
语言百科2024-02-09 20:10:20留学世界



1. CNN的全称


CNN是“Cable News Network”的缩写,意为有线电视新闻网。它是一家美国的有线电视新闻频道,于1980年6月1日正式开播,由Ted Turner创办。

2. CNN的发展历史


3. CNN的特点


4. CNN在国际舞台上扮演着重要角色


5. CNN的国际版


6. CNN在新媒体时代的发展





1. "cnn"是什么意思?

首先,让我们来揭开"cnn"的谜团。其实,这个词代表的是"Cable News Network"的缩写,意为有线电视新闻网。它是美国一家知名的24小时全天候播报新闻的电视台,在全球范围内都有广泛的影响力。

2. 如何正确地读音?


3. 为什么选择cnn?


4. 幽默一下

虽然"cnn"是一个很严肃的名词,但我们也可以从中发现一些幽默的元素。比如,有人曾开玩笑说"cnn"的意思是"Coffee, News, and Naps"(喝咖啡、看新闻和午睡)。当然这只是个玩笑话,但也反映了人们对"cnn"的爱戴和依赖


1. cnn的意思是什么?

CNN是英文“Cable News Network”的缩写,中文意思为有线电视新闻网。它是美国最早的24小时全天候播放新闻的有线电视网,也是世界上第一个全天候播放新闻的有线电视网。

2. cnn在英语中的用法


3. 双语例句

1) CNN is a popular source of news for many people around the world. (CNN是全世界许多人获取新闻的流行来源。)

2) She always watches CNN to keep up with the latest news. (她总是看CNN来跟上最新的新闻。)

3) CNN has reporters stationed in different parts of the world to cover breaking news. (CNN在世界各地都设有记者站,报道突发事件。)

4) Many people rely on CNN for accurate and timely news updates. (许多人依赖CNN来获得准确及时的新闻更新。)



1. CNN的全称是什么?

CNN的全称是Cable News Network,即有线电视新闻网。

2. CNN是什么样的媒体?


3. CNN在哪些国家有分支机构?


4. CNN是由谁创办的?

CNN由Ted Turner于1980年创办,他也被称为“有线电视之父”。

5. CNN主要报道哪些内容?


6. “Breaking News”是什么意思?

“Breaking News”指突发事件或重大新闻,常用于紧急直播和特别报道。

7. “News Anchor”和“News Reporter”的区别是什么?

“News Anchor”指主持新闻节目并介绍新闻内容的主持人,“News Reporter”指采访并报道新闻的记者。

8. “Live Broadcast”和“Recorded Broadcast”的区别是什么?

“Live Broadcast”指实时直播节目,“Recorded Broadcast”指预先录制好的节目。

9. “Breaking News Alert”是什么意思?

“Breaking News Alert”指紧急新闻通知,常用于提醒观众重大新闻的发生。

10. CNN的标语是什么?

CNN的标语是“Be the first to know”(第一个知道)


1. What does cnn mean in English?

2. What is the English equivalent of cnn?

3. The meaning of cnn in English.

4. Synonyms for cnn in English.

5. Definition and translation of cnn in English.

6. The English translation of cnn.

7. Alternative terms for cnn in English.

8. How to say cnn in English?

9. The English interpretation of cnn.

10. Equivalents for the term "cnn" in English.

CNN是美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)的简称,是一家全球性的24小时新闻电视台,总部位于美国亚特兰大。它是世界上第一个24小时播放新闻节目的电视台,也是最早采用全球卫星技术进行广播的电视台。下面将介绍cnn在英文中的同义词示例,让我们一起来看看吧!

1. What does cnn mean in English?

- What is the meaning of cnn in the English language?

- How do you say "cnn" in English?

- The definition of "cnn" in the English dictionary.

2. What is the English equivalent of cnn?

- The equivalent term for "cnn" in the English language.

- How to translate "cnn" into English?

- Other words that have a similar meaning to "cnn" in the English vocabulary.

3. The meaning of cnn in English.

- The significance of "cnn" in the context of the English language.

- Understanding the definition of "cnn" from an Anglophone perspective.

- Exploring different interpretations and translations of "cnn" into other languages.

4. Synonyms for cnn in English.

- Alternative terms for "cnn" in the English language.

- Different words that can be used instead of "cnn" in English.

- Similar expressions to "cnn" in the English vocabulary.

5. Definition and translation of cnn in English.

- The definition and translation of "cnn" into the English language.

- Explaining the meaning of "cnn" in English.

- How to interpret and translate "cnn" into other languages.

6. The English translation of cnn.

- Translating "cnn" into English.

- Understanding how to say "cnn" in the English language.

- Exploring different translations and interpretations of "cnn".

7. Alternative terms for cnn in English.

- Other words that can be used instead of "cnn" in the English language.

- Synonyms for "cnn" in the context of the English vocabulary.

- Different expressions with a similar meaning to "cnn".

8. How to say cnn in English?

- Pronouncing and enunciating the term "cnn" correctly in the English language.

- Tips on how to properly say "cnn" in an Anglophone accent.

- Providing audio examples of how to pronounce "cnn" in different accents.

9. The English interpretation of cnn.

- Understanding what cnn means from an Anglophone perspective.

- Interpreting and analyzing the term "cnn" within an Anglophone context.

- Exploring cultural connotations and associations with the term "cnn".

10. Equivalents for the term “CNN” in English.

- Other ways to express “CNN” in the context of the English language.

- Finding different equivalents for “CNN” based on its meaning and usage within a specific context or industry

cnn是什么意思英文是一个非常常见的网络用语,它的全称为“Cable News Network”,意为有线电视新闻网。它不仅在美国具有重要地位,在全球范围内也拥有广泛的影响力。希望通过本文的介绍,读者能够更加深入了解cnn,并能够正确使用和理解这一网络用语。作为网站编辑,我将继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识,喜欢就关注我吧!谢谢大家的阅读!
