
语言百科2024-02-08 17:06:18留学世界






1. 鼓掌


2. 突然关闭

除了表示鼓掌外,“clap”还可以表示突然关闭某物。比如说,“He clapped the book shut.”(他突然合上了书)。在这里,“clap”表示用力合上。

3. 手势


4. 拍摄


5. 突然出现



1. clap的基本含义

clap是一个英文单词,读作/klaep/。它可以作为动词或名词使用,具有多种含义。作为动词,它的意思是“拍手”,通常用于表示鼓掌、欢呼或赞扬某人。例如,“The audience clapped loudly for the performer.”(观众为表演者热烈鼓掌。)作为名词,它可以指一次拍手的声音或动作,也可以指拍手的人群。例如,“There was a loud clap as the speaker entered the room.”(当演讲者进入房间时,有一声响亮的掌声。)

2. clap的其他含义

除了表示拍手外,clap还有其他一些含义。它可以用来表示“突然关闭”、“猛击”、“抓住”等意思。例如,“He clapped his book shut and stood up.”(他突然合上书本站起来了。)“She clapped her hands over her mouth to stifle a scream.”(她捂住嘴巴压制住尖叫声。)“The police officer clapped handcuffs on the suspect.”(警察给嫌疑人戴上了手铐。)

3. clap的派生词汇

由clap衍生出来的词汇还有不少,比如clapper(拍手者)、clapping(拍手声)、clapboard(木板,用于制作房屋外墙)等。此外,还有一些习语和短语也与clap有关,比如clap eyes on(看到)、claptrap(废话)、clap someone on the back(在背后拍某人的肩膀表示赞扬)等。

4. clap的近义词


5. clap在英文中的常见用法

除了作为动词和名词使用外,clap还可以用来构成一些常见短语和习语。比如“a round of applause”(一阵掌声)、“give someone a big hand”(给某人一个大大的掌声)、“a thunderous clap”(雷鸣般的掌声)等等。这些短语在日常生活中经常被使用,所以了解它们也能帮助我们更好地理解和使用英语


1. clap的意思

clap作为一个动词,可以有多种不同的含义。最常见的意思是“拍手”,表示用手掌相互碰击发出声响。例如:The audience began to clap when the singer finished her performance.(歌手表演结束后,观众开始鼓掌。)此外,clap也可以表示“轻拍”、“轻击”、“敲打”等意思,具体根据上下文来确定。

2. clap的用法

a. clap作为及物动词时,其后通常跟随着一个宾语。例如:He clapped his hands to show his excitement.(他拍了拍手来表达他的兴奋。)

b. clap也可以作为不及物动词使用,此时不需要宾语。例如:The audience clapped for several minutes after the performance.(演出结束后,观众鼓掌了几分钟。)

c. clap还可以用作名词,表示一次拍手或一阵掌声。例如:There was a loud clap of thunder just before the storm hit.(暴风雨来临前有一声巨响的雷鸣。)

3. 双语例句

1) The children clapped their hands happily when the clown appeared on stage.


2) The teacher asked the students to clap along with the rhythm of the song.


3) The audience gave a standing ovation and clapped for several minutes.


4) The thunderclap was so loud that it woke me up from my sleep.




1. Give a round of applause: 给予掌声

2. Clap your hands: 拍手

3. Thunderous applause: 雷鸣般的掌声

4. Clap along to the beat: 跟着节奏拍手

5. Standing ovation: 起立鼓掌

6. Slow clap: 慢慢拍手,表示不满或嘲讽

7. Golf clap: 高尔夫球场上的轻轻拍手,表示赞赏或尊敬

8. Clap back: 回击,针锋相对地回应某人的批评或攻击

9. Claptrap: 废话,无意义的话语

10. Clap on, clap off: 手拍灯,一种可以通过拍手来开关灯光的装置


1. Applaud: This is a commonly used synonym for "clap" and refers to the action of showing approval or appreciation by clapping one's hands together.

2. Cheer: Similar to applaud, this word also means to express approval or support through enthusiastic clapping.

3. Clap hands: This phrase is often used as a direct synonym for "clap" and refers to the physical action of bringing one's hands together to make a sound.

4. Bravo: This is a more formal synonym for "clap" and is often used in theater settings to show appreciation for a performance.

5. Give a round of applause: This phrase is used when asking or instructing others to clap their hands, often in response to something impressive or deserving of praise.

6. Standing ovation: This term describes a situation where the audience stands up and claps in unison, usually as a sign of great admiration or respect.

7. Golf clap: This phrase refers to a quiet, polite clap that is often used in situations where loud applause would be inappropriate, such as during a golf tournament.

8. Slow handclap: As the name suggests, this term describes the act of clapping slowly and deliberately, often as an expression of disapproval or impatience.

9. Round of applause: Similar to "give a round of applause," this phrase can also be used to describe multiple people clapping at the same time.

10. Thunderous applause: This phrase emphasizes the loudness and intensity of the clapping, often used in situations where there is overwhelming support or excitement from the audience.

11. Clap enthusiastically/heartily/vigorously: These adverbs can be added before "clap" to describe how someone is clapping with great energy and enthusiasm.

12. Clap along/together/in unison: These phrases describe coordinated clapping where everyone is doing it at the same time and in the same rhythm.

13. Clap for someone/something: This phrase is often used to indicate that the clapping is directed towards a specific person or cause.

14. Round of applause for someone/something: Similar to "clap for," this phrase also highlights the subject of the applause.

15. Give a hand: This informal phrase is often used as a synonym for "clap" and is typically used to show appreciation or support for someone or something.

16. Bravo/Brava/Bravi/Braze: These are variations of "bravo" that are used to show approval or admiration for a male, female, group, or non-binary person respectively.

17. Clapback: This term has become popular in recent years and refers to a witty or clever response to criticism or insults, often delivered through social media.

18. Claptrap: This word has a negative connotation and refers to meaningless or insincere talk or behavior meant to impress others.

19. Standing ovation-worthy: This phrase describes something that is deserving of a standing ovation, often used as an adjective before another noun.

20. Clap your hands if you believe: This phrase is often used as an invitation for audience participation, where they are asked to clap their hands if they agree with something being said or presented

