
语言百科2024-01-31 12:15:08留学世界




1. carefor是什么意思?



2. carefor在英语中有哪些用法?


3. carefor和care about有什么区别?

你可能会发现,care for和care about都含有关心的意思。但它们之间其实有一些微妙的区别。Care for更偏向于实际行动上的关怀和照顾,而care about则更多地强调情感上的关心和重视。

4. 除了英语中,其他语言中也有类似的表达吗?

是的,在英语以外的一些语言中也有类似表达。比如在法语中,就有“prendre soin de”的说法;在德语中,则是“sich kümmern um”。

5. carefor在当下年轻人中有什么流行用法吗?




1. carefor的正确读音是"keh-fawr",发音时要注意将"r"的音节延长。

2. 如果你想更加地道地发音,可以尝试将"r"的发音变得更轻,类似于英式英语中的发音。

3. 也可以简单地用"kair-for"来快速读出来,但这样会稍微偏离原本的发音。

4. 不管是哪种读法,都要记住重点在于第一个音节的读法,即"kair"或者"keh"。

5. 如果你想要让自己听起来更像是英语母语者,可以在最后一段加上一点儿尾声,变成"kair-forrrr"或者"keh-fawrrrrr"。

6. 不过最重要的是不要太拘泥于正确与否,在日常使用中只要能够被人理解就足够了。所以放轻松,随意发挥吧!


1. 什么是carefor?


2. carefor的用法


- She cares for her sick mother.(她照顾她生病的母亲。)

- He cares for the stray cats in his neighborhood.(他关心他们社区里流浪的猫。)

- We should care for our environment.(我们应该关心我们的环境。)


- She always cares for others' feelings.(她总是关心别人的感受。)

- They don't care for each other anymore.(他们不再彼此关心了。)

3. carefor的双语例句

1) He always cared for his younger brother, even when they were fighting.(即使在打架时,他也总是照顾他的弟弟。)

2) The nurses at the hospital are very caring and always care for their patients' needs.(医院里的护士非常关怀,并且总是照顾病人的需求。)

3) As a teacher, she not only cares for her students' academic performance, but also their personal growth.(作为一名老师,她不仅关心学生的学业表现,也关心他们的个人成长。)

4) It's important to care for your mental health as well as your physical health.(关心你的心理健康和身体健康同样重要。)

5) The government should care for the welfare of its citizens.(政府应该关心公民的福利。)


1. Take care of - 照顾,关心

例如:She always takes good care of her family.

2. Look after - 照料,照顾

例如:I have to look after my younger sister while my parents are away.

3. Attend to - 关注,照顾

例如:The nurse attended to the needs of the patients.

4. Care for - 关心,照顾

例如:He cares for his plants as if they were his children.

5. Show concern for - 表现出关心

例如:She showed great concern for her friend's well-being.

6. Pay attention to - 关注,留心

例如:You need to pay more attention to your health.

7. Mind - 在意,关心

例如:Do you mind if I borrow your book?

8. Be mindful of - 注意,留意

例如:Please be mindful of your surroundings when traveling alone.

9. Keep an eye on - 留意,照顾

例如:Can you keep an eye on my dog while I'm away?

10. Watch over - 监视,照顾

例如:The security guard watches over the building at night


1. Take care of: 照顾,关心

比如说,当你的朋友生病了,你可以说:“I will take care of you until you feel better.”(我会照顾你直到你感觉好转。)

2. Look after: 照料,照看

当你有一个小宠物时,你需要每天给它喂食、清洁它的笼子等等。所以你可以说:“I have to look after my pet every day.”(我每天都要照料我的宠物。)

3. Watch over: 守护,保护

如果你是一个姐姐或者哥哥,那么在父母不在家的时候,你可能需要看着弟弟妹妹们。这时候可以说:“I will watch over my siblings while our parents are away.”(父母不在家的时候我会保护我的兄弟姐妹们。)

4. Attend to: 关心,照顾

有时候我们可能会忽略一些细节,但是关心别人的感受是很重要的。比如说,“Please attend to your friend's needs and make sure they are comfortable.”(请关心一下朋友的需求并确保他们感觉舒适。)

5. Care for: 在乎,关爱

我们应该学会在乎身边的人,并且给予他们足够的关爱。比如说,“I care for you and will always support you.”(我在乎你,会一直支持你。)

6. Tend to: 关怀,照顾

有时候我们可能会忽略某些人的感受,但是我们应该学会关怀他们。比如说,“She tends to her elderly neighbors by helping them with groceries and running errands.”(她照顾她的老邻居,帮他们买菜和办事。)

7. Foster: 培养,促进

当我们与别人建立深厚的关系时,我们也在培养这种关系。比如说,“We should foster a sense of community and support each other.”(我们应该培养一种社区意识并相互支持。)

8. Nurture: 培育,抚育

当我们对某人非常关心时,我们会尽力帮助他们成长和发展。比如说,“As a teacher, it is my responsibility to nurture my students' talents and abilities.”(作为一名老师,我的责任是培育学生的才能和能力。)

9. Mind: 关心,在意

当我们在乎某人时,我们会想着他们并且注意他们的需要。比如说,“Please mind your sister while I am away.”(我离开的时候请照顾好你妹妹。)

10. Cherish: 珍惜,爱护

我们应该珍惜我们的关系和身边的人,不要因为琐事而忽略他们。比如说,“I cherish our friendship and will always be there for you.”(我珍惜我们的友谊,会一直在你身边。)

通过阅读本文,我们可以知道carefor是一个动词,意思是照顾,关心。它的发音为/kɛrˈfɔr/。在双语例句中,我们可以看到carefor经常和“家人”、“健康”等词搭配使用。除此之外,还有一些常用的词组,如“care for someone/something”、“take care of someone/something”。如果你想要表达同样的意思,也可以使用“look after someone/something”。最后,在文章中我们还提到了一些carefor的同义词示例,如“nurture”、“cherish”等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用carefor这个词汇。我是网站编辑,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的英语学习资料吧!谢谢阅读!
