
语言百科2024-02-16 07:42:30留学世界



1. 自定义的:custom一词源自拉丁语“consuetudo”,意为习惯、惯例。在英语中,它通常指的是根据个人需求或偏好而定制的东西,比如自定义的衣服、鞋子、手机壳等。这些东西都是根据个人喜好来设计制作的,因此也被称为custom-made。


2. 习俗:除了指定制品,custom也可以表示某种社会或文化群体所共同遵循的传统习惯。比如中国人过年时贴春联、吃团圆饭、放鞭炮等,这些都是我们的传统习俗,也可以用custom来表达。

3. 风俗:在英语中,custom还可以指某种地区或国家特有的风俗习惯。比如日本人喜欢穿和服、泡温泉,美国人喜欢庆祝感恩节和圣诞节等。这些都是不同文化背景下的风俗习惯,也可以用custom来表达。

4. 顾客定制服务:随着消费者需求多样化和个性化趋势的增强,许多企业推出了顾客定制服务(customer customization),即根据顾客个人需求来定制产品。比如Nike的定制鞋子服务,可以让顾客选择颜色、图案等来设计自己的专属鞋子,这也被称为customization。

5. 定制化妆品:除了衣服、鞋子等产品可以定制外,现在连化妆品也可以定制了。一些品牌推出了个性化妆品服务,顾客可以根据自己的肤质和喜好来定制适合自己的护肤品和化妆品。这种服务也被称为customized cosmetics。

6. 个人喜好:总的来说,custom一词最核心的意思就是根据个人需求和喜好来定制某件东西。它强调个性化、独特性,让每个人都能拥有独一无二的东西。因此,在当下年轻人中,custom也成为一种时尚潮流,许多年轻人都追求拥有与众不同的custom风格


1. 读音

custom的读音为 [ˈkʌstəm],其中“u”发[ʌ]音,类似于汉语拼音中的“u”,而不是[ju]的发音。

2. 含义解释


(1) 传统习俗:指某个社会群体、地区或文化中流传已久、被普遍接受并且被视为正当的行为规范。例如:It is a custom in Japan to take off your shoes before entering a house.(在日本,进入房屋前要脱鞋是一种传统习俗。)

(2) 订制品:指按照顾客需求订做的产品。例如:The furniture in this shop is all custom-made.(这家店里的家具都是定制的。)

(3) 关税:指进出口货物征收的税款。例如:The government has imposed a new custom on imported cars.(政府对进口汽车征收了新关税。)

(4) 个人喜好:指某人特定的喜好或习惯。例如:It's not my custom to eat breakfast every day.(我不习惯每天吃早餐。)

3. 搭配短语


(1) custom-made:定制的,按照顾客要求制作的。例如:The tailor made a custom-made suit for the client.(裁缝为客户定制了一套西装。)

(2) customs duty:关税。例如:The customs duty for imported goods has increased.(进口商品的关税已经上涨。)

(3) in/into the customs:进入海关。例如:We were stopped at the border and had to go into the customs for inspection.(我们在边境被拦下,必须进入海关接受检查。)

(4) break with tradition/custom:打破传统。例如:He decided to break with tradition and celebrate Christmas in a new way.(他决定打破传统,用新的方式庆祝圣诞节。)

4. 用法示例

(1) Custom is an important part of cultural identity.


(2) The company specializes in custom design and production.


(3) Please declare all items at the customs.


(4) It's not my custom to drink alcohol.



1. 什么是custom?


2. custom作为名词的用法

a. 指某种社会上常见的行为方式或做法,例如:

- It is a custom in many cultures to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time.


- In some countries, it is a custom to give gifts during the holiday season.


b. 指某个特定群体内部共同遵循的规范或做法,例如:

- The customs of this tribe are very different from those of their neighboring tribe.


- The company has its own customs and traditions that all employees must follow.


c. 指海关部门对进出口货物征收的税费,例如:

- We had to pay a lot of customs when we brought back souvenirs from our trip.


3. custom作为形容词的用法

a. 指根据个人需求或要求定制的,例如:

- She ordered a custom-made dress for her wedding.


- The company offers custom solutions to meet each client's specific needs.


b. 指某种特殊的、独有的,例如:

- The restaurant is known for its custom cocktails that are created by the bartender.


- The artist's custom paintings are highly sought after by collectors.


4. 双语例句

a. It's a local custom to bow when greeting someone in Japan.


b. The wedding ceremony was filled with customs and traditions passed down from generations.


c. The customs officer checked our bags thoroughly before allowing us to enter the country.


d. The company offers custom solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.


e. The artist's custom paintings are highly valued by art enthusiasts.



1. Custom-made: 定制的,根据客户要求特别制作的。

2. Custom-built: 定制建造的,根据客户需求而建造的。

3. Custom-designed: 定制设计的,根据客户要求而设计的。

4. Custom-fit: 定制合适的,根据个人尺寸定做的。

5. Custom-tailored: 定制裁剪的,根据个人身材裁剪定做的。

6. Customized: 客制化的,根据客户需求量身定做的。

7. Customary: 习俗上的,符合当地习惯或惯例的。

8. Customer-centric: 以客户为中心的,注重满足客户需求和体验的。

9. Customer-oriented: 以顾客为导向的,关注顾客需求和满意度的。

10. Customer service: 客户服务,为顾客提供售后支持和解决问题等服务。

11. Customer satisfaction: 客户满意度,在顾客体验和反馈中衡量对产品或服务满意程度。

12. Customer loyalty: 顾客忠诚度,在长期使用产品或服务后对品牌或公司产生忠诚情感。

13. Customer relationship management (CRM): 客户关系管理,在销售、营销和服务等方面建立和维护与顾客之间良好的关系。

14. Customer retention: 顾客保留率,指保持现有顾客的数量和忠诚度的能力。

15. Customer acquisition: 顾客获取,指吸引和获得新顾客的过程。

16. Customer feedback: 客户反馈,顾客对产品或服务的意见、建议和评价等。

17. Customer experience: 客户体验,在购买、使用和与品牌互动过程中的整体感受。

18. Customer journey: 客户旅程,指顾客从发现品牌到购买再到使用的整个过程。

19. Customer retention rate: 顾客保留率,衡量一定时间内保持现有顾客数量的百分比。

20. Customer churn rate: 顾客流失率,衡量一定时间内失去顾客数量的百分比


1. Tradition

- Definition: a long-established custom or belief that has been passed down from generation to generation.

- Example: The custom of exchanging gifts during the holiday season is a tradition that has been practiced for centuries.

2. Practice

- Definition: a habitual or customary action.

- Example: In some cultures, it is a common practice to bow when greeting someone.

3. Ritual

- Definition: a set of actions or words performed in a specific way as part of a religious or cultural ceremony.

- Example: The ritual of lighting candles on a birthday cake is a custom that symbolizes the celebration of life.

4. Convention

- Definition: an accepted and traditional way of behaving or doing something.

- Example: It is considered a social convention to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time.

5. Norm

- Definition: an expected standard of behavior in a particular society or group.

- Example: In many countries, it is the norm to remove your shoes before entering someone's home as a sign of respect.

6. Traditionary

- Definition: relating to or based on tradition.

- Example: The custom of wearing white on your wedding day is traditionary in Western cultures.

7. Folkway

- Definition: the traditional behavior and customs of a particular community or group, especially in rural areas.

- Example: One folkway in Amish communities is the practice of using horse-drawn carriages instead of cars.

8. Heritage

- Definition: practices and traditions that are passed down through generations within a particular culture.

- Example: The Chinese New Year celebration is part of their cultural heritage and includes customs such as dragon dances and red envelope giving.

9. Mores

- Definition: customs and behaviors that are considered morally binding by members of society.

- Example: In some countries, it is against mores to speak loudly in public places, as it is seen as disrespectful.

10. Ancestral

- Definition: relating to or inherited from one's ancestors.

- Example: The custom of burying the dead with their belongings is ancestral in many indigenous cultures.

11. Etiquette

- Definition: the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

- Example: It is proper etiquette to say "please" and "thank you" when making a request.

12. Protocol

- Definition: a system of rules and customs governing official ceremonies and behavior in diplomatic and other official situations.

- Example: The protocol for formal events often includes wearing formal attire and following a specific order of speeches and toasts.

13. Heritage

- Definition: practices and traditions that are passed down through generations within a particular culture.

- Example: The Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is part of their cultural heritage and includes customs such as building altars for deceased loved ones.

14. Folklore

- Definition: the traditional beliefs, customs, stories, songs, and dances of a community or culture.

- Example: The custom of carving pumpkins for Halloween is rooted in Celtic folklore.

15. Conventionalism

- Definition: adherence to traditional or established customs or attitudes.

- Example: In some societies, conventionalism dictates that marriages should be arranged by the families rather than chosen by the individuals involved.

16. Ancestral heritage

- Definition: practices and traditions that have been passed down through generations within a particular family line.

- Example: The custom of serving a special dish at family gatherings has become an ancestral heritage in our family.

17. Way of life

- Definition: the customs, habits, and values that characterize a particular society or group.

- Example: The way of life in rural villages often involves traditional customs such as farming and communal living.

18. Cultural practice

- Definition: customs and behaviors that are specific to a particular culture.

- Example: The custom of bowing as a sign of respect is a cultural practice in many Asian countries.

19. Social norm

- Definition: an expected standard of behavior in a particular society or group.

- Example: In some cultures, it is a social norm for men to open doors for women as a sign of chivalry.

20. Time-honored tradition

- Definition: a custom or practice that has been passed down and respected for a long time.

- Example: The time-honored tradition of lighting candles on Christmas Eve symbolizes the hope and joy of the holiday season

