
语言百科2024-01-28 11:04:04留学世界



1. 概念解释



2. 起源


3. 用法示例

- He works as a butcher in the local market.


- The villagers often go to the butcher to buy fresh meat.


- The farmer will butcher the cow next week.


4. 引申含义


- 比喻性地指某人残忍、暴虐或残忍地对待某事物。

例如:The dictator is a butcher who has caused countless innocent lives.


- 在体育领域中,butcher也可以指表现粗暴、野蛮的运动员。

例如:The referee gave a yellow card to the butcher who tackled the player from behind.


5. 类似词汇

- Slaughterhouse: 意为“屠宰场”,指专门用来宰杀动物并加工肉类的场所。

- Meat market: 意为“肉类市场”,指出售各种肉类的市场。

- Butchery: 意为“屠杀、残杀”,也可以指屠宰场或者肉贩子的行业


1. 介绍butcher的含义:首先,让我们来了解一下butcher这个词的含义。它可以指代屠夫、肉贩子,也可以用作动词,表示屠宰或粗暴地杀戮。

2. 发音:要想正确读出butcher这个词,我们需要注意两点。首先是“u”的发音,它应该读作/u/而不是/u:/. 其次是“ch”的发音,它应该发出清晰的/k/音而不是/tʃ/.

3. 经典表达:除了基本的发音外,我们还可以学习一些常用的表达方式来加强对butcher这个词的理解。比如,“to butcher something”意为“把某物屠宰”,而“butcher's shop”则指“肉店”。

4. 幽默解读:说到屠夫,你可能会想到一个手持大刀、满身血迹的可怕形象。但其实,在英语中,“butcher”也可以用来形容某人在做某件事时非常笨拙或糟糕。“You butchered the cake!”就是一个例子。

5. 反问式调侃:最后,让我们来通过一个反问句来调侃一下这个标题吧。“Butcher怎么读?难道还有人会错读成‘巴切尔’吗?”是的,我也觉得这种读法很奇怪。所以,记住我们之前提到的发音规则就好啦


1. 用法


2. 双语例句

1)The butcher skillfully cut the meat into thin slices.


2)The butcher slaughtered the pig with one swift motion.


3)The soldiers were ordered to butcher all the innocent villagers.


4)She was shocked by his butchering of the English language.


5)He was known as a real butcher in business, always taking advantage of others for his own gain.



1. Cut like a butcher: 像屠夫一样砍

2. A butcher's job: 屠夫的工作

3. Butcher's block: 屠夫的砧板

4. Butcher's knife: 屠夫刀

5. Butcher's apron: 屠夫围裙

6. Butcher shop: 屠宰场

7. Meat market: 肉市场 (俗称屠宰场)

8. Blood and guts: 血腥残酷的景象

9. Meat and potatoes: 主要内容或基本要素 (比喻)

10. To be a lamb to the slaughter: 像羔羊一样被宰杀 (比喻)


1. Slaughterer: This word has a similar meaning to butcher and is often used to refer to someone who kills animals for food.

2. Meat cutter: This term is commonly used in the United States and Canada to describe someone who cuts and prepares meat for sale.

3. Carnicero: This is the Spanish word for butcher, and can be used interchangeably with the English term.

4. Butcherer: While not as commonly used as butcher, this word also refers to someone who prepares and sells meat products.

5. Meatman: This informal term is often used in a humorous or nostalgic way, harkening back to a time when butchers were more common in neighborhoods.

6. Sausage maker: This term specifically refers to someone who specializes in making sausages, but can also be used more broadly to describe a butcher.

7. Carver: This word is often used to describe someone who skillfully cuts meat into smaller pieces, such as carving a turkey or ham.

8. Charcutier: This French term refers to someone who specializes in preparing cured meats, such as salami or prosciutto.

9. Abattoir worker: This term specifically refers to someone who works in a slaughterhouse or meat processing plant.

10. Meat purveyor: This more formal term can be used to describe anyone involved in the business of selling meat products, including butchers

