1. DEA的全称是Drug Enforcement Administration,是美国联邦政府的一个执法部门,主要负责打击和管控非法药物的制造、贩卖和使用活动。
2. DEA是美国司法部下属的特别调查局,成立于1973年7月1日,总部位于弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿县。它负责执行《联邦毒品管制法》和《联邦毒品管制条例》等相关法律,并与其他执法机构如FBI、海关及边境保护局等合作打击毒品犯罪活动。
3. DEA在全美各地设有办事处,拥有超过10,000名特工和支持人员。他们不仅在美国国内开展行动,还与其他国家的执法机构合作,在全球范围内打击毒品犯罪活动。
4. DEA的主要任务包括:收集情报、调查违法行为、拘捕犯罪嫌疑人、起诉并带领案件到最终审判阶段。除了打击非法药物活动外,DEA也负责监督合法药物的生产和使用,以确保它们不被滥用或用于非医疗目的。
5. DEA的工作重点主要集中在以下几个方面:麻醉药品、受控药品、合成毒品和大麻。它们通过监督药物的流通渠道,追踪非法活动,打击制造和贩卖毒品的犯罪团伙。
6. DEA在打击毒品犯罪活动方面取得了巨大的成就。它们每年都会成功缴获数百万美元的非法毒品,并拘捕大量涉嫌从事非法活动的人员。此外,DEA还与其他国家的执法机构合作,共同打击跨国毒品犯罪活动。
7. 总的来说,DEA是一个专门负责打击和管控非法药物活动的联邦执法机构。它通过收集情报、调查违法行为、拘捕犯罪嫌疑人等手段来实现其使命,保护公众免受毒品滋扰,并维护社会安全与稳定
1. DEA的全称是“Data Envelopment Analysis”,是一种运用数学模型来衡量和评估决策单位(Decision Making Units,简称DMU)绩效的方法。
2. 根据英文缩写,DEA可以读作“D-E-A”或者“D-E-A Analysis”。其中,“Data Envelopment Analysis”的意思是数据包络分析,即通过对数据的包络来评估决策单位的效率。
3. DEA是由美国经济学家Charnes、Cooper和Rhodes在1978年提出的,它可以用于评估各种类型的决策单位,如企业、政府部门、医院等。
4. DEA的基本思想是将多个输入指标和多个输出指标结合起来,构建一个线性规划模型,从而得出每个DMU的相对效率。相比传统的效率评价方法,如财务比率分析等,DEA更加客观和全面。
5. 在DEA模型中,输入指标可以是资金、劳动力、设备等资源投入量;输出指标可以是产出量、服务质量等结果。通过对各个DMU输入输出指标之间的关系进行分析,可以找出最有效利用资源并达到最佳产出水平的单位。
6. 除了评估单个DMU的效率外,DEA还可以进行绩效比较和排名。通过比较不同DMU的效率得分,可以找出最佳实践单位,并为其他单位提供改进的方向。
7. DEA在实际应用中有着广泛的应用场景,如评估企业绩效、衡量政府部门效率、医院效率等。它也被广泛运用于学术研究领域,成为管理科学和运筹学中重要的工具之一。
8. 总的来说,DEA作为一种有效的绩效评价方法,在当今社会具有重要意义。了解其英文缩写“Data Envelopment Analysis”的含义及其读法,能够帮助我们更好地理解和运用这一方法
1. DEA是什么意思?
DEA是Drug Enforcement Administration的缩写,即“药物执法局”。它是美国司法部下属的一个联邦执法机构,主要职责是打击和控制非法毒品的生产、运输和销售活动。
2. DEA的历史
DEA成立于1973年,前身为联邦麻醉品管理局(Federal Bureau of Narcotics),负责监管和打击非法毒品活动。1973年,美国政府通过《药物滥用及防止违禁法案》,将原有的多个毒品管制机构合并为DEA。
3. DEA的职责
(1) 打击非法毒品生产、运输和销售活动;
(2) 协助其他执法机构打击跨国毒品犯罪;
(3) 监管合法药物的生产、分发和使用;
(4) 收集、分析和分享情报信息,提供战略指导;
(5) 培训和指导其他执法机构;
(6) 向公众提供有关毒品滥用及防治方面的信息。
5. DEA的工作方式
6. DEA在国际上的影响力
7. DEA的双语例句
(1) The DEA is responsible for enforcing the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States.
(2) The DEA has been successful in disrupting major drug trafficking organizations and reducing the availability of illegal drugs in the United States.
1. "Don't Even Ask" - 不要问
2. "Daringly Effortless Approach" - 大胆轻松的方法
3. "Delightfully Entertaining Adventure" - 欢乐有趣的冒险
4. "Dynamic Energy Amplifier" - 动态能量放大器
5. "Dazzlingly Exciting Atmosphere" - 令人眼花缭乱的刺激氛围
6. "Decisively Effective Action" - 果断有效的行动
7. "Dreamy Escape Adventure" - 梦幻逃离冒险
8. "Daringly Expressive Art" - 大胆表现的艺术
9. "Dynamic Evolutionary Approach" - 动态进化的方法
10. "Deliciously Enticing Aroma" - 香气扑鼻的诱惑
1. DEA abbreviation
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) is the United States federal law enforcement agency responsible for combating drug trafficking and distribution within the country.
2. DEA acronym
DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) is another commonly used term for the Drug Enforcement Administration.
3. DEA initialism
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) can also be referred to as an initialism, which is a type of abbreviation where each letter is pronounced separately.
4. DEA code
The code for the Drug Enforcement Administration is often used in official documents and communications, especially within the law enforcement community.
5. DEA short form
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) can also be called a short form, which is a more casual way of referring to an organization or term.
6. DEA symbol
The symbol for the Drug Enforcement Administration is often seen on official documents and badges worn by agents.
7. DEA abbreviation meaning
The meaning of DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) as an abbreviation refers to the specific organization and its purpose in combating drug-related crimes.
8. DEA synonym
Synonyms for DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) include drug control agency, narcotics bureau, and drug suppression agency.
9. DEA equivalent
The equivalent term for DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) in other countries may vary, but they all serve a similar purpose in enforcing drug laws within their respective jurisdictions.
10. DEA alternative name
Some alternative names for the Drug Enforcement Administration include Office of Diversion Control and Office of National Drug Control Policy.
11. Other terms related to DEA
Other terms related to the Drug Enforcement Administration include drug trafficking, drug distribution, narcotics, controlled substances, and illicit drugs.
12. Similar organizations
Similar organizations to the Drug Enforcement Administration include Customs and Border Protection, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security.
13. Related acronyms
Acronyms related to DEA include FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
14. DEA abbreviation usage
The abbreviation DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) is commonly used in official documents, news articles, and within the law enforcement community.
15. DEA abbreviation history
The Drug Enforcement Administration was established in 1973 by President Richard Nixon through an executive order, and the abbreviation DEA has been used since then to refer to the agency.
16. DEA abbreviation controversy
The use of the acronym DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) has sparked controversy due to its role in enforcing drug laws, which some argue disproportionately affects certain communities.
17. DEA abbreviation expansion
DEA can also stand for other terms such as Defense Economic Adjustment, Department of Environmental Affairs, and Digital Encryption Algorithm.
18. DEA abbreviation variations
Variations of the acronym DEA include D.E.A., D.E.A., DE-A, D.E.A., and D.E.A.. These variations may be used interchangeably depending on personal preference or context.
19. DEA pronunciation
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) is typically pronounced as "dee-ee-ay" when each letter is pronounced separately or simply as "dee-ay" when pronounced as an initialism.
20. How to use the term DEA
When using the term DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), it is important to provide context and explain its meaning if necessary, especially when communicating with those who may not be familiar with it
dea是一个常用的缩写词,它可以代表很多不同的含义,比如Drug Enforcement Administration、Data Envelopment Analysis等。虽然它的发音有点困难,但是它在英语中的使用频率却非常高。希望通过本文的介绍,您对dea有了更深入的了解,并且能够更加灵活地运用到日常生活和工作中。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我,我将为您带来更多有趣、实用的知识。最后,祝愿大家在学习英语的道路上越走越远!