
语言百科2024-02-19 16:26:40留学世界




1. 定义define的含义


2. define在翻译行业中的应用


3. define与其他同义词的区别


4. define在不同领域中的应用举例


- 计算机科学:在编程语言中,我们经常需要定义变量、函数或类的含义,这就是使用define的典型场景。

- 法律:法律文件中经常会出现一些术语和概念,法官和律师们需要清楚地定义这些术语的含义,以便在案件中正确应用。

- 自然科学:在生物学、化学等自然科学领域,科学家们经常需要定义各种植物、动物、元素等的特征和分类。

- 人文社科:哲学、心理学等人文社科领域也离不开对概念和理论的定义,以便更好地探讨其内涵和外延。



1. 定义define的含义


2. define的发音


3. define的用法

a. 定义某个概念或事物:例如,“Can you define the word ‘love’?”(你能给“爱”这个词下一个定义吗?)

b. 解释某件事情:例如,“The teacher defined the rules of the game to the students.”(老师向学生们解释了游戏规则。)

c. 规定某件事情:例如,“The company has defined a new dress code for its employees.”(公司已经为员工制定了新的着装规范。)

4. define与其他同义词的区别

a. explain:强调对某件事情进行详细阐述和说明。

b. describe:侧重于描述某个事物的外观、特征等方面。

c. determine:强调通过分析、判断来得出结论。

d. specify:侧重于具体说明某件事物的细节或要求。

5. define的反义词

a. confuse:使混淆、困惑。

b. obscure:使模糊不清、难以理解。

c. misinterpret:误解、曲解。

6. define的常见搭配

a. define a term/word/concept:定义一个术语/单词/概念。

b. define the meaning of something:给某件事物下定义。

c. clearly define something:清晰地定义某件事物。

d. well-defined:明确的、清晰的。

7. 关于define的常见误用

a. mistake define for describe:错误地把define解释为describe。

b. use define instead of determine:错误地使用define替代determine


1. Define的基本意思


2. Define的用法

a. 作为动词时,define通常接一个名词或代词作宾语,并以介词as或to引导后面的内容。例如:

- Please define the word "love" for me.


- The dictionary defines "success" as achieving one's goals.


- Can you define this concept to me in simpler terms?


b. 作为名词时,define通常指某个概念或事物的具体含义或范围。例如:

- According to the dictionary, the define of "friendship" is a close relationship between two people.


- The legal definition of "murder" is the unlawful killing of another human being.


3. Define的双语例句

a. Please define the term "globalization".


b. The dictionary defines "happiness" as a state of well-being and contentment.


c. Can you define the concept of "beauty" in your own words?


d. The define of success varies from person to person.


e. According to the legal define, this action can be considered as fraud.


f. The teacher asked the students to define the vocabulary words in their own language.


g. The dictionary's define of "love" does not fully capture its complexity and depth.



1. Define as (作为...定义)

- We can define success as achieving our goals and dreams.


2. Define by (通过...来定义)

- The quality of a person's character is defined by their actions.


3. Define in terms of (用...来解释)

- The concept of beauty is often defined in terms of physical appearance.


4. Define by example (通过例子来说明)

- Let me define this concept by giving you an example.


5. Define the parameters (确定参数)

- Before we begin, let's define the parameters of this project.


6. Clearly define (清晰地定义)

- It is important to clearly define the objectives of this project.


7. Broadly define (广泛地定义)

- The term "art" can be broadly defined to include various forms of creative expression.


8. Narrowly define (狭义地定义)

- In legal terms, the word "theft" is narrowly defined as taking someone else's property without permission.


9. Define the scope (界定范围)

- We need to define the scope of this project to ensure we stay within our budget and timeline.


10. Define the rules (规定规则)

- It is important to define the rules and guidelines for this competition to ensure fairness.



1. Determine

Determine是define的同义词,在英语中常用来表示“确定”、“决定”的意思。例如:“It is difficult to determine the exact cause of the problem.”(很难确定问题的确切原因。)

2. Specify

Specify也可以作为define的同义词,表示“明确说明”、“具体说明”的意思。例如:“Please specify your requirements for the project.”(请具体说明你对这个项目的要求。)

3. Define as

Define as是一个固定搭配,意为“把...定义为”。例如:“The dictionary defines 'love' as a strong feeling of affection towards someone.”(这本字典把‘爱’定义为对某人有强烈的情感。)

4. Describe

Describe也可以用来表达define的意思,表示“描述”、“阐述”的含义。例如:“Can you describe your ideal job?”(你能描述一下你理想的工作吗?)

5. Explain

Explain也是一个常用的同义词,意为“解释”、“阐明”。例如:“Could you explain the process in more detail?”(你能更详细地解释一下这个过程吗?)

6. Clarify

Clarify是define的另一个同义词,表示“澄清”、“阐明”的意思。例如:“I just want to clarify that I did not mean to offend anyone.”(我只是想澄清我并没有冒犯任何人。)

7. Characterize

Characterize可以作为define的同义词,表示“描述特征”、“表现特点”的意思。例如:“He is often characterized as a quiet and introverted person.”(他经常被描述为一个安静内向的人。)

8. Delimit

Delimit是一个较为专业的同义词,意为“界定”、“限定”。例如:“The boundaries of the national park are delimited by the river.”(国家公园的边界由这条河界定。)

9. Outline

Outline也可以用来表达define的含义,表示“概述”、“大纲”的意思。例如:“The professor outlined the main points of the lecture before diving into details.”(教授在详细讲解之前概述了讲座的主要内容。)

10. Set forth

Set forth是一个固定短语,意为“阐明”、“陈述”。例如:“The company's mission statement sets forth its goals and values.”(公司的使命宣言阐明了其目标和价值观。)

