
语言百科2024-01-28 18:18:03留学世界



1. 首先,让我们来解释一下buzzed这个词的意思。它其实是一个形容词,用来形容人们喝了一点酒后的状态。它可以翻译为“微醉”的意思,但它并不是完全醉酒的状态。

2. 如果你喝了一点点酒,感觉有些轻松,但还可以保持清醒和理智,那就可以说你是buzzed了。也就是说,你还没有达到完全醉倒的程度。


3. 这个词通常被年轻人使用,并且带有一种轻松愉快的语气。它可以用来形容在派对上喝了几杯小酒后的感觉,或者在朋友聚会时稍微放松下来的状态。

4. 与其他形容“喝了一点酒”的词汇相比,如“tipsy”、“drunk”,buzzed更加中性和温和。它并不具有负面含义,而是更加积极和愉快的描述。

5. 所以如果你听到有人说“我有点buzzed”,不要惊慌或担心他们是否已经喝得太多了。相反地,这可能只是他们在享受轻松愉快的时刻。

6. 总的来说,buzzed是一个非常流行的词汇,它可以用来形容轻松愉快的状态,也可以用来表示喝了一点点酒后的感觉。希望本次介绍能够帮助你更好地理解这个词,并在未来的交流中更加自信地使用它


1. "buzzed"是一个常用的英语俚语,通常指喝了一点酒或其他酒精饮料后的轻微醉醺状态。

2. 它的发音为/bʌzd/,读起来像是"巴兹德"。

3. 有时候也会被用来形容某人的兴奋或兴奋状态。

4. 如果你想要更加形象地表达这个词,可以将它拆分成两个音节,读作"buz-zed",重音在第一个音节上。

5. 这样读起来更加生动有趣,也符合当下年轻人的喜好阅读习惯。

6. 不过,在正式场合还是建议使用它的标准发音/bʌzd/


1. buzzed的意思是“微醺的”,通常用来形容喝了一点酒后的状态,有点像“微醉”的意思。例如:I'm feeling a bit buzzed after two glasses of wine.(我喝了两杯酒后感觉有点微醺。)

2. buzzed也可以用来形容一种轻松愉快的氛围,类似于“high”的意思。例如:We were all buzzed and having a great time at the party.(我们都很high,在派对上玩得很开心。)

3. 在美国俚语中,buzzed还可以指“吸毒后的状态”,类似于“high”。例如:He was acting really strange, like he was totally buzzed.(他表现得很奇怪,就像是吸毒后的状态。)

4. 双语例句:

- I'm not drunk, just a little buzzed from the champagne.


- The atmosphere at the concert was electric, everyone was buzzing with excitement.


- He's always buzzing around the office, never staying in one place for too long.


- After smoking that joint, I was totally buzzed and couldn't stop laughing.



1. "Buzzed"的含义:首先,让我们来了解一下"buzzed"这个词的含义。它通常被用来形容一种微醺的状态,比喝醉酒要轻微,但又超过了只是喝点酒的程度。那么,我们如何用英语来表达这种状态呢?

2. "Tipsy":如果你想要更加正式一点的说法,可以使用这个词。它意思也是微醺,但是更多地指代由于喝了一些酒而感到轻松和愉快。

3. "Slightly drunk":如果你想要表达得更加明确,可以使用这个词组。它直接说明了你已经有些喝醉了,但还没有完全失去理智。

4. "Feeling a little buzzed":这是一个非常常用的表达方式,在朋友间聚会时经常会听到。它形容了一种既轻松又兴奋的状态。

5. "A bit tipsy":类似于上一个词组,但是更加强调了喝醉的程度。它也可以用来表示自己已经有点失去控制了。

6. "Getting buzzed":当你正在慢慢地进入微醺状态时,可以使用这个表达方式。它可以用来形容一种逐渐变得轻松和愉快的感觉。

7. "Buzzed out":这是一个非常有趣的表达方式,它可以用来形容一种喝醉后的迷糊状态。当你感觉脑袋有些晕晕乎乎,但又不完全清醒时,就可以用这个词组来形容。

8. "In a buzzed mood":有时候,我们并不是真的喝醉了,但是心情却变得很轻松愉快。这时就可以说自己处于"buzzed mood"。

9. "A buzzed night out":如果你想要和朋友们一起出去玩,在事后回忆起来时,可以使用这个词组。它形容了一种既兴奋又微醺的夜晚。

10. "Buzzing with excitement":最后一个词组也是最常用的表达方式之一。它可以用来形容一种兴奋和高涨的情绪,就像喝了点酒之后那样


1. Tipsy

- Definition: slightly drunk or intoxicated

- Example: After a few glasses of wine, she was feeling a little tipsy.

2. Intoxicated

- Definition: affected by alcohol or drugs; drunk or under the influence

- Example: The driver was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

3. Inebriated

- Definition: drunk, intoxicated, or under the influence of alcohol

- Example: He became inebriated after drinking too much at the party.

4. Drunk

- Definition: affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior

- Example: He was so drunk that he couldn't even stand up straight.

5. Hammered

- Definition: extremely drunk or intoxicated; slang term for being very drunk

- Example: We got completely hammered at the bar last night.

6. Wasted

- Definition: very drunk or intoxicated; slang term for being extremely drunk and/or high on drugs

- Example: She was so wasted that she couldn't remember anything from the party.

7. Plastered

- Definition: very drunk or intoxicated; slang term for being heavily under the influence of alcohol or drugs

- Example: He got completely plastered at his bachelor party.

8. Sloshed

- Definition: slightly drunk or intoxicated; slang term for being a little bit tipsy

- Example: We were all feeling a little sloshed after a few rounds of shots.

9. Buzzed

- Definition: slightly drunk or intoxicated; slang term for being mildly under the influence of alcohol

- Example: She felt buzzed after having a few drinks with her friends.

10. Under the influence

- Definition: affected by alcohol, drugs, or other substances that impair one's mental and physical abilities

Example - He was pulled over and charged with driving under the influence

