curiosity 的翻译是

语言百科2024-02-16 02:06:30留学世界



1. 什么是curiosity?


curiosity 的翻译是

2. 好奇心的重要性


3. 好奇心与探索欲望


4. 好奇心与求知欲


5. 好奇心的种类


6. 好奇心与创造力


7. 如何培养好奇心



1. 什么是curiosity


2. 好奇心的重要性


3. curiosity在不同语境下的翻译


4. curiosity怎么读


5. curiosity的相关词汇

除了curiosity这个名词外,还有一些相关的词汇可以帮助我们更深入地理解这个概念。比如,好奇心强的人可以被称为“curious”或“inquisitive”,而缺乏好奇心的人则可能被形容为“uninterested”或“apathetic”。另外,我们也可以用“curiosity killed the cat”来形容过于好奇会带来危险或不良后果


1. 什么是curiosity?


2. curiosity的用法

Curiosity通常作为名词使用,表示一种内在的渴望。它可以用来形容一个人具有好奇心,也可以指某件事物引起了我们的兴趣。例如:“She has a great curiosity about the world.”(她对世界有着极大的好奇心。)“The new exhibit at the museum piqued my curiosity.”(博物馆里的新展览引起了我的兴趣。)

3. 双语例句

- Curiosity killed the cat.(好奇心害死猫。)这句谚语表达了过度好奇可能会带来不良后果。

- His curiosity about other cultures led him to travel around the world.(他对其他文化的好奇心促使他周游世界。)这句话展示了好奇心可以推动人们去探索未知。

- The child's endless curiosity is both endearing and exhausting for his parents.(孩子无穷尽的好奇心既让父母感到可爱,也让他们精疲力尽。)这句话说明好奇心可以给人带来欢乐,但也可能造成一些不便


1. "满足好奇心" - satisfy one's curiosity

2. "抓住好奇心" - pique one's curiosity

3. "激发好奇心" - spark curiosity

4. "追寻好奇心" - pursue curiosity

5. "挑战好奇心" - challenge curiosity

6. "探索好奇心" - explore curiosity

7. "解开谜团" - unravel the mystery

8. "引发兴趣" - ignite interest

9. "勾起求知欲" - arouse the desire for knowledge

10. "激发探索精神" - fuel the spirit of exploration


1. Inquisitiveness

Inquisitiveness is a synonym for curiosity, describing the desire to learn and explore new things. It also implies a sense of eagerness and enthusiasm in seeking knowledge.

2. Wonder

Wonder refers to a feeling of surprise and amazement that arises from curiosity. It often involves questioning and trying to understand something that is unfamiliar or mysterious.

3. Interest

Interest is another word for curiosity, emphasizing the desire to know more about a particular subject or topic. It can also refer to a feeling of engagement or involvement in something that captures one's attention.

4. Fascination

Fascination describes a strong interest or attraction towards something, often stemming from curiosity. It suggests a sense of captivation and intrigue in exploring the unknown.

5. Inquiring mind

An inquiring mind is characterized by curiosity, constantly seeking answers and understanding through questioning and investigation. This term emphasizes the active nature of curiosity.

6. Thirst for knowledge

Thirst for knowledge refers to an intense desire to learn more, driven by curiosity. It conveys a sense of insatiable hunger for information and understanding.

7. Quest for discovery

Quest for discovery highlights the adventurous aspect of curiosity, as it involves actively searching for new information, experiences, or ideas.

8. Sense of wonder

Sense of wonder describes the feeling of awe and amazement that arises from curiosity towards something new or unknown.

9. Curious nature

Curious nature refers to someone who possesses an innate inclination towards exploring and seeking knowledge about their surroundings.

10. Investigative spirit

An investigative spirit is characterized by an intense desire to uncover the truth through inquiry and research, driven by curiosity.

11. A thirst for adventure

A thirst for adventure suggests a strong desire to explore new places, ideas, or experiences out of pure curiosity and excitement.

12. Zeal for learning

Zeal for learning highlights the enthusiasm and passion that comes with curiosity, as one actively seeks knowledge and understanding.

13. Yearning for discovery

Yearning for discovery conveys a strong desire to uncover new information or experiences, driven by a deep sense of curiosity.

14. Eagerness to explore

Eagerness to explore describes the excitement and enthusiasm that comes with curiosity, as one embarks on a journey of discovery.

15. Sense of inquiry

Sense of inquiry refers to the act of questioning and seeking answers, often driven by curiosity. It emphasizes the active and investigative nature of curiosity

