
语言百科2024-02-14 08:49:27留学世界



1. 定义



2. 堂兄弟姐妹和表兄弟姐妹的区别

在英语中,cousin一词可以泛指堂兄弟姐妹和表兄弟姐妹,但它们之间有一些细微的区别。堂兄弟姐妹(cousins)是指父母的兄弟姐妹的子女,而表兄弟姐妹(second cousins)则是指父母的堂兄弟姐妹的子女。换句话说,堂兄弟姐妹与你有着共同的祖父母,而表兄弟姐妹则与你有着共同的曾祖父母。这种区别在不同国家和文化中可能会有所不同。

3. 用法示例


- My cousin and I are very close.(我的堂兄弟姐妹和我关系非常亲密。)

- I have a lot of cousins on my mother's side.(我在母亲那边有很多堂兄弟姐妹。)

- My second cousin is getting married next month.(我的表兄弟姐妹下个月要结婚。)

4. 其他相关词汇


- Sibling:兄弟姐妹

- Nephew/niece:侄子/侄女

- Uncle/aunt:叔叔/阿姨

- Grandparent:祖父母


1. 家人之间的称谓


2. 与“cousin”相关的词汇

如果你想表达“堂兄弟姐妹”,可以使用the cousin once removed这个短语。而“表兄弟姐妹”则可以用the second cousin来表示。

3. 与“cousin”有关的趣事

在英语中,还有一个与cousin相关的俚语——kissing cousin。它指的是两人关系非常亲密,甚至可能会发生某些不合逻辑的事情。比如说,“Are you two kissing cousins?”意思就是问两个人是否有某种特殊关系。

4. “Cousin”在英文歌曲中的应用

许多流行歌曲都提到过cousin这个词汇,比如Taylor Swift的《You Belong With Me》和The Beach Boys的《Cousins》等等。这些歌曲都以轻松幽默的方式描述了家庭成员之间复杂又温馨的关系。

5. “Cousin”在电影中也扮演重要角色

除了歌曲,电影中也经常出现cousin这个词汇。比如在《The Addams Family》和《The Godfather》等电影中,cousin都扮演着重要的角色,为故事增添了不少趣味性


1. 定义和用法


2. 同义词


3. 双语例句

1) My cousin is coming to visit us this weekend.


2) We are close cousins, we grew up together.


3) My cousin and I share a lot of common interests.


4) She's my second cousin on my mother's side.


5) The two companies are cousins, they often collaborate on projects together.


4. 用法提示

1) 当cousin作为名词时,它可以指同辈亲戚中的堂兄弟姐妹或表兄弟姐妹,也可以指远房亲戚。

2) 当cousin作为形容词时,它可以修饰具有某种关联或相似性的人或事物。

3) cousin还有一些常见的搭配用法,如first cousin(一级堂兄弟姐妹)、second cousin(二级堂兄弟姐妹)、distant cousin(远房亲戚)等


1. Extended family

- Definition: a family unit that includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, in addition to the immediate family (parents and siblings)

- Example: My cousin is part of my extended family because she is my father's sister's daughter.

2. Distant cousin

- Definition: a relative who is not closely related, usually from a different branch of the family tree

- Example: I met some distant cousins at the family reunion and it was interesting to learn about our shared ancestry.

3. First cousin

- Definition: a child of one's aunt or uncle; also known as a "full" cousin as they share the same set of grandparents

- Example: My first cousin and I are only a few months apart in age and we grew up like siblings.

4. Second cousin

- Definition: a child of one's parent's first cousin; also known as "half" cousins as they share only one set of great-grandparents

- Example: My second cousins invited me to their wedding and it was great to reconnect with that side of the family.

5. Double cousin

- Definition: two siblings from one family marry two siblings from another family, resulting in children who have both sets of parents as first cousins

- Example: My double cousins are like siblings to me since we share both sets of grandparents.

6. Maternal/paternal cousin

- Definition: a cousin on either the mother's or father's side of the family respectively

- Example: My maternal cousin is my mom's brother's daughter while my paternal cousin is my dad's sister's son.

7. Cousin once/twice removed

- Definition: refers to the number of generations between two relatives; once removed means there is a generation difference while twice removed means there are two generations between them

- Example: My second-cousin-once-removed is my dad's cousin's granddaughter.

8. Blood relative

- Definition: a family member related by blood, not through marriage

- Example: My cousin and I are blood relatives because we share the same set of grandparents.

9. Black sheep of the family

- Definition: a family member who is considered different or troublesome compared to the rest of the family

- Example: My cousin is definitely the black sheep of our family, always causing drama and getting into trouble.

10. Family ties

- Definition: the connections and relationships between relatives

- Example: Despite living in different countries, my cousins and I have strong family ties and always make an effort to keep in touch


1. Relative - This is a general term used to describe someone who is connected to you by blood or marriage. It is often used as a synonym for cousin, as both terms refer to family members.

2. Kin - This word refers to family or relatives, and can also be used as a synonym for cousin. It emphasizes the close relationship between family members.

3. Sibling - While this term specifically refers to brothers and sisters, it can also be used as a synonym for cousin in some contexts. This is because cousins are often considered to be like siblings due to their close familial bond.

4. Kinsman/Kinswoman - These words are more formal ways of referring to a relative or family member, and can also be used as synonyms for cousin.

5. Relation - Similar to relative, this word can also be used as a synonym for cousin. It highlights the familial connection between individuals.

6. Blood relation - This phrase specifically refers to someone who is related to you by blood, such as a cousin. It emphasizes the biological connection between family members.

7. Kith - This word refers to friends and acquaintances, but can also be used as a synonym for cousins in certain contexts. It highlights the close relationship between family members and their extended social circle.

8. Offspring - While this term generally refers to one's children, it can also be used as a synonym for cousin in some cases. This is because cousins are considered part of one's extended family and are often treated like children or younger siblings.

9. Progeny - Similar to offspring, this word specifically refers to descendants or offspring of a particular person or couple, but can also be used as a synonym for cousin in certain situations.

10. Kinsfolk/Kinfolk- These words refer to relatives or family members and can also be used interchangeably with cousins in some contexts.

11. Kindred - This word refers to one's family or relatives, and can also be used as a synonym for cousin. It emphasizes the close bond and shared ancestry between family members.

12. Clan - While this term specifically refers to a group of people with a common ancestor, it can also be used as a synonym for cousin in certain contexts. This is because cousins are often considered part of one's extended family and share a common ancestor.

13. Lineage - This word refers to one's ancestry or descent, but can also be used as a synonym for cousin in some cases. It highlights the shared familial connection between individuals.

14. Tribe - Similar to clan, this term specifically refers to a social group with a common ancestor, but can also be used as a synonym for cousin in certain situations.

15. House - This word refers to one's family or household, but can also be used as a synonym for cousin in some contexts. It highlights the close familial bond and shared living space between individuals

