1. 什么是chemist
2. Chemist的职责
- 研究和分析物质的性质和组成;
- 开发新的化学产品或改进现有产品;
- 设计实验并进行实验室测试;
- 使用各种仪器和设备进行实验;
- 分析数据并撰写报告;
- 参与新产品开发过程中的安全评估;
- 指导和培训其他员工。
3. Chemist的分类
- 分析化学家:主要负责分析物质性质和组成,帮助解决各种问题。
- 有机化学家:从事研究有机化合物(含碳元素)及其反应。
- 无机化学家:研究无机物(不含碳元素)的性质和反应。
- 理论化学家:主要从事理论研究,探索化学现象背后的原理。
- 制药化学家:参与药物开发和制造过程,确保药物质量和安全性。
- 环境化学家:研究环境中的化学物质及其影响,并提出解决方案。
4. 如何成为一名Chemist
- 获得相关的学位,如化学、药学等;
- 具备扎实的化学知识和实验技能;
- 拥有良好的逻辑思维能力和解决问题的能力;
- 有耐心、细心和严谨的工作态度;
- 对新知识和新技术保持敏锐的兴趣。
1. chemist的发音
“chemist”一词的发音为/kemɪst/,其中“ch”的发音为/tʃ/,类似于汉语拼音中的“q”,而“emist”的发音为/emɪst/,类似于汉语拼音中的“yi si te”。
2. chemist的读法
3. 词义解释
4. 使用场景
在日常生活中,“chemist”一词通常用来指代药店或者药房。当我们需要购买药品时,可以说“I'm going to the chemist's to get some medicine.”(我要去药店买些药。)
5. 相关词汇
6. 常见误读
1. chemist的含义
2. chemist的用法
3. 拥有多重身份
4. chemist的重要性
5. 从“化学家”到“语言专家”
1.化学家 (chemist)
例句:He is a famous chemist who has made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of organic chemistry.
2.化学 (chemistry)
例句:She studied chemistry in college and now works as a chemist for a pharmaceutical company.
3.化学反应 (chemical reaction)
例句:The chemist observed the chemical reaction between the two substances under the microscope.
4.实验室 (laboratory)
例句:The chemist spent hours in the laboratory conducting experiments to find a cure for the disease.
5.分子 (molecule)
例句:The chemist used advanced technology to study the structure of the molecule and its properties.
6.元素 (element)
例句:The periodic table lists all of the known elements discovered by chemists over the years.
7.化合物 (compound)
例句:The chemist combined different compounds to create a new substance with unique properties.
8.离子 (ion)
例句:The chemist used an ion exchange process to purify the water and remove impurities.
9.原子结构 (atomic structure)
例句:Understanding the atomic structure is crucial for chemists to predict how different elements will react with each other.
10.实验设计 (experimental design)
例句:The chemist carefully planned and executed her experimental design to ensure accurate results.
11.化学平衡 (chemical equilibrium)
例句:The chemist studied how changes in temperature and pressure affect chemical equilibrium in a closed system.
12.分析技术 (analytical techniques)
例句:Modern chemists use advanced analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry and chromatography to identify and quantify substances.
13.有机化合物 (organic compound)
例句:Organic chemists study the properties and reactions of carbon-based compounds, which are essential for life on Earth.
14.无机化合物 (inorganic compound)
例句:Inorganic chemists focus on studying the properties and reactions of substances that do not contain carbon.
15.实验数据 (experimental data)
例句:The chemist carefully recorded and analyzed her experimental data to draw conclusions about the reaction she was studying.
16.反应速率 (reaction rate)
例句:The chemist added a catalyst to speed up the reaction rate and produce more product in a shorter amount of time.
17.化学平衡常数 (equilibrium constant)
例句:The chemist calculated the equilibrium constant for the reaction to determine how much product would be formed at a given temperature and pressure.
18.溶液 (solution)
例句:The chemist mixed a solute with a solvent to create a solution with specific properties for her experiment.
19.氧化还原反应 (redox reaction)
例句:The chemist studied the redox reaction between two substances, where one substance is reduced and the other is oxidized.
20.原子核 (atomic nucleus)
例句:Nuclear chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on studying the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei, which contain protons and neutrons
1. 药剂师:这个词可能更容易被大家接受,因为它直接指向了“化学”这个词的意思,而且听起来也比较专业。
2. 化学家:虽然这个词更多地用来指代从事科学研究的人,但也可以作为chemist的同义词使用。
3. 药商:如果你想要强调chemist的商业属性,可以用这个词来代替。它更加接近“chemist”这个单词的字面意思。
4. 药房师:在美国,药剂师也被称为pharmacist,所以如果你想要用一个更贴近英语原文的同义词,可以选择这个。
5. 药物专家:如果你想要突出chemist对药物知识和专业技能的掌握,可以使用这个同义词。
6. 配药师:在医院或者药店工作的chemist也被称为dispensing chemist或者pharmaceutical chemist,所以配药师也是一个可选的同义词。
7. 药品研发员:如果你想要强调chemist从事新药研发和创新方面的工作,可以使用这个同义词。
8. 化妆品制造商:除了医药领域,chemist也可以在化妆品行业工作,所以这个同义词也可以用来指代从事化妆品制造的chemist。
9. 化学技师:如果你觉得“chemist”这个词听起来太大了一点,可以使用这个同义词来指代从事化学实验和分析的人。
10. 药物顾问:如果你想要突出chemist在医药领域提供咨询和建议的角色,可以使用这个同义词