
语言百科2024-02-08 13:53:18留学世界




1. 什么是clamped?


2. clamped的具体含义

a. 夹紧、固定:在工程或机械领域中,clamp通常指一种夹具或夹具装置,用于固定物体或零件。而clamped则表示使用这种夹具进行固定操作。

b. 限制、控制:在日常生活中,我们也会用到clamped这个词来表示某种限制或控制。比如说,“His creativity was clamped by his strict teacher.”(他严厉的老师限制了他的创造力。)这里就表示老师对学生创造力的限制和控制。

3. clamped的衍生用法

a. clamp down on:严厉打击、镇压。比如说,“The government is clamping down on illegal activities.”(政府正在严厉打击非法活动。)

b. clamp together:紧密结合、连接。比如说,“The two pieces of wood were clamped together with glue.”(两块木头被胶水紧密连接在一起。)

4. clamped的用法注意事项

a. clamped是一个及物动词,需要搭配宾语使用,不能单独使用。

b. 在工程或机械领域中,clamp通常指一种夹具或夹具装置,而不是clamped。

c. 在日常生活中,clamped通常表示某种限制或控制的结果,而不是主动行为




1. 音标:首先,我们来看一下这个单词的音标。根据国际音标,"clamped"的发音应该是/klaempt/。其中,/k/读作[k],/l/读作[l],/ae/读作[e],/m/读作[m],/p/读作[p],而最后的/d/则是一个浊辅音,在发音时需要带有震颤。

2. 分解发音:如果你觉得整个单词一起念还是有些困难,可以尝试将它分解成两部分来发音。首先念/klaem/这个部分,在第一个辅音/m/前要稍微停顿一下;然后再加上/pd/这两个辅音。慢慢地练习几次后,你就会掌握正确的发音方式了。

3. 重点注意:在发/klaem/这个部分时,要注意舌头的位置。当发出/l/这个音时,舌头要抵住上颚的牙齿,然后再念/e/这个音时,舌头要稍微向前伸出。这样才能准确地发出正确的音。

4. 比较难度:对于很多学习英语的人来说,/ae/和/e/这两个元音的发音是比较困难的。它们在英语中并不常见,所以需要多加练习才能熟练掌握


1. 什么是clamped?


2. clamped的用法

在英语中,clamped通常用作形容词,表示某物被夹紧或受到限制。例如:“The bike was clamped to the fence.”(自行车被夹在围栏上。)此外,也可以将其作为动词使用,表示将某物夹紧或限制。例如:“The mechanic clamped the broken pipe to stop the leak.”(机械师夹紧了破裂的管道以阻止漏水。)

3. clamped的双语例句

1) The police officer clamped the car because it was parked illegally.(警察因为停车违规而给这辆车贴了轮胎锁。)

2) The puppy's teeth were tightly clamped onto the toy.(小狗的牙齿紧紧地咬住了玩具。)

3) The protesters were clamping down on their demands for justice.(抗议者们正在坚决要求公正。)

4) She felt like her heart was being clamped by an invisible force.(她感觉自己的心被一股无形的力量夹紧了。)

5) The doctor clamped the artery to stop the bleeding during surgery.(医生在手术中夹紧了动脉以止血。)



1. clamp down on:严厉打击,加强控制

例句:The government is clamping down on illegal activities.


2. clamp together:紧密结合,紧密团结

例句:The two countries have decided to clamp together for mutual benefit.


3. clamp onto:紧紧抓住,牢牢把握

例句:The company has clamped onto the latest technology to stay ahead of its competitors.


4. a clamp on sth.:对某事物的限制或控制

例句:The new regulations have put a clamp on the company's expansion plans.


5. in a tight clamp:处于严格的限制下

例句:The company is currently in a tight clamp due to financial difficulties.


6. release the clamp:解除限制或控制

例句:The government has decided to release the clamp on foreign investments.


7. put sb./sth. in a (tight) clamp:将某人/某物置于(严格)控制之下

例句:The new regulations have put small businesses in a tight clamp.


8. clamp sth. shut:用夹子或钳子固定住某物

例句:The mechanic clamped the broken pipe shut to stop the leak.


9. clamp sth. down:压制,镇压

例句:The government is clamping down on protests in the capital.


10. put a clamp on sb./sth.:限制或控制某人/某事物

例句:The new laws have put a clamp on freedom of speech.



1. Gripped: "Clamped" can also be read as "gripped". As in, "The clamped jaws of the vise gripped the piece of wood tightly."

2. Secured: Another synonym for "clamped" is "secured". This word is often used to describe something being held firmly in place, as in, "The clamped straps secured the load on the truck."

3. Fastened: Similar to "secured", "fastened" also means to hold something firmly in place. For example, "The clamped bolts fastened the shelf to the wall."

4. Tightened: When something is clamped, it is usually tightened as well. This means that it is made more secure or held more firmly. For instance, "The mechanic clamped down on the loose bolt and tightened it with a wrench."

5. Pinched: In some cases, "clamped" can also be replaced with "pinched". This word implies that something is being squeezed or pressed tightly together. For example, "She clamped her fingers around the handlebars of her bike and pinched them tightly as she rode down the hill."

6. Grasped: Another synonym for "clamped" is "grasped". This word suggests a strong hold or grip on something. For instance, "He clamped his hand around hers and grasped it tightly as they walked through the park."

7. Clenched: To say that something is clamped can also mean that it is clenched or held tightly together. This word often conveys a sense of tension or pressure being applied, as in, "The wrestler's muscles bulged as he clamped his opponent's arm in a tight grip."

8. Compressed: In some cases, you may use the word "compressed" instead of clamped". Both words suggest that something is being squeezed or pressed tightly together. For example, "The clamped vice compressed the metal bar until it was flat and thin."

9. Tightened: Similar to "tightened", "clamped" can also be replaced with "tensed". This word suggests that something is being held in a state of tension or pressure. For instance, "The clamped wires tensed as the electricity surged through them."

10. Squeezed: Lastly, instead of saying that something is clamped, you may also say that it is squeezed. This word implies that something is being pressed together with force. For example, "She clamped her eyes shut and squeezed her fists tightly as she waited for the rollercoaster to drop."

