
语言百科2024-02-09 14:34:20留学世界



1. 什么是clumsy



2. clumsy的同义词


3. clumsy的起源


4. clumsy在不同场景下的用法

- 形容人:当我们说一个人很clumsy时,通常指他们动作不够灵活、缺乏协调性,经常会碰撞到周围的物体。

- 形容物体:当我们说某件物品很clumsy时,通常指它设计不合理、操作复杂或者外观笨拙。

- 形容行为:当我们说某人的行为很clumsy时,通常指他们做事不够谨慎,经常会出现一些错误或者意外。

- 比喻性用法:除了直接形容人或物体,clumsy也可以用来比喻某件事情或情况。比如,“她的解释非常clumsy,无法让人信服。”

5. clumsy与其他词语的区别


- Clumsy和awkward:awkward强调的是缺乏协调性和不熟练,而clumsy则更多地强调笨拙和不灵活。比如,“他在舞台上跳舞很awkward”表示他动作不够协调,“他在舞台上跳舞很clumsy”则表示他动作笨拙、缺乏灵活性。

- Clumsy和unskillful:unskillful强调的是缺乏技巧和经验,而clumsy则更多地强调笨拙和不灵活。比如,“她在绘画方面很unskillful”表示她缺乏技巧,“她在绘画方面很clumsy”则表示她动作笨拙、不灵活。

- Clumsy和inept:inept强调的是缺乏能力和适应性,而clumsy则更多地强调笨拙和不灵活。比如,“他在解决问题方面很inept”表示他缺乏能力,“他在解决问题方面很clumsy”则表示他做事笨拙、不灵活


1. "clumsy"是一个形容词,读作[kluhm-zee]。

2. 这个单词的意思是笨拙的、不灵巧的,常用来形容人或物体。

3. 例如:She is so clumsy that she always drops things.

4. "clumsy"也可以用来形容行为不够谨慎或技能不够熟练。

5. 例如:He is a clumsy driver and often gets into accidents.

6. 在口语中,"clumsy"也可以表示粗心大意或缺乏灵活性。

7. 例如:I was too clumsy to notice the hidden message in the email.

8. 总的来说,"clumsy"是一个贬义词,常用来形容缺乏优雅和灵活性的人或物


1. What does "clumsy" mean?

"Clumsy" is an adjective used to describe someone who lacks coordination, grace, or skill in their movements. It can also refer to something that is awkward or difficult to handle.

2. How can you use "clumsy" in a sentence?

- She tripped over her own feet and fell down the stairs, proving just how clumsy she can be.

- The toddler's attempts to eat with a fork were clumsy and messy.

- He was so clumsy with his hands that he dropped the fragile vase and it shattered into pieces.

3. 双语例句:

- 她走路总是那么笨拙,经常会撞到墙上。

She always walks so clumsily, often bumping into walls.

- 我不太擅长运动,所以在体育课上总是表现得很笨拙。

I'm not very good at sports, so I always feel clumsy during PE class.

- 这个新的机器人设计很笨拙,我们需要做一些改进。

The design of this new robot is very clumsy, we need to make some improvements


1. clumsy hands: 笨拙的双手

2. clumsy movements: 笨拙的动作

3. clumsy behavior: 笨拙的行为

4. clumsy speech: 口齿不清的说话

5. awkward and clumsy: 笨拙而不灵活

6. a clumsy attempt: 笨拙的尝试

7. a clumsy mistake: 愚蠢的错误

8. a clumsy person: 笨手笨脚的人

9. a clumsy dancer: 不灵活的舞者

10. a clumsy oaf: 粗鲁愚蠢的人

11. a clumsy fool: 笨蛋

12. a clumsy apology: 不够得体的道歉

13. a clumsy move: 愚蠢的举动

14. feel clumsy and awkward: 感到笨拙和尴尬

15. make a clumsy remark: 说出愚蠢的话语


1. Awkward

- Definition: lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy.

- Example: The clumsy waiter dropped the tray of glasses, causing a loud crash.

2. Clumsy-handed

- Definition: having uncoordinated or awkward movements.

- Example: The artist struggled to paint with his clumsy-handed brushstrokes.

3. Inept

- Definition: having or showing no skill; clumsy.

- Example: The new employee was inept at using the computer, constantly making mistakes.

4. Bumbling

- Definition: acting in a confused or ineffectual way; clumsily.

- Example: The bumbling detective tripped over his own feet while trying to catch the suspect.

5. Ungainly

- Definition: awkward or clumsy in movement or posture.

- Example: The ungainly giraffe stumbled as it tried to reach for leaves on a high branch.

6. Fumbling

- Definition: using awkward movements, especially when handling something.

- Example: The fumbling child struggled to tie her shoelaces, her fingers clumsily fumbling with the laces.

7. Cloddish

- Definition: lacking grace or refinement; awkward and unpolished.

- Example: His cloddish manners made him stand out in the elegant party.

8. Maladroit

- Definition: ineffective or bungling; lacking skill and tactfulness.

- Example: The maladroit politician's speech was filled with stumbling and awkward pauses.

9. Gawkish

- Definition: awkward and ungainly; lacking social grace.

- Example: She felt gawkish and out of place at the fancy dinner party, unsure of how to act around such sophisticated people.

10. Clunky

- Definition: heavy and awkward in movement or design.

- Example: The old car's clunky doors were difficult to open and close, making it a challenge to get in and out

通过以上的介绍,相信大家已经对clumsy有了一个清晰的认识。作为一种常用的英语词汇,clumsy既可以作为形容词来形容人或物的笨拙,也可以作为名词指代笨拙的人。它的发音是 /ˈklʌmzi/,读起来并不困难。在日常生活中,我们可以用clumsy来描述那些缺乏灵活性和协调性的人或物。比如,你可以说:“He is so clumsy that he always drops things.”(他太笨拙了,总是东西掉地上)。除此之外,clumsy还有一些常见的词组,如“clumsy fingers”(笨拙的手指)、“clumsy handwriting”(潦草的书写)、“clumsy movement”(笨拙的动作)等等。如果你想要避免使用重复的词语,也可以尝试使用一些与clumsy意思相近的同义词,比如“awkward”、“ungainly”、“inept”等等。最后,在此我也想向大家推荐一本关于英语学习和提高写作水平的书籍《English Writing Skills》,希望能够帮助到大家。我是网站编辑,在这里分享英语学习和提高写作技巧是我的最大兴趣爱好,如果你喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我。谢谢!
