
语言百科2024-02-14 08:27:28留学世界




1. 亲戚的称呼:cousins是指表兄弟姐妹,也可以泛指远房亲戚。

2. 源自拉丁语:cousins一词源自拉丁语中的“consobrinus”,意为“共同的兄弟姐妹”。

3. 联系紧密:cousins通常指与自己有血缘关系的人,与兄弟姐妹的关系相近,有着紧密的联系。

4. 常见于英语国家:在英语国家,cousins是一种常见的家庭称呼方式,包括美国、英国、加拿大等地区。

5. 可以有多种称呼:根据具体关系,cousins还可以被称为first cousins(一级表兄弟姐妹)、second cousins(二级表兄弟姐妹)等。

6. 在不同文化中有不同含义:在西方文化中,cousins通常是指具有血缘关系的人;而在东方文化中,也可以包括结亲或结拜的人。

7. 代表着家庭情感:cousins代表着家庭之间的亲密情感和联系,在很多文学作品和电影中都扮演着重要角色。

8. 可以有多种关系:除了表兄弟姐妹,cousins还可以是堂兄弟姐妹、舅侄、姨甥等多种关系。

9. 重要的亲情纽带:无论是在家庭中还是社会中,cousins都扮演着重要的亲情纽带,可以带来温暖和支持。

10. 不同发音方式:虽然cousins的英语发音为/kʌzɪnz/,但在不同地区也可能有所差异


1. 什么是cousins?

Cousins是一个英文单词,指的是堂兄弟姐妹,也可以指远房亲戚。它是由两个音节组成,第一个音节“cou”发音为/kʌ/, 第二个音节“sins”发音为/zɪnz/。

2. “cousins”的正确发音


3. 发音方法

首先,将注意力放在第一个音节上,“cou”的发音为/kʌ/. 这个音标表示舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌身放松向后部抬起,同时吐气发出/k/的爆破声。接着,舌头要快速移动到嘴唇前面,准备发出下一个辅音/z/。

4. 第二个音节“sins”的发音

第二个字母“s”应该被读成清晰的/z/ 音。这个国际音标表示舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌身放松向后部抬起,并吐气带声地发出/z/ 音。

5. 总结

6. 练习建议


- 反复朗读单词“cousins”,注意每个音节的发音;

- 借助在线英语发音工具或者英语老师的指导来纠正发音;

- 多听一些英语口语材料,尤其是涉及到家庭关系的对话和情景,在听的过程中注意模仿正确的发音。

7. 注意事项


- 多听多说:只有通过大量听和说才能真正掌握正确的发音;

- 注意区分相似但不同的单词:比如,“cousin”和“cuisine”两个单词虽然只有一个字母不同,但是它们的发音却完全不同;

- 不要过度用力:正确的英语发音需要轻松自然地把控舌头、嘴唇和声带,不要过度用力;

- 多练习:发音需要反复练习,只有通过不断地练习才能掌握得更准确


1. 什么是cousins?


2. 如何正确发音cousins?


3. 双语例句

- My cousins are coming over for dinner tonight.(我的表兄弟和表姐妹今晚要来吃饭。)

- We grew up together, so my cousins are like siblings to me.(我们一起长大,所以我的表兄弟和表姐妹就像兄弟姐妹一样。)

- My cousins from Australia are visiting us next month.(我来自澳大利亚的表兄弟和表姐妹下个月要来看我们。)

- We're not just cousins, we're also best friends.(我们不仅仅是表兄弟和表姐妹,我们还是最好的朋友。)


1. "Cousins"的发音是什么样的?

2. “Cousins”是怎么说的?

3. 你知道如何正确地发音“Cousins”吗?

4. 用英语怎么说“Cousins”?

5. “Cousins”的英文读音是什么?

6. 如何用英语念出“Cousins”这个词?

7. 英语中“Cousins”的发音是什么样的?

8. 怎样才能把“Cousins”这个词读准确?

9. “Cousins”这个单词怎么发音?

10. 学习英语必备:正确发音“Cousins”


1. Relatives - This is a general term used to refer to family members, including cousins. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, such as "I have many relatives, including my cousins."

2. Kin - This term is often used to refer to close family members, including cousins. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to extended family members or even distant relatives.

3. Kinsfolk - This is another term that can be used to refer to family members in general, including cousins. It can also be used in a more specific sense to refer to one's close relatives.

4. Siblings - While this term specifically refers to brothers and sisters, it can also be used more broadly to include cousins who are close in age and have a strong bond like siblings.

5. Relations - Similar to "relatives," this term can be used to refer to family members in general, including cousins. It can also be used in a more specific sense to refer to one's extended family.

6. Family Members - This is a simple and straightforward way of referring to one's relatives, including cousins.

7. Blood Relatives - This term emphasizes the genetic connection between family members and includes cousins as well.

8. Clan - This term refers specifically to a large group of people who are all related by blood or marriage, such as an extended family or tribe. Cousins would fall under this category.

9. Tribe - Similar to "clan," this term refers specifically to a group of people who are all related by blood or marriage and share a common culture or ancestry.

10. Lineage - This term refers specifically to one's direct line of ancestors and descendants, which would include cousins as well.

11. Progeny - This word refers specifically to one's descendants or offspring, which would include not only children but also nieces, nephews, and other younger relatives such as cousins.

12. Descendants - Similar to "progeny," this term refers specifically to one's offspring or descendants, including cousins.

13. Ancestors - This term refers specifically to one's direct line of predecessors, which would include grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. Cousins would be considered distant ancestors.

14. Bloodline - This term emphasizes the genetic connection between family members and includes cousins as well.

15. Extended Family - This term refers to relatives beyond one's immediate family, including cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

16. Near Kin - This term is used to refer to close relatives, including cousins. It can also be used in a broader sense to refer to extended family members or even distant relatives.

17. Near and Dear Ones - This phrase is often used affectionately to refer to close family members, including cousins.

18. Close Relations - Similar to "near kin," this phrase can be used to refer to close relatives such as cousins.

19. Next of Kin - This term specifically refers to one's closest living relative or relatives, which may include cousins if they are the closest in terms of blood relation.

20. Family Tree Members - This phrase can be used more informally to refer to all the branches and connections of one's extended family tree, including cousins

