忙。)

4. 搭配用法


- be/get busy:表示“变得忙碌”、“开始做某事”。例如:I need to get busy on my project.(我需要开始做我的项目了。)

- keep busy:表示“保持忙碌”。例如:She keeps herself busy with various activities.(她通过各种活动保持自己忙碌。)

- too busy to do something:表示“太忙以至于无法做某事”。例如:I'm too busy to go out tonight.(我今晚太忙了,没法出去。)

5. 句式转换


- be busy with something:表示“忙于做某事”。例如:She is busy with her studies.(她忙于学习。)

- be busy doing something:表示“忙于做某事”。例如:He is busy working on a new project.(他忙于做一个新项目。)

- be busy at something:表示“在做某事时很忙”。例如:I was too busy at work to answer your call.(我在工作时太忙了,没法接你的电话。)

6. 常见误用


- 不要将busy与介词in搭配使用。例如,错误用法为 “She is busy in her office.” 正确用法为“She is busy at her office.” 或者 “She is busy in her office working on a project.”

- 不要将busy与介词on搭配使用。例如,错误用法为 “He is too busy on his phone.” 正确用法为“He is too busy with his phone.”

- 不要将busy作为副词使用。例如,错误用法为“I'm very busily working on my project.” 正确用法为“I'm very busy working on my project.”


1. 用作形容词

- He is always busy with work. (他总是忙于工作。)

- The streets are busy during rush hour. (交通高峰期间街道很繁忙。)

2. 用作动词

- I am busy preparing for the exam. (我正忙着准备考试。)

- She is busy with her new project. (她正忙于她的新项目。)

3. 用作名词

- Sorry, I can't talk right now, I'm in the middle of a busy day. (抱歉,我现在不能说话,我正处于繁忙的一天中。)

- The restaurant is always busy on weekends. (这家餐厅周末总是很忙碌。)

4. 用作副词

- She works hard and keeps herself busy all day long. (她工作很努力,整天都在忙碌。)

- The streets are bustling with people, everyone seems to be busy doing something. (街上人来人往,每个人似乎都在忙着做些什么。)


1. He was too busy with his own work to help me out.


2. Sorry for keeping you waiting, I've been really busy lately.


3. My boss is always busy with meetings and business trips.


4. The city is always busy with tourists during the holiday season.


5. She is so busy with her kids that she hardly has time for herself.



1. Occupied

- The office was occupied with a flurry of activity.

- She was too occupied with work to attend the party.

- The restaurant is always occupied during lunch hours.

2. Engaged

- He was engaged in a heated debate with his opponent.

- My phone line is engaged, please call back later.

- The couple got engaged after dating for two years.

3. Active

- The children were active and energetic, running around the playground.

- The company has been actively expanding its market share in Asia.

- She leads an active lifestyle, participating in various sports and activities.

4. Productive

- Despite being busy, he always manages to be productive and efficient at work.

- The team had a productive meeting and came up with several solutions to the problem.

- She spent her busy day being productive, completing all her tasks on time.

5. Hectic

- Her schedule was so hectic that she barely had time to eat or sleep.

- The holiday season can be hectic for retail workers.

- After a hectic day at work, she likes to unwind by reading a book.

6. Bustling

- The city's streets were bustling with people during the festival.

- The market was bustling with activity as vendors shouted out their prices.

- She enjoys living in a bustling city where there's always something going on.

7. Jam-packed

- The concert was jam-packed with fans eager to see their favorite band perform.

-The conference room was jam-packed with attendees eager to learn from the guest speaker.

-The mall is always jam-packed during holiday sales.

8. Swamped

-The office was swamped with paperwork after the merger was announced.

-She's been swamped with schoolwork since the semester started.

-The restaurant is usually swamped during lunchtime rush hour.

9. Overloaded

-The server crashed because it was overloaded with too many requests at once.

-He felt overloaded with responsibilities and decided to take a break.

-She was overloaded with emotions when she received the good news.

10. Rushed

-He was constantly rushed at work, trying to meet deadlines and attend meetings.

-She felt rushed as she hurriedly got ready for her date.

-The store was always rushed during the holiday season


1. Busy as a bee - 忙得像只蜜蜂


2. Busy schedule - 忙碌的日程安排


3. Busybody - 爱管闲事的人


4. Keep busy - 保持忙碌


5. Busy work - 繁琐的工作


6. Busy signal - 占线信号


7. Too busy to breathe - 忙得连呼吸都顾不上


8. Busy with - 忙于做某事

用来表示某人正在做某件事情,表示忙碌的状态。比如:I'm busy with my work.(我正忙于我的工作。)

9. Busy season - 忙季


10. Busy street - 繁华街道


11. Busy signal - 占线信号


12. Busy as a one-armed paperhanger - 忙得像只单臂挂壁纸的人


13. Busy as a cat on a hot tin roof - 忙得像只在火热屋顶上的猫


14. Get busy - 开始行动/快点做事


15. Busy intersection - 繁忙的十字路口


16. Busy season - 忙季


17. Busy beaver - 忙碌的工作人员


18. Busy as a hen with one chick - 忙得像只只有一只小鸡的母鸡


19. Busy as a beaver - 忙得像只海狸


20. Too busy for one's own good - 忙到连自己都顾不上


