
语言百科2024-02-13 06:09:25留学世界



1. 概念解释



2. 合作的定义


3. 合作的重要性


4. 合作的类型


5. 合作与竞争


6. 合作的重要性


7. 如何有效地合作




1. 单词发音:cooperate [kəʊˈɒpəreɪt]

2. 词性:动词

3. 词义解释:

a. 合作,协作:指不同的个体或组织之间共同努力,相互支持,共同达成某一目标。

b. 配合,协调:指不同的事物或因素之间相互配合,相互促进,共同产生某种效果。

4. 例句:

a. We need to cooperate in order to achieve our common goal.


b. The two companies decided to cooperate on a new project.


5. 同义词:

collaborate, work together, team up, join forces, coordinate

6. 反义词:

compete, oppose, hinder, work against

7. 拓展知识:

a. cooperate与collaborate的区别:

- cooperate强调共同努力达成某一目标,通常指在一段时间内进行的合作;

- collaborate强调通过密切的合作和沟通取得成功,通常指长期性的合作关系。

b. cooperate与coordinate的区别:

- cooperate强调共同努力达成某一目标,重点在于行动上的配合;

- coordinate强调协调各方面的事物或因素,重点在于思想上的统一和行动上的协调。

8. 注意事项:

a. 单词发音中的"o"为开口元音,读作[ə],而不是闭口元音[ɑ];

b. 单词结尾的"-ate"发音为[ət],而不是[-eɪt];

c. 注意区分动词"cooperate"和名词"cooperation"之间的差异


1. 用法:Cooperate是一个动词,意为“合作”,常用于描述人们一起工作或共同努力实现某个目标。


- We need to cooperate in order to finish this project on time.(我们需要合作才能按时完成这个项目。)

- The two companies decided to cooperate on a new product launch.(这两家公司决定在新产品发布上合作。)

2. 双语例句:

- We are willing to cooperate with other countries to achieve global peace and prosperity.(我们愿意与其他国家合作,实现全球和平与繁荣。)

- The success of this event is the result of everyone's cooperation and hard work.(这次活动的成功得益于大家的合作和努力。)

- In order for our team to win, we must learn to cooperate and trust each other.(为了让我们的团队获胜,我们必须学会相互合作和信任。)

- The two companies have agreed to cooperate on a joint research project.(这两家公司已经同意在一项联合研究项目上合作。)


1. Team up - 与...合作

2. Work together - 共同工作

3. Collaborate - 合作

4. Join forces - 联手合作

5. Coordinate efforts - 协调努力

6. Pool resources - 资源共享

7. Partner with - 与...合作伙伴关系

8. Combine strengths - 结合优势

9. Unite for a common goal - 为共同目标团结一致

10. Synergize - 协同效应


1. Collaborate: Working together in a coordinated and effective manner.

Example: The two companies collaborated to create a new product.

2. Team up: Joining forces with someone to achieve a common goal.

Example: The students teamed up to complete the project.

3. Work together: Combining efforts and resources towards a shared objective.

Example: The team worked together to win the championship.

4. Join hands: Coming together to work towards a mutual benefit.

Example: The organizations joined hands to raise awareness for the cause.

5. Partner: Forming an alliance or partnership for a specific purpose.

Example: The company partnered with a local charity for their CSR initiative.

6. Coordinate: Organizing and aligning activities or tasks for efficient execution.

Example: The team coordinated their efforts to meet the deadline.

7. Unite: Combining different elements or individuals into one cohesive unit.

Example: The countries united to fight against climate change.

8. Conspire: Working secretly and closely with others towards a common goal.

Example: The rebels conspired against the government.

9. Assist: Providing support or help in achieving something.

Example: She assisted her colleague in completing the project on time.

10. Combine forces: Joining together resources, skills, or efforts to achieve success.

Example: The two companies combined forces to launch a new product line

