
语言百科2024-02-08 04:16:18留学世界




1. 圆圈的意思:circle一词最常见的意思就是“圆圈”,它可以用来指代一个闭合的形状,也可以表示某种特定的社交圈子。

2. 聚集在一起:除了指代形状外,circle还可以用来表示人们聚集在一起。比如,“大家都在围成一个circle,互相分享各自的故事”。

3. 环绕、围绕:除了指代形状和人群外,circle还可以表示环绕或围绕某物。比如,“我喜欢坐在公园里那个大树下,被花草环绕成一个小小的circle”。

4. 循环、循环往复:在某些场景下,circle也可以表示循环或循环往复。比如,“这首歌有着悦耳的旋律,让人不由自主地跟着节奏打起了手鼓,在这个音乐的circle里不断循环”。

5. 朋友圈、社交圈子:现在社交媒体发达,我们经常听到“朋友圈”这个词。其实,在英语中也有类似的说法,就是“social circle”。所以,当别人问你“你是哪个社交平台上认识我的?”你可以回答“we met in the same circle”。

6. 约束、限制:在某些场景下,circle也可以表示约束或限制。比如,“他的生活总是被工作的圈子所限制,很少有时间和朋友们一起出去玩”。

7. 其他意思:除了以上几种常见的意思外,circle还可以表示“循环赛”、“圆形舞台”、“圆环交叉路口”等等


1. 看起来很简单,但是读起来却有些复杂。是不是有点拗口?别担心,接下来我会教你正确的读法。

2. 首先,我们来分解这个单词。它由两部分组成,"cir"和"cle"。"cir"发音为/sər/,像是在说“撕”,而"cle"发音为/kəl/,像是在说“可乐”。所以整个单词的读法就是/sər-kəl/。

3. 但是注意,在英语中,很多单词的发音并不总是按照字母的顺序来读。所以即使你知道每个字母的发音,也不能保证能准确地读出整个单词。

4. 在这种情况下,最好的方法就是多听多练习。可以找一些英语电影、电视剧或者歌曲来听,尝试模仿里面演员或者歌手的发音。

5. 此外,还可以利用一些在线资源来帮助你学习正确的发音。比如YouTube上有很多专门教授英语发音的视频,还有一些网站提供免费的发音练习工具。

6. 如果你觉得自学太难了,也可以考虑报名参加一些英语口语班。老师会给你专业指导,帮助你纠正发音错误。

7. 最后,记住要多练习多听多说,只有不断地练习才能掌握正确的发音。相信经过一段时间的努力,你一定能够轻松地读出"circle"这个单词啦!

8. 希望我的小贴士能够帮助到你,让你在学习英语发音的道路上少走弯路。加油!


1. 名词用法


(1) 圆形:指一个平面上所有离某一点相同距离的点所组成的图形。

例句:The children drew a circle on the ground with chalk. (孩子们用粉笔在地上画了一个圆圈。)

(2) 社交团体:指由一群人组成的、共同追求某种目标或爱好的团体。

例句:She joined a book club and found her own circle of friends. (她加入了一个读书俱乐部,结交了一帮朋友。)

(3) 界限、范围:指某个领域或群体所涉及的范围。

例句:The artist's influence extended beyond the art world to other circles of society. (这位艺术家的影响力超越了艺术界,涵盖了其他社会圈子。)

2. 动词用法


(1) 绕行、环绕:指沿着某个轨迹或路径移动。

例句:The plane circled the airport before landing. (飞机在降落前绕着机场盘旋。)

(2) 围绕、环抱:指围绕某个中心旋转或移动。

例句:The dancers circled around the fire, holding hands. (舞者们手牵手围着篝火转圈。)

(3) 包围、环绕:指形成一个圆圈或环绕某个物体。

例句:The children circled the teacher, eager to hear the story. (孩子们围着老师,渴望听故事。)

3. 双语例句

(1) The children sat in a circle, passing a ball around and playing a game. (孩子们坐在一起,传来传去一个球,玩游戏。)


(2) The company's CEO is well-connected in political circles. (这家公司的首席执行官在政界有很多关系。)


(3) She drew a perfect circle on the paper with a compass. (她用圆规在纸上画了一个完美的圆。)


(4) The protesters formed a human circle around the building to prevent anyone from entering. (抗议者们围成人链,阻止任何人进入建筑物。)


(5) The plane circled the city before landing, giving passengers a bird's-eye view of the skyline. (飞机在降落前绕着城市盘旋,让乘客们可以鸟瞰城市的天际线。)




1. Full circle - 完整的循环

2. Inner circle - 内圈,核心圈子

3. Vicious circle - 恶性循环

4. Circle of friends - 朋友圈

5. Circle of trust - 信任圈子

6. Social circle - 社交圈子

7. Magic circle - 魔法圈子,秘密团体

8. Circle of influence - 影响力范围

9. Family circle - 家庭圈子,家人们

10. Sacred circle - 神圈,神秘的仪式空间

11. Endless circle - 无尽的循环,永恒的轮回

12. Small circle - 小团体,小圈子

13. Golden circle - 黄金圈子,贵族社会阶层

14. Circle of life - 生命之轮,生死循环

15. Love circle - 爱情圆环,爱情关系网


1. Round pronunciation: This is a common way to refer to the English word "circle". It emphasizes the shape of a circle and can be used in casual conversations.

2. Loop pronunciation: This is another way to say "circle" in English, which also highlights the shape of a circle. It can be used in a more playful or creative context.

3. Ring pronunciation: This synonym for "circle" is often used when referring to jewelry or objects with a circular shape, such as rings or bracelets.

4. Orb pronunciation: This is a more formal synonym for "circle", often used in literature or poetry to describe something that is round or spherical.

5. Wheel pronunciation: While this term can also refer to an object with spokes that rotates on an axle, it can also be used as a synonym for "circle". It adds a sense of movement and dynamism to the word.

6. Cycle pronunciation: This word has multiple meanings, but it can also be used as a synonym for "circle", emphasizing the idea of repetition and continuity.

7. Hoop pronunciation: Similar to "ring", this word is often used when referring to circular objects, especially ones made from metal or plastic.

8. Globe pronunciation: This term refers specifically to a sphere-shaped object, but it can also be used as a synonym for "circle" in certain contexts.

9. Disc/Disk pronunciation: These two words are interchangeable and refer to round, flat objects, such as CDs or coins. They can also be used as synonyms for "circle".

10. Sphere pronunciation: Another formal synonym for "circle", this word specifically refers to something that is perfectly round and three-dimensional

