
语言百科2024-02-02 05:37:09留学世界



1. 猫咪的英文单词是“cat”,它是一种可爱的小动物,通常被人们作为宠物。


2. “cat”也可以指代一种家养的小型猫科动物,与野生猫有所不同。

3. 在英语中,“cat”还可以用来形容一个性格狡猾、善于发现机会的人,类似于中文中的“狐狸精”。

4. “cat”也可以指代一种机械装置,用于抓取或提起重物。

5. 在俚语中,“cat”还可以指代一个年轻而吸引人的女子,类似于中文中的“美人儿”



1. 首先,最常见的意思就是指“猫”,这个大家都知道。不过,如果你想要说出更专业一点的单词,可以使用“feline”来代替哦。

2. 其次,“cat”也可以表示“猫科动物”,比如老虎、狮子等都属于“cat”。

3. 另外,“cat”还可以作为一个动词使用,意思是“抓住、抓取”。比如,“The cat caught the mouse.”(猫抓住了老鼠。)

4. 如果你听到有人说“to let the cat out of the bag”,那么它其实是一个习语,意思是“泄露秘密”。

5. 最后,“cat”还有一个特殊的用法,在音乐领域中表示“弹奏钢琴”。这可能和钢琴键盘上黑白相间的颜色有关。



1. cat的基本含义


2. cat作为名词的用法

a) 指代家养的宠物猫:My cat is very playful and loves to cuddle.


b) 泛指所有猫科动物:Lions, tigers, and leopards are all big cats.


3. cat作为动词的用法

Cat作为动词时,意思是“抓住”、“抓伤”、“捕捉”等。常见搭配有catch a cat和cat out。

例句:I accidentally stepped on my cat's tail and she scratched me.


4. cat还可以用来表示“女人”

这个用法源自于俚语,通常带有贬义色彩。比如,“crazy cat lady”就是指那些养了很多猫并且看起来有点古怪的女人。

5. 双语例句

a) I have two cats, one is black and the other is white.


b) The cat caught a mouse in the backyard.


c) She's such a crazy cat lady, she has 10 cats in her house.



1. "A cat's meow" - 猫的喵喵声

2. "Curiosity killed the cat" - 好奇心害死猫

3. "Let the cat out of the bag" - 泄露秘密

4. "Like herding cats" - 像赶羊一样困难

5. "The cat's pajamas" - 极好的事物

6. "A scaredy-cat" - 胆小鬼

7. "To play cat and mouse with someone" - 和某人玩猫捉老鼠的游戏,耍弄某人

8. "Has the cat got your tongue?" - 你怎么一言不发?

9. "To let the cat out of the bag" - 揭开真相,泄露秘密

10. "It's raining cats and dogs" - 大雨滂沱


1. Feline - This is a more formal term for cat and is often used in scientific or academic contexts.

2. Kitty - A popular term of endearment for cats, especially among children.

3. Puss - Another term of endearment for cats, often used in British English.

4. Tomcat - A male cat that has not been neutered.

5. Queen - A female cat that has not been spayed.

6. Kitten - A young cat, usually under one year old.

7. Tabby - Refers to the pattern of a cat's fur, but can also be used as a synonym for cat.

8. Moggy/Moggie - A colloquial term for a domestic cat, often used in British English.

9. Pussycat/Pussy - Terms of endearment for cats, often used by pet owners.

10. Furry friend/companion - Descriptive terms for cats that emphasize their role as pets and companions to humans.

11. Whiskers/Whiskered friend - Referring to the prominent facial hair of cats.

12. Fluffy/Fuzzball/Furball - Adjectives commonly used to describe the soft and fluffy appearance of cats.

13. Clawed creature/Scratcher - Referring to a cat's sharp claws and their tendency to scratch things.

14. Mouser/Rodent hunter - Cats are known for their hunting abilities and these terms highlight their skill at catching rodents and other small prey.

15. Purr machine/Purrer/Purring pal - Describing the sound that cats make when content or happy.

These are just some examples of synonyms for "cat" in English, but there are many more depending on the context and personal preferences of the speaker/writer.

It is important to note that while these words may have similar meanings, they may not always be interchangeable in every situation. For example, "feline" may be more appropriate in a scientific paper, while "kitty" would be more commonly used in casual conversation.

When translating the word "cat" into English, it is important to consider the context and intended audience to choose the most suitable synonym. This will ensure that the translation accurately conveys the intended meaning and tone

