
语言百科2024-02-05 14:58:14留学世界



1. chess的定义



2. chess的起源


3. chess的规则


4. chess的流行程度


5. chess的益处


6. chess在文化中的影响


7. chess与国际象棋




1. 是不是想知道chess怎么读?别担心,下面我就来告诉你。

2. 首先,chess的发音是/tʃes/,读起来像是“切斯”。

3. 有趣的是,chess这个单词其实来源于波斯语中的“shah”,意为国王。

4. 所以,你也可以把它读作/tʃeʃ/,像是“切什”的发音。

5. 不管怎么读,它都代表着一种精彩的棋类游戏。

6. 作为一种智力竞技运动,chess在世界各地都备受欢迎。

7. 据说它起源于印度,在中国也有类似的古老棋类游戏。

8. 不过现在的chess已经发展成为一项复杂而又充满策略性的游戏。

9. 而且随着电脑和手机应用程序的普及,我们也可以随时随地挑战自己的智商和朋友们了。

10. 所以,如果你还没有尝试过这个精彩的游戏,赶快学会怎么读chess吧!


1. chess的含义

- 名词,国际象棋游戏;

- 比喻为复杂的计谋或策略;

- 短语“play chess”意为斗智斗勇,进行策略性的较量。

2. chess的双语例句

- He enjoys playing chess with his friends on weekends. (他喜欢在周末和朋友们下国际象棋。)

- The politician is a master at playing political chess. (这位政治家是政治棋手。)

- Chess is a game of strategy and patience. (国际象棋是一款需要策略和耐心的游戏。)

- The two countries are currently engaged in a game of diplomatic chess. (这两个国家目前正在进行一场外交上的较量。)

3. 用法小贴士

- 当形容某人有着精明过人的头脑时,可以说“he is a real chess player”。这里chess指代复杂的思考过程。

- “chess piece”指象棋棋子,在比喻中可表示某种重要角色或关键人物。

- “chessboard”意为国际象棋棋盘,在比喻中可表示某种局面或情况。

4. 幽默例句

- I'm not good at playing chess, I always end up losing my queen in the first few moves. (我不擅长下国际象棋,每次都会在前几步就丢掉我的皇后。)

- Playing chess with my boss is like playing a game of survival, I have to be on my toes at all times. (和老板下国际象棋就像是一场生存游戏,我必须时刻保持警惕。)


1. Chess set - 棋盘

- A chess set is a collection of pieces used to play the game of chess.

- 一个棋盘是用来玩国际象棋的一组棋子。

2. Chessboard - 棋盘格

- The chessboard is the square board used for playing chess, with alternating light and dark squares.

- 棋盘格是用来玩国际象棋的方形棋盘,由交替的浅色和深色方块组成。

3. Chess piece - 棋子

- A chess piece is one of the small objects used for playing chess, such as a king, queen, bishop, knight, rook or pawn.

- 棋子是用来玩国际象棋的小物件之一,例如国王、皇后、主教、骑士、战车或兵卒。

4. Chess notation - 国际象棋记谱法

- Chess notation is a system for recording moves made in a game of chess.

- 国际象棋记谱法是记录国际象棋对局中走步的一种系统。

5. Chess clock - 计时钟

- A chess clock is used to time each player's moves in a game of chess.

- 计时钟被用来计算每位选手在一场国际象棋比赛中所花费的时间。

6. Chess strategy - 国际象棋策略

- Chess strategy refers to the long-term planning and decision-making process used by players to achieve a winning position.

- 国际象棋策略指的是选手为了取得胜利而使用的长期规划和决策过程。

7. Chess opening - 国际象棋开局

- A chess opening is the initial moves made by players at the start of a game.

- 国际象棋开局是选手在一场比赛开始时所做的初始走步。

8. Chess endgame - 国际象棋残局

- The chess endgame is the stage of the game when there are few pieces left on the board and players must use strategic thinking to achieve a win.

- 国际象棋残局是比赛中剩下很少棋子时,选手必须运用战略思维来取得胜利的阶段。

9. Chess master - 国际象棋大师

- A chess master is a player who has achieved a high level of skill and expertise in playing chess.

- 国际象棋大师是指在国际象棋领域达到高水平技术和专业知识的选手。

10. Chess tournament - 国际象棋锦标赛

- A chess tournament is a competition where players compete against each other in multiple games of chess to determine a winner.

- 国际象棋锦标赛是一场比赛,在这场比赛中,选手们通过多次对局来决出胜者


1. Board game - 棋盘游戏

2. Strategy game - 战略游戏

3. Mind sport - 思维运动

4. Intellectual game - 智力游戏

5. Battle of wits - 智力对决

6. War game - 战争游戏

7. Mind game - 心理游戏

8. Brain teaser - 脑力挑战

9. Logic game - 逻辑游戏

10. Game of skill - 技巧游戏

