
语言百科2024-02-05 21:02:15留学世界





1. “chick”的字面意思


2. “chick”的俚语用法

现在,“chick”已经成为了一种俚语,常常用来指年轻漂亮的女性。这个词有时也可以用来形容那些活泼可爱、充满活力的女性。所以,当你听到有人说“Look at that chick over there”,他们可能是在夸奖那个女孩子很漂亮。

3. 其他含义

除了上述两种常见的意思外,“chick”还可以指小伙伴、朋友或者同事。例如,“Hey, what's up, chick?”就相当于汉语中的“嘿,怎么样啊,老铁?”。此外,“chick”也可以作为动词使用,表示孵化或者出生的动作。

4. 关于性别歧视



1. chick是一个英语单词,读作/tʃɪk/。

2. 它的意思可以根据不同的语境有不同的解释,比如:

a. 在动物学中,chick指的是小鸡;

b. 在俚语中,chick可以指女孩或女性;

c. 在美国英语中,chick也可以指年轻漂亮的女人;

d. 在一些地区,chick也可以用来形容某人年轻或无知。

3. 除了以上几种常见用法外,还有一些特殊的用法:

a. chick flick:指的是以女性为主角、偏向浪漫爱情题材的电影;

b. chick lit:指以女性为主角、聚焦于她们生活经历和感情故事的文学作品。

4. 总之,chick这个词在不同场合可能有不同含义,但都与“女性”、“年轻”、“可爱”等相关。所以如果你听到别人说“a cute little chick”,那么他们可能在夸你可爱呢!


1. chick的基本含义


2. chick作为女性的称呼


3. 双语例句

- She's a real chick, always dressed to impress.


- He's such a chick magnet, girls are always flocking around him.


- Don't worry, you're still a young chick, you have plenty of time to figure things out.


- I used to be a shy chick, but now I'm confident and outgoing.



1. Chick flick - 指的是以女性为主角或针对女性观众的浪漫爱情电影,也可以用来形容充满感情的电影。

2. Chick magnet - 指的是吸引女性注意力的男性,通常指外表帅气或具有魅力的男性。

3. Spring chicken - 指年轻人,尤其是指在某个领域或活动中新手或初学者。

4. Party chick - 指喜欢参加派对和聚会,并且善于社交和娱乐的女性。

5. Chick lit - 指以现代都市单身女性为主角,轻松幽默地讲述她们生活故事的文学作品。

6. Chick pea - 也称为鹰嘴豆,是一种营养价值很高的食物,常用于制作著名的中东菜肴如鹰嘴豆泥和鹰嘴豆沙拉。

7. Tough chick - 指坚强、勇敢、不易被打败的女性。

8. Run-of-the-mill chick - 指普通、平凡、没有特别之处的女性。

9. Chickadee - 是一种北美洲常见的小型鸟类,也被称为山雀或山雀科,具有可爱的外表和愉快的鸣叫声。

10. Chick flicks and wine nights - 指女性朋友之间一起看浪漫电影和喝葡萄酒的活动,通常发生在周末或假期


1. Babe - This is a term of endearment often used to refer to a young woman, similar to "chick."

2. Gal - Another informal term for a young woman, often used in a playful or friendly way.

3. Hottie - This is a slang term for an attractive woman, often used to describe someone who is physically attractive.

4. Doll - Similar to "babe," this is another term of endearment used to refer to a young woman.

5. Princess - This term can be used in a sarcastic or humorous way to refer to someone who acts like they are entitled or spoiled.

6. Lady - A more formal term for a woman, but can also be used informally as a synonym for "chick."

7. Cutie - A cute and endearing word often used to describe someone who is attractive and charming.

8. Sweetheart - Another term of endearment that can be used in place of "chick," especially when referring to someone you care about.

9. Vixen - This word has both positive and negative connotations, but it can be used as a synonym for "chick" when referring to an attractive and alluring woman.

10. Bombshell - Similar to "hottie," this word is often used to describe someone who is physically attractive and has sex appeal.

11. Siren - Another word with both positive and negative connotations, this can be used as a synonym for "chick" when referring to someone who is seductive and alluring.

12. Foxy - This word has been popularized by pop culture and can be used as a synonym for "chick" when describing an attractive woman with style and charm.

13. Diva - While this word typically refers to someone with an attitude or diva-like behavior, it can also be used playfully as another term for "chick."

14. Beauty - A simple and straightforward term that can be used as a synonym for "chick" when describing someone who is physically attractive.

15. Angel - A more romantic term that can be used to describe a beautiful and kind-hearted woman, similar to "chick."

