1. 是不是有时候看到一些英文标题中出现了cri这个单词,就感觉很懵?别担心,cri其实是一个缩写,它代表的是“crisis”(危机)。
2. 这个词在英文中经常用来形容一种紧急情况或者困难局面,比如“economic cri”(经济危机)、“identity cri”(身份危机)等等。
3. 但是在年轻人的圈子里,cri也可以被用来表示一种不好的状态或者糟糕的情况。比如,“I'm in a real cri right now”(我现在处于一个真正的糟糕状态)。
4. 这种用法可能有点像我们中文里的“危险”,但更加口语化和俏皮。所以如果你看到有人说“cri”,就可以理解为他们在抱怨或者表达某种不满。
5. 当然,在不同的语境下,cri也可能会有不同的含义。但总的来说,它大多数时候都与困难、危机、糟糕的情况相关。
6. 所以,在看到英文标题中出现了cri这个词时,你可以根据具体情况来理解它所代表的意思。但无论如何,它都和一种不好的情况有关,所以要小心使用哦
1. 发音:cri的发音与英语单词"cry"相似,读作/kraɪ/,但重音在第一个音节上。
2. 释义:cri是法语中的一个词,意为“呼喊”、“哭泣”。在英语中可以用作名词,表示“婴儿床”或“小床”,也可以用作动词,表示“哭泣”、“呼喊”。
3. 举例:当你听到有人说“put the baby in the cri”,意思就是把宝宝放进婴儿床里。当你看到一个小孩在街上大声哭泣时,你可以说“He's crying out loud!”来形容他大声呼喊或哭泣。
4. 幽默感:如果你想要更加幽默地表达某人在大声哭泣,你可以说“He's crying like a baby in the cri!”来暗指他像个小孩一样在婴儿床里大哭。另外,如果有人问你cri是什么意思英语,你也可以开玩笑地回答说“它是一种法式的呼喊和哭泣方式!”
1. cri的基本含义
cri是一个英语单词,常用作名词,意为“哭声”,也可以作为动词,意为“哭泣”。它源自古英语“cry”, 意为“叫喊、呼喊”,经过演变后才形成现在的cri这个单词。下面是一些例句:
- The baby's loud cri woke up the whole neighborhood. (孩子大声的哭声把整个社区都吵醒了。)
- She couldn't help but cri when she heard the sad news. (听到这个悲伤的消息,她忍不住哭了。)
2. cri作为名词的用法
- The cries for help could be heard from miles away. (求救的呼喊声可以从几英里外听到。)
- The protesters raised their cries for justice and equality. (抗议者高举着要求正义和平等的口号。)
- He had a deep cri for love and affection. (他内心深处渴望爱和关怀。)
- Her constant crie for attention annoyed her friends. (她不断渴求关注的行为让她的朋友们很烦恼。)
3. cri作为动词的用法
- She cried herself to sleep every night. (每晚她都哭着入睡。)
- He cried out in pain when he stubbed his toe. (当他脚趾被绊倒时,他痛苦地叫了出来。)
4. 双语例句
- The little girl's cri was so loud that it could be heard throughout the house. (小女孩的哭声很大,整个房子都能听到。)
- The old man's crie for help went unanswered as he lay alone on the ground. (老人躺在地上,呼救声却无人回应。)
- She couldn't stop the tears from falling as she cried over her lost dog. (她失去爱犬后,眼泪止不住地流下来。)
- The protesters' crie for change echoed through the streets as they marched towards the government building. (抗议者向政府大楼行进时,改变的呼喊在街道上回荡。)
- The baby's constant crie for attention was a source of frustration for her parents. (孩子不断渴求关注让父母很头疼。)
- She cried out in pain as the doctor gave her the injection. (医生给她打针时,她痛苦地叫了出来。)
- The actress received a standing ovation and crie of praise from the audience after her amazing performance. (演员表演完后,观众起立鼓掌并发出赞扬的呼喊声。)
1. cri de coeur - 激烈的呼吁或抗议
2. cri du coeur - 心灵的呼唤
3. cri de guerre - 战争的口号
4. cri de joie - 欢乐的呼喊
5. cri de ralliement - 集结号
6. cri du peuple - 人民的呼声
7. crier au loup - 喊狼来了,比喻虚假警报
8. crier famine - 喊饿,比喻极度缺乏或贫困
9. crier victoire - 喊胜利,宣布取得胜利或成功
10. crier sur les toits - 在屋顶上大声喊叫,比喻公开宣布或宣扬某事物。
11. à corps et à cri - 全力以赴地,尽全力地。
12. crier au secours - 呼救,请求帮助。
13. crier grâce - 请求饶命。
14. crier vengeance - 号召报复。
15. ne pas entendre ou écouter les cris du peuple- 不理着人民的呼声
1. What does cri mean in English? - cri meaning
2. What is the definition of cri in English? - cri definition
3. What is the meaning of cri in English? - cri significance
4. Understanding the term cri in English - cri interpretation
5. Exploring the concept of cri in English - cri concept
6. The significance of cri in the English language - importance of cri
7. Decoding the word "cri" in English - deciphering "cri"
8. Unraveling the mystery behind "cri" in English - uncovering "cri"
9. The true essence of "cri" in English - essence of "cri"
10. Demystifying the meaning of "cri" in English - clarifying "cri"