
语言百科2024-02-09 01:46:19留学世界




1. 作为形容词,clear通常表示“清晰的、明确的、无障碍的”。比如,我们常说的“clear sky”就是指“晴朗的天空”,而“clear instructions”则表示“明确的指示”。


2. 作为动词,clear也有多种含义。最常见的用法是指“清理、清除”。例如,“I need to clear my desk before I can start working.”(我需要先整理一下我的桌子才能开始工作。)此外,它还可以表示“通过、通过审核”。比如,“My application has been cleared by the committee.”(我的申请已经通过了委员会的审核。)

3. 作为副词,clear则表示“清楚地、明确地”。例如,“I can see you clearly from here.”(我从这里可以清楚地看到你。)另外,它还可以表示“完全地、彻底地”。比如,“The room was cleared of all furniture.”(房间里所有家具都被清空了。)

除了以上几种常见用法外,clear还有一些特殊含义。比如,它可以表示“解除、免除”。例如,“The charges against him have been cleared.”(对他的指控已经被撤销了。)此外,它还可以表示“清偿、结算”。比如,“I need to clear my credit card debt before I can apply for a loan.”(我需要先还清信用卡债务才能申请贷款。)


1. 读音:clear的读音为/kliːr/,其中/l/发音时要舌尖抵住上齿龈。

2. 含义:clear是一个多义词,可以表示“清晰的”、“明确的”、“干净的”等意思,具体取决于上下文。

3. 在翻译行业中的用法:在翻译行业中,clear通常用来表示“清楚地表达”、“明确地翻译”等含义。例如,“请你把这段话翻译得更加clear一些。”意为“请你把这段话翻译得更加明确清晰一些。”

4. 幽默解读:当我们在翻译过程中遇到难以理解的内容时,可能会想:“这到底是什么意思啊?难道我需要有超能力才能弄clear吗?”其实,这里的clear指的并不是超能力,而是需要我们更加仔细地阅读和理解原文。所以说,在翻译行业中,“clear怎么读”其实也可以理解为“怎样才能更好地理解原文呢?”


1. clear作为形容词,意为“清晰的,明确的”,常用于描述事物外观、声音或思路等。

例句:The instructions on the package are very clear. (包装盒上的说明非常清晰。)

2. clear也可以表示“无障碍的,畅通的”,指没有阻碍或障碍物。

例句:Please keep the hallway clear for emergency exits. (请保持走廊畅通,以便紧急出口。)

3. 作为动词,clear有多种含义,其中最常见的是“清除,澄清”。

例句:I need to clear my desk before I start working. (我需要先整理一下桌子才能开始工作。)

4. clear也可以表示“通过,获准”,指经过某种程序或考试等而获得许可。

例句:She finally cleared the driving test and got her license. (她终于通过了驾驶考试并获得了驾照。)

5. 另外,clear还有“偿还欠款”的意思。

例句:He promised to clear his debts within a year. (他答应在一年内偿还他的债务。)



1. “Can you make it clearer?” (你能把它讲得更清楚吗?) 这是询问对方是否能够更详细地解释某件事情。

2. “I have a clear idea of what I want.” (我很清楚我想要什么。) 这是表达自己对某件事情有明确的想法。

3. “I need to clear my head.” (我需要冷静一下。) 这是表示需要放松、冷静思考。

4. “The sky is clear today.” (今天天空晴朗。) 这是形容天气晴朗,没有云层遮挡。

5. “I’ll make sure to clear my schedule for that day.” (我会保证那天把我的日程安排清空。) 这是指为了某个特殊的日子,会尽量安排没有其他事情,以便参加活动或会议等。



1. clear up:澄清,解决

例句:We need to clear up this misunderstanding before it causes more problems. (我们需要在这个误解造成更多问题之前澄清它。)

2. clear out:清理,整理

例句:I spent the whole weekend clearing out my closet and donating old clothes. (我整个周末都在整理我的衣柜并捐赠旧衣服。)

3. in the clear:安全的,无罪的

例句:After reviewing the evidence, the suspect was declared in the clear and released. (经过审查证据,嫌疑人被宣布无罪并被释放。)

4. clear the air:消除误解,解决问题

例句:We need to have a meeting to clear the air and address any issues within the team. (我们需要开一次会议来消除误解,并解决团队内部的任何问题。)

5. crystal clear:非常清楚的,明确的

例句:Her instructions were crystal clear, so I had no trouble following them. (她的指示非常清晰,所以我没有遇到任何问题。)


1. Clear out 清除,清理

例如:I need to clear out my closet and get rid of all the old clothes.

2. Clear up 澄清,解决

例如:We need to clear up this misunderstanding before it causes any more problems.

3. Crystal clear 清晰明了的

例如:The instructions were crystal clear, so I had no trouble assembling the furniture.

4. Clear the air 澄清误会,消除不愉快情绪

例如:We need to have a serious talk and clear the air between us.

5. All clear 安全,无危险

例如:The doctor gave me the all clear after my check-up, so I can relax now.

6. Clear as mud 难以理解的,模糊不清的

例如:The instructions for this project are as clear as mud, I have no idea what to do.

7. Make it crystal clear 明确表达,清楚说明

例如:I want to make it crystal clear that I will not tolerate any more excuses for late work.

8. Clear-headed 清醒的,头脑清晰的

例如:After a good night's sleep, I woke up feeling clear-headed and ready to tackle the day.

9. In the clear 无罪的,安全的

例如:The suspect was finally proven innocent and declared in the clear by the court.

10. Clear off 走开,离开

例如:Could you please just clear off and leave me alone for a moment?


1. Transparent - 透明的

2. Unambiguous - 明确的

3. Distinct - 明显的

4. Explicit - 清楚的

5. Obvious - 显而易见的

6. Apparent - 明显的

7. Lucid - 清晰的

8. Manifest - 显然的

9. Evident - 明显的

10. Understandable - 可理解的

1. Transparent指物体或信息可以透过看到后面的东西,也可以用来形容思想或行为没有隐藏或欺骗性。例如:“The glass is transparent.”(这个玻璃是透明的。)“She has a transparent personality.”(她有一个坦率的个性。)

2. Unambiguous指没有歧义,不会产生误解。例如:“His answer was unambiguous.”(他的回答很明确。)

3. Distinct指与其他事物有明显区别,容易被辨认出来。例如:“He has a distinct accent.”(他有一种独特的口音。)

4. Explicit指清楚地表达,没有含糊之处。例如:“Please give me explicit instructions on how to use this machine.”(请给我使用这台机器的明确说明。)

5. Obvious指非常明显,无需多言就能被理解。例如:“It's obvious that she is not happy.”(很明显她不开心。)

6. Apparent指表面上看起来是这样,但可能并非真实情况。例如:“His apparent success was actually the result of hard work and determination.”(他表面上的成功实际上是通过努力和决心取得的。)

7. Lucid指清晰易懂,容易理解。例如:“The teacher's explanation was lucid and concise.”(老师的解释清晰简洁。)

8. Manifest指显而易见的,不需要多加解释就能被看到或理解。例如:“Her talent for music is manifest in her performances.”(她在音乐方面的天赋在她的表演中显而易见。)

9. Evident指明显可见或明白的,有充分证据支持。例如:“The damage to the car was evident from the scratches on its surface.”(从车子表面的划痕可以看出它受到了损坏。)

10. Understandable指可以被理解的,符合常识或逻辑的。例如:“It's understandable that she would be upset after losing her job.”(失去工作后她感到沮丧是可以理解的。)

