
语言百科2024-02-09 04:34:20留学世界










1. 首先,我们需要了解一下这个词的意思。Cleverest是最高级形容词clever的变形,意为“最聪明的”。它可以用来形容一个人或者一件事物具有非常高的智慧和才能。

2. 接下来,我们需要注意的是这个词的发音。Cleverest一共有三个音节,分别为/ˈkle.və.rest/。重音在第二个音节上,即/və/这个音节上。

3. 第一个音节/kle/读作/kli:/,发音时舌头抵住上颚,并发出清晰的/k/和/i:/两个音素。

4. 第二个音节/və/读作/və/, 发音时舌头放松并抵住上齿龈,并发出清晰的/v/和ə/两个元素。

5. 最后一个音节/rest/读作/rest/, 发音时舌尖抵住上颚后部,并发出清晰的/r/、/e/和/s/t四个元素。

6. 如果你觉得看文字还不够直观,可以在网上搜索“cleverest发音”,找到相关的发音视频来学习。

7. 如果你想要更加准确地模仿发音,可以尝试使用语音助手或者录音软件来录制自己的发音,然后和专业人士的发音进行对比,找出差距并加以改进。

8. 最后,我要提醒大家的是,在学习发音的过程中一定要耐心和坚持。只有反复练习,才能真正掌握这个生词的正确发音


1. cleverest的意思


2. cleverest的用法


- She is the cleverest person I know.(她是我认识的最聪明的人。)

- This is the cleverest solution to the problem.(这是解决问题最聪明的方法。)

- He is known as the cleverest lawyer in town.(他被誉为城里最聪明的律师。)

3. cleverest的双语例句

- She is not only the prettiest, but also the cleverest girl in our class.


- This novel has some of the cleverest plot twists I've ever read.


- The dog's owner was amazed by its cleverness and tricks.


- The company's latest advertisement campaign was hailed as one of their cleverest yet.



1. "The cleverest of them all" - 智慧之中最聪明的

2. "Cleverest trick in the book" - 书中最巧妙的把戏

3. "Cleverest move to make" - 最聪明的决策

4. "Cleverest idea yet" - 迄今为止最聪明的想法

5. "Cleverest way to do it" - 最巧妙的做法

6. "The cleverest of them all" - 智慧之中最聪明的一位

7. "Cleverest solution to the problem" - 最聪明的解决方案

8. "Cleverest play on words" - 最巧妙的文字游戏

9. "The cleverest mind in the room" - 房间里最聪明的头脑

10. "Cleverest use of technology" - 技术运用得最巧妙


1. Smartest

- This word has a similar meaning to cleverest, as it also refers to someone who is intelligent and has a quick wit.

- Example: She is the smartest student in the class, always acing her exams with ease.

2. Brightest

- Another synonym for cleverest, this word also describes someone who is intelligent and has a sharp mind.

- Example: The brightest minds in the world gathered at the conference to discuss new innovations.

3. Ingenious

- This word means extremely clever and creative in coming up with new ideas or solutions.

- Example: The inventor's ingenious design revolutionized the way we use technology.

4. Resourceful

- Similar to cleverest, this word describes someone who is able to find solutions or make use of available resources in a clever manner.

- Example: Despite facing many challenges, she always remains resourceful and finds ways to overcome them.

5. Astute

- This word refers to someone who is shrewd, perceptive, and quick-witted.

- Example: He made an astute observation that helped us solve the problem.

6. Cunning

- While this word can have negative connotations, it can also be used as a synonym for cleverest when describing someone's intelligence or wit.

- Example: The cunning fox outsmarted all the other animals in the forest.

7. Sharp

- This word can mean both physically sharp (pointed) and mentally sharp (intelligent).

- Example: She has a sharp mind that allows her to excel in any task she takes on.

8. Brilliant

- Similar to cleverest, this word describes someone who is exceptionally intelligent or talented.

- Example: The brilliant scientist won numerous awards for his groundbreaking research.

9. Sage

- This word refers to someone who is wise and knowledgeable, making good decisions based on their experience and understanding.

- Example: The sage advisor's advice was invaluable in helping the company navigate through difficult times.

10. Gifted

- This word describes someone who has natural talent or intelligence.

- Example: She is a gifted writer, with the ability to captivate readers with her words.

11. Quick-witted

- This word means having a sharp and clever mind, able to think and respond quickly.

- Example: The comedian's quick-witted humor never fails to make the audience laugh.

12. Brainy

- Similar to cleverest, this word describes someone who is highly intelligent and has a great capacity for learning.

- Example: The brainy student scored top marks in all her exams.

13. Adroit

- This word means skillful and adept, especially in using one's hands or mind.

- Example: The adroit chef created a masterpiece dish using only a few ingredients.

14. Talented

- Another synonym for cleverest, this word describes someone who has natural abilities or skills.

- Example: She is a talented musician, able to play multiple instruments with ease.

15. Shrewd

- Similar to astute, this word refers to someone who is sharp and perceptive in making judgments or decisions.

- Example: The shrewd businessman always knows how to negotiate the best deals.

16. Masterful

- This word means skillful and expert in a particular field or activity.

- Example: The masterful painter's works are highly sought after by art collectors.

17. Acute

- This word can mean both physically acute (sharp) and mentally acute (intelligent).

- Example: He has an acute mind that allows him to solve complex problems quickly.

18. Intuitive

- This word refers to someone who understands things instinctively without needing conscious reasoning.

- Example: She has an intuitive understanding of people's emotions and can empathize with them easily.

19. Genius

- This word describes someone who has exceptional intelligence and creative abilities.

- Example: The child prodigy's genius was evident from a young age.

20. Quick on the uptake

- This phrase means to be able to understand or learn something quickly.

- Example: She is always quick on the uptake, grasping new concepts easily

通过本文的介绍,我们可以知道cleverest是指最聪明的,最机智的意思。它的读音是[klevərəst]。在使用上,我们可以用cleverest来形容一个人或事物非常聪明和机智。例如,“She is the cleverest person I have ever met.”(她是我见过最聪明的人)。同时,cleverest也可以作为一个名词短语,如“at one's cleverest”(处于最聪明的状态)。如果你想要提升自己的英语水平,不妨多多使用这个词汇哦!最后,我是网站编辑小李,在此感谢大家阅读本文。如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!祝大家学习进步!
