
语言百科2024-02-05 03:16:14留学世界



1. cheat的定义



2. cheat的同义词


3. cheat的不同用法

除了作为动词和名词外,cheat还可以用作形容词和副词。作为形容词时,它意为“欺骗性的、虚假的”,如a cheat meal(一顿不健康的饭菜)。作为副词时,它意为“以欺骗手段”,如to play fair and not cheat(公平竞争,不使用欺骗手段)。

4. cheat在日常生活中的用法


5. cheat与其他相关概念的区别


6. cheat在文学作品中的使用


7. cheat在社会道德中的地位


8. cheat与道德教育


9. cheat在商业领域中的应用




1. Cheat的含义:Cheat一词可以用来表示欺骗、作弊、欺诈等意思,通常用作动词,也可以作为名词使用。

2. Cheat的发音:Cheat的发音为/tʃiːt/,读音与单词"sheet"相似,但重音在第一音节。

3. Cheat的使用场景:这个词通常用于非正式的口语交流中,比如和朋友闲聊、打游戏时等。如果在正式场合使用,可能会显得不太礼貌。

4. Cheat的同义词:除了cheat之外,还可以用trick、deceive、swindle等单词来表达类似的意思。

5. Cheat的反义词:与cheat相对的是honesty或者truthfulness,表示诚实和真实。

6. Cheat在句子中的用法:例如,“He always cheats in exams.”(他总是在考试中作弊。)“Don't cheat the system, it's not fair.”(不要欺骗系统,这样做是不公平的。)

7. Cheat在日常生活中的应用:除了指作弊,在日常生活中我们也可以把cheat理解为“耍小聪明”、“骗人”等意思。比如,“She cheated me out of my money.”(她骗走了我的钱。)“Don't try to cheat me, I know your tricks.”(别想骗我,我知道你的把戏。)

8. Cheat在文学作品中的运用:在一些文学作品中,cheat也可以表示欺骗自己或欺骗他人的心理活动。比如,“He cheated himself into believing that he was happy.”(他欺骗自己相信自己很快乐。)“She cheated her way into the top position.”(她通过欺骗的手段爬到了顶层职位。)

9. Cheat的幽默用法:有时候我们也会把cheat和eat(吃)联想在一起,制造一些幽默效果。比如,“I'm on a diet but I can't resist the temptation to cheat a little bit.”(我正在减肥,但是忍不住要偷吃一点。)“Don't cheat on your diet, it's not worth it.”(别偷吃东西破坏你的减肥计划,不值得。)

10. Cheat不仅仅是一个单词,它还有着丰富多彩的用法和意义,希望大家能够正确使用它,并且不要被它所欺骗!


1. cheat的基本含义


2. cheat的用法

(1)cheat作为名词时,常与介词on连用,表示“在某方面欺骗某人”,例如:He cheated on the exam.(他在考试中作弊了。)

(2)cheat也可以用于表示“被欺骗”,例如:I was cheated by him.(我被他欺骗了。)

(3)cheat还可以用于表示“偷窃”,例如:Someone cheated my wallet.(有人偷了我的钱包。)

3. cheat的双语例句

1) He was caught cheating on the test and was expelled from school.


2) Don't try to cheat me, I know what you're up to.


3) She felt guilty for cheating on her boyfriend.


4) The company was accused of cheating its customers by selling low-quality products.


5) The athlete was disqualified from the competition for cheating.


4. cheat的相关词汇



(3)cheat sheet:抄小抄、备忘录

(4)cheat code:秘籍、作弊码



1. Cheat sheet:作弊纸,指的是一张包含重要信息的备忘单或小抄,常用于考试或学习中。

2. Cheat code:作弊码,指的是电子游戏中可以解锁特殊功能或跳过关卡的代码。

3. Cheat meal:作弊餐,指的是在健康饮食计划中偶尔允许自己吃一顿高热量或不健康的食物。

4. Cheat day:作弊日,指的是在健康饮食计划中每周允许自己吃一天高热量或不健康的食物。

5. Cheat death:欺骗死神,指的是逃过死亡或幸免于灾难。

6. Cheat on someone:对某人不忠,指的是与他人发生感情关系而背叛伴侣。

7. Cheat out of something:从…中欺骗某人,指通过欺骗手段获得某物。

8. Cheat the system:欺骗系统,指通过不正当手段获得利益或规避责任。

9. Cheat death sentence:逃过死刑,指被判处死刑但最终幸免于死亡。

10. Cheating spouse:出轨配偶,指有外遇行为的丈夫或妻子


1. Deceive: This word is often used to describe someone who tricks or misleads others in order to gain an advantage. For example, "He deceived his friends into thinking he had won the game, but he had actually cheated."

2. Swindle: Similar to deceive, this word implies a deliberate act of cheating or trickery for personal gain. It can also be used as a noun, as in "He pulled off a swindle by pretending to be a wealthy businessman."

3. Con: Short for "confidence," this word refers to someone who uses deception and manipulation to gain the trust of others and then take advantage of them. For instance, "She conned her way into getting a free meal by pretending to be a famous celebrity."

4. Hoax: This word is often used when someone creates a fake situation or story in order to deceive others. It can also be used as a verb, as in "He hoaxed his coworkers into thinking there was an emergency meeting so he could leave work early."

5. Bamboozle: This informal term means to deceive or confuse someone with clever tricks or lies. For example, "The salesman bamboozled the customer into buying an overpriced product by using persuasive tactics."

6. Hoodwink: To hoodwink someone means to trick or deceive them through clever manipulation or false information. It can also be used as a noun, as in "The politician's promises were just a hoodwink to get people to vote for him."

7. Dupe: This word refers to someone who has been deceived or tricked by another person's actions or words. For instance, "She was duped by her boyfriend's lies and didn't realize he was cheating on her."

8. Scam: A scam is a dishonest scheme designed to cheat people out of their money or possessions through deception or fraud. It can also be used as a verb, as in "The email was a scam to get people to give away their personal information."

9. Defraud: This word means to cheat or deceive someone in order to illegally obtain money, goods, or services. For example, "He defrauded his clients by taking their money and not delivering the promised services."

10. Rip-off: This slang term refers to something that is overpriced or of poor quality, often used in the context of being cheated or deceived. It can also be used as a verb, as in "The mechanic ripped me off by charging me for unnecessary repairs."


