
语言百科2024-01-30 19:47:07留学世界



1. "Cannot"是一个英文单词,由can和not两个词组合而成。

2. 它的意思是“不能,不可以”,表示某件事情不可能发生或不被允许。


3. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词,比如“我不能去参加聚会”、“这件衣服不能洗烘干”等等。

4. 除了表示否定之外,"cannot"也可以用来表达强烈的感情或态度,比如“我绝对不能原谅你”、“他们一定不能输给对手”等等。

5. 在口语中,"cannot"通常会被缩写为"can't",但在正式场合或书面语中仍然应该使用完整形式。

6. "Cannot"的反义词是"can",表示能够、可以的意思。

7. 这个单词也经常被用在各种谚语和格言中,比如“Where there's a will, there's a way.”(有志者事竟成)和“You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.”(有得必有失)等等。

8. 总的来说,“cannot”的含义很简单明了,但它却包含着丰富的情感和态度,在不同的语境下会有不同的解读


1. 考纳特(kan-nut):这是最常见的读法,也是最接近英文原音的发音。但是在日常生活中,很少有人会用这种读法。

2. 卡内特(ka-nut):这种读法在美式英语中比较常见,尤其是在美国南部地区。它的发音比较轻松,也比较接近“can not”的发音。

3. 卡娜特(ka-nat):这种读法在英式英语中比较流行,在澳大利亚和新西兰也很常见。它的发音比较平缓,有一种温柔的感觉。

4. 卡诺特(ka-not):这种读法在加拿大和北美地区比较流行,它的发音比较干脆利落。

5. 卡纳特(ka-nate):这种读法在南非和印度等地区比较流行。它的发音比较圆润,有一种舒服的感觉。



1. 什么是“cannot”?


2. “cannot”的用法

a. 作为情态动词,后面一般接动词原形,构成否定句或疑问句。

例:I cannot understand this math problem.(我不能理解这个数学题。)

Can you help me? - I cannot, I'm busy.(你能帮我吗?- 我不能,我很忙。)

b. 也可用作实义动词,表示“不允许”或“不可能实现”。

例:You cannot smoke in this building.(在这栋建筑物内禁止吸烟。)

I cannot believe he won the race.(我简直不敢相信他赢得了比赛。)

c. 在口语中,常缩写为“can't”。

例:I can't go to the party tonight, I have to work.(今晚我不能去参加派对,我得工作。)

3. “cannot”的双语例句

a. I cannot thank you enough for your help.


b. You cannot imagine how happy I am right now.


c. He cannot speak Chinese, but he can understand it.


d. I cannot believe you forgot my birthday!


e. We cannot go on vacation this year, we don't have enough money.


f. I cannot wait to see you in person.


g. They cannot decide where to go for dinner.



1. cannot help but

“cannot help but”是一个常用的词组,意为“不得不”,表示无法控制或抗拒某种情感或冲动。例如:“I cannot help but feel happy when I see my friends.”(当我见到朋友时,我忍不住感到开心。)

2. cannot afford

“cannot afford”是一个常用的短语,意为“负担不起”,表示没有足够的钱或资源来做某事。例如:“I cannot afford to buy a new car right now.”(我现在买不起一辆新车。)

3. cannot stand

“cannot stand”是一个常用的短语,意为“无法忍受”,表示对某种情况或行为感到非常厌恶。例如:“I cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke.”(我无法忍受香烟味道。)

4. cannot be bothered

“cannot be bothered”是一个常用的短语,意为“懒得去做某事”,表示没有兴趣或动力去做某件事情。例如:“I cannot be bothered to clean my room right now.”(我现在懒得打扫我的房间。)

5. cannot wait

“cannot wait”是一个常用的短语,意为“迫不及待”,表示非常期待做某件事情。例如:“I cannot wait to go on vacation next week.”(我迫不及待地想要下周去度假。)

6. cannot be replaced

“cannot be replaced”是一个常用的短语,意为“无法被替代”,表示某物或某人是不可替代的。例如:“My best friend cannot be replaced by anyone else.”(我的最好朋友无法被任何其他人取代。)

7. cannot be denied

“cannot be denied”是一个常用的短语,意为“无法否认”,表示某种事实或情况是不可否认的。例如:“The impact of climate change on our environment cannot be denied.”(气候变化对我们环境的影响是不可否认的。)

8. cannot be ignored

“cannot be ignored”是一个常用的短语,意为“无法忽视”,表示某种情况或问题是不能被忽视的。例如:“The safety concerns of the new product cannot be ignored.”(这个新产品的安全问题不能被忽视。)

9. cannot be underestimated

“cannot be underestimated”是一个常用的短语,意为“不能低估”,表示某种事物或情况具有重要性或影响力,不能被轻视。例如:“The power of education cannot be underestimated.”(教育的力量是不容小觑的。)

10. cannot resist

“cannot resist”是一个常用的短语,意为“无法抗拒”,表示对某物或某人有强烈吸引力,无法抵抗。例如:“I cannot resist the temptation of chocolate.”(我无法抗拒巧克力的诱惑。)


1. Unable to: This phrase is often used in formal situations, such as in legal documents or official statements. For example, "The company is unable to fulfill its financial obligations at this time."

2. Unable: Similar to "unable to," this word can also be used in formal contexts and implies a lack of ability or capability. For instance, "I am unable to attend the meeting tomorrow due to a prior commitment."

3. Incapable of: This phrase has a stronger connotation of being completely unable or lacking the necessary skills or qualities. For instance, "He is incapable of understanding the complexities of the situation."

4. Not able to: A more casual way of saying "unable to," this phrase is commonly used in everyday conversations. For example, "I'm not able to go out tonight because I have to study for an exam."

5. Forbidden from: This phrase indicates that something is not allowed or prohibited. For instance, "Employees are forbidden from using company resources for personal purposes."

6. Prohibited from: Similar to "forbidden from," this phrase also suggests that something is not allowed or restricted by rules or laws. For example, "Minors are prohibited from purchasing alcohol."

7. Disallowed: This word means not permitted or not allowed and can be used in both formal and informal contexts. For instance, "The use of cell phones during class is strictly disallowed."

8. Banned: This word has a similar meaning as "prohibited" and suggests that something is not allowed due to being deemed harmful or inappropriate. For example, "Smoking is banned in all public buildings."

