
语言百科2024-02-08 23:30:19留学世界



1. 清晰明了:clearcut一词源自英文,意为“清晰明了的”。它常用来形容文字、语言或思想表达清楚易懂,没有模糊不清的地方。

2. 简洁明了:除了指代清晰明了,clearcut也可以用来形容简洁明了的风格。在翻译行业中,这意味着译文精准、简单直白,符合读者的阅读习惯。


3. 毫无保留:另外,clearcut也可以表示毫无保留的意思。在翻译过程中,这可能指的是完全忠实于原文,不做任何增删改动。

4. 明确界定:此外,clearcut还可以指明确界定。在翻译行业中,这可能意味着要对特定术语或概念进行准确的定义和解释。

5. 极端的:最后,在某些情况下,clearcut也可以表示极端的、彻底的。在翻译行业中,这可能指对某个事物或观点持有极端看法,并以此为基础进行翻译


1. 大家都知道,英语中有很多单词的发音和拼写并不一致。但是,clearcut却是一个例外。它的发音和拼写都非常简单明了,让人一听就能记住。

2. 首先,我们来看一下这个单词的拼写。clearcut由两部分组成:clear和cut。其中,clear意为“清晰明了”,cut则是“切割”的意思。两个词合在一起就构成了一个新的单词,即clearcut。

3. 接下来,我们来谈谈这个单词的发音。clearcut的读法非常直接简洁:/kliərˈkʌt/。重点在于第二个音节“cut”,注意要轻声发音,并且最后一个音节要略微拉长。

4. 不知道大家是否注意到,在英文中,“e”字母有时候会被忽略掉,只起到调节前面元音发音的作用。而在clearcut这个单词中,“e”就是起到这样的作用。

5. 如果你还有疑问,不妨想想我们平时所说的“清晰明了”的意思是什么?就是指事物非常明确、清楚、易懂。而正好与之相反的是模糊不清、含糊不清。所以,clearcut的发音也正好反映了它的意思。

6. 总之,不管是拼写还是发音,clearcut都非常简单明了。希望大家在日常生活中能够多使用这个词,让我们的语言更加地清晰明了


1. clearcut在翻译行业中的应用





2. clearcut双语例句


- The translator's clearcut rendering of the original text was highly praised by the readers.


- In order to ensure the accuracy of the translation, the translator used a clearcut approach to convey the meaning of the source text.


- The company's technical manual was translated in a clearcut manner, making it easier for users to understand and operate.


- The translation of this novel was done in a clearcut style, retaining the author's unique voice and style.


- The translator's clearcut and concise translation of the poem captured the essence of the original work.



1. Clearcut definition - 清晰的定义

- A clearcut is a logging practice that involves removing all trees in an area, leaving no standing trees behind.

- Clearcutting is a type of timber harvest where all trees are removed from a designated area.

2. Clearcutting methods - 清除法的方法

- Strip cutting: Trees are harvested in narrow strips, leaving narrow corridors of uncut forest.

- Patch cutting: Small patches of trees are removed, leaving some areas untouched.

- Shelterwood cutting: Trees are removed in stages, allowing for natural regeneration to occur.

3. Benefits of clearcutting - 清除法的好处

- Efficient and cost-effective way to harvest timber.

- Allows for uniform growth and regeneration of new trees.

- Can create open spaces for wildlife and promote biodiversity.

4. Negative impacts of clearcutting - 清除法的负面影响

- Can lead to soil erosion and loss of nutrients.

- Disrupts natural habitats and can harm wildlife populations.

- Can contribute to climate change by releasing carbon stored in the trees.

5. Sustainable forestry practices - 可持续林业实践

- Selective logging: Only certain trees are harvested, allowing for the rest to continue growing.

- Regenerative logging: Trees are harvested in a way that promotes natural regeneration and minimizes negative impacts on the ecosystem.

- Agroforestry: Combining agriculture with forestry practices to create sustainable land use.

6. Alternative methods to clearcutting - 替代清除法的方法

- Thinning: Removing some but not all trees from an area to improve growth and diversity.

- Coppicing: Cutting down the tree at ground level and allowing it to regrow from the stump.

- Shelterwood systems: Similar to shelterwood cutting, but with more selective harvesting.

7. Clearcutting controversies - 清除法争议

- Some argue that clearcutting is a destructive practice that harms the environment and should be banned.

- Others argue that clearcutting can be done sustainably and is necessary for economic growth and resource management.

8. Clearcutting regulations - 清除法规定

- Many countries have regulations in place to limit the use of clearcutting, such as requiring reforestation or limiting the size of clearcuts.

- Some countries have banned clearcutting altogether.

9. Alternative terminology - 替代术语

- In some regions, clearcutting may be referred to as "clearfelling" or "clearing."

- Selective logging may also be called "selective cutting" or "partial harvest."


1. Straightforward: 直截了当的

2. Unambiguous: 明确的

3. Explicit: 明确的

4. Distinct: 清晰的

5. Precise: 精确的

6. Definite: 明确的

7. Crisp: 清晰明了的

8. Unmistakable: 不会被误解的

9. Transparent: 透明的

10. Obvious: 显而易见的

