
语言百科2024-02-20 03:51:36留学世界



1. 交付的含义:delivered一词是由deliver一词衍生而来,意为“交付”、“递送”。在翻译行业中,通常指将已经翻译好的文件或作品交付给客户。


2. 发送完成的状态:除了指交付的动作,delivered也可以表示一个状态,即发送完成。在邮件或快递等场景中,当收件人收到邮件或包裹时,会收到一条提示“delivered”的信息。

3. 成功达成目标:在商业领域中,delivered也可以表示成功达成目标。例如,“我们已经成功地将产品推向市场,这次营销活动可以说是delivered了!”

4. 实现承诺:有时候,在个人关系中,我们也会用到delivered一词。比如,“我答应过你要帮你搬家的,今天终于delivered了!”表示实现了之前的承诺。

5. 传递信息:除了以上含义外,delivered还可以指传递信息的意思。比如,“我已经把你想要的资料delivered给你老板了。”

6. 其他含义:除了以上常见含义外,在不同语境下,delivered还可能有其他含义。因此,在进行英文翻译时,需要根据具体情况来确定最合适的翻译方式


1. 发音指南


2. 单词释义

“delivered”一词是动词“deliver”的过去分词形式,在这里作为形容词使用。它的主要含义是“已经交付或发送”,也可以表示“已经说出或表达”。例如,“The package has been delivered to the customer.”(包裹已经送到顾客手中),“He delivered a powerful speech at the conference.”(他在会议上发表了一场精彩的演讲)。

3. 同义词替换


- handed over:交给

- sent:发送

- conveyed:传递

- expressed:表达

4. 用法示例


- The goods will be delivered to your doorstep within 3 business days.


- The company has delivered strong financial results for the past quarter.


- The actor delivered his lines with great emotion.


5. 相关短语


- deliver a speech:发表演讲

- deliver a package:送货

- deliver on a promise:兑现承诺

- deliver the news:传递消息

6. 常见错误


- 不要将其与名词“delivery”混淆。前者是一个形容词,后者是一个名词,意为“交付”。

- 不要将其与动词“deliver”的其他形式混淆。例如,“delivering”是动词的现在分词形式,而“deliverer”是名词形式


1. 用法:Delivered是deliver的过去分词形式,表示“交付、送达”的意思。在翻译中,常用来表示某物品或信息已经被成功传递给收件人。

2. 双语例句:

- The package was delivered to my doorstep this morning.


- The news was delivered to the public through various media outlets.


- The speech was delivered in English with Chinese subtitles.


- The goods will be delivered within 3-5 business days.


- He delivered a heartfelt apology to his fans for his behavior.



1. Delivered on time - 准时交付

2. Delivered to your doorstep - 送到您家门口

3. Delivered by hand - 亲自送达

4. Delivered with care - 细心交付

5. Delivered in perfect condition - 完好无损地交付

6. Delivered via email - 通过电子邮件发送

7. Delivered to the designated location - 送达指定地点

8. Delivered to the recipient's address - 送至收件人地址

9. Delivered securely - 安全交付

10. Delivered with a smile - 笑容满面地交付

11. Express delivery service - 快递服务

12. Same-day delivery - 当日送达

13. Next-day delivery - 次日送达

14. International delivery - 国际快递

15. Door-to-door delivery- 上门取货

16. Signed for delivery- 签收快递

17. Special delivery- 特快专递

18. Standard delivery- 标准快递

19.Delivery confirmation- 发货确认

20.Delivery tracking- 快递跟踪

21.Deliver goods- 发货物品

22.Deliver a package- 送货包裹

23.Deliver a message- 传递信息

24.Deliver a speech- 发表演讲

25.Deliver results- 取得成果

26.Deliver on promises- 履行承诺

27.Deliver quality products- 提供优质产品

28.Deliver exceptional service- 提供卓越服务

29.Deliver positive outcomes- 实现积极结果

30.Deliver value to customers- 为客户创造价值

31.Deliver a presentation- 做演示

32.Deliver a project- 完成项目

33.Deliver a report- 提交报告

34.Deliver a verdict- 宣判裁决

35.Deliver a verdict of guilty/not guilty - 判决有罪/无罪

36.Deliver a baby- 分娩生产

37.Deliver a speech in public- 公开演讲

38.Deliver an address at the conference- 在会议上发表演讲

39.Deliver a keynote speech- 发表主题演讲

40.Deliver an inspiring message- 传递激励性信息

41. Deliver bad news - 传递坏消息

42. Deliver good news - 传递好消息

43. Deliver constructive criticism - 提出建设性批评

44. Deliver a heartfelt apology - 发表诚挚的道歉

45. Deliver an engaging presentation - 做出引人入胜的演示

46. Deliver an impactful message - 发送有影响力的信息

47. Deliver effective communication - 进行有效沟通

48. Deliver on expectations - 符合期望

49. Deliver quality work - 提供优质工作

50. Deliver exceptional results - 取得杰出成就


1. Delivered synonym examples

2. Alternative translations for "delivered"

3. Other ways to say "delivered" in English

4. Synonyms for the word "delivered"

5. Different words with similar meaning to "delivered"

6. Variations of the term "delivered" in English

7. Similar expressions for "delivered" in the English language

8. Equivalent words for "delivered" in other languages

9. Different phrases that convey the same idea as "delivered"

10. Various options for translating "delivered" into English

1. Dispatched - This word can be used as a synonym for delivered, especially when referring to goods or packages being sent out.

2. Conveyed - Another way to express the idea of delivering something is by using this term, which implies moving or transporting an item from one place to another.

3. Transmitted - This word can be used when talking about delivering information or messages, such as through email or phone calls.

4. Handed over - When something is delivered, it is usually given directly to someone, making this phrase a suitable synonym.

5. Distributed - This term can be used when referring to delivering something to multiple recipients or locations.

6. Furnished - A more formal synonym for delivered, this word implies providing something that was previously requested or expected.

7. Transported - Similar to conveyed, this word emphasizes the act of physically moving an item from one place to another.

8. Forwarded - This term can be used when talking about delivering something that was originally intended for someone else.

9. Presented - When something is delivered as a gift or offering, this term can be used instead of delivered.

10. Supplied - Another formal synonym for delivered, this word suggests providing something that was needed or requested.

11. Issued - This word can be used when talking about delivering official documents or items, such as passports or tickets.

12. Dispatched - Similar to issued, this term can be used when referring to delivering official or important items.

13. Consigned - This word can be used when talking about delivering goods to a specific location or person, usually for sale or storage.

14. Carried - When something is delivered, it is usually physically transported from one place to another, making this term a suitable synonym.

15. Communicated - Similar to transmitted, this word can be used when referring to delivering information or messages through various means of communication.

16. Sent out - Another way to express the idea of delivering something is by using this phrase, which implies sending something away from the sender's location.

17. Provided - This word can be used when talking about delivering something that was previously promised or expected.

18. Handed out - When something is delivered to multiple recipients or in a public setting, this phrase can be used instead of delivered.

19. Furnished with - Similar to furnished, this phrase suggests providing something that was previously requested or expected.

20. Brought - Another common synonym for delivered, this word emphasizes physically bringing something to its intended destination.

21. Transferred - This term can be used when talking about delivering ownership or possession of something from one person to another.

22. Given over - Similar to handed over, this phrase implies physically giving something to someone else as part of delivery.

23. Administered - This word can be used when talking about delivering medication or treatment to a patient.

24. Accomplished - When a task has been completed and delivered as promised, this word can be used instead of delivered.

25. Made available - This phrase suggests providing access or availability of something that was previously not accessible.

26. Distributed among - Similar to distributed, this phrase emphasizes the act of dividing and sharing something among multiple recipients during delivery.

27. Made over - When something is delivered, it is usually transferred to someone else, making this phrase a suitable synonym.

28. Conveyed to - Similar to conveyed, this phrase suggests moving or transporting something from one place to another during delivery.

29. Released - This word can be used when talking about delivering someone or something from confinement or restriction.

30. Imparted - Another way to express the idea of delivering information or knowledge is by using this term, which implies sharing or giving it to someone else.

31. Dispensed - This word can be used when talking about delivering medication or supplies, especially in a medical setting.

32. Handed down - When something is delivered from one generation to another, this phrase can be used instead of delivered.

33. Translated - This term can be used when talking about delivering content in another language, such as through translation services.

34. Provided with - Similar to provided, this phrase suggests furnishing or supplying something that was previously requested or expected.

35. Given out - When something is delivered in a public setting or distributed among multiple recipients, this phrase can be used instead of delivered.

36. Conferred upon - Similar to bestowed upon, this phrase implies giving an honor or privilege as part of delivery.

37. Sent off - Another way to express the idea of delivering something is by using this phrase, which emphasizes sending it away from the sender's location.

38. Distributed to - Similar to distributed among, this phrase suggests dividing and sharing something among specific recipients during delivery.

39. Passed on - When something is delivered from one person to another without physically handing it over, this phrase can be used instead of delivered.

40. Provided for - Another formal synonym for delivered, this phrase suggests supplying or providing for someone's needs.

41. Hand-delivered - This compound adjective emphasizes the physical act of personally delivering something by hand instead of through other means.

42. Transmitted to - Similar to transmitted, this phrase suggests delivering information or messages to a specific recipient or location.

43. Conveyed by - When something is delivered using a specific mode of transportation, such as by truck or plane, this phrase can be used instead of delivered.

44. Made known - This phrase can be used when talking about delivering information or news to someone, especially if it was previously unknown.

45. Provided to - Similar to provided with, this phrase suggests furnishing or supplying something that was previously requested or expected.

46. Given away - When something is delivered as a gift or donation, this phrase can be used instead of delivered.

47. Distributed between - Similar to distributed among, this phrase emphasizes dividing and sharing something between specific recipients during delivery.

48. Presented with - Another way to express the idea of delivering something as a gift or offering is by using this phrase.

49. Transferred over - When something is delivered from one person to another without physically handing it over, this phrase can be used instead of delivered.

50. Supplied for - Another formal synonym for delivered, this phrase suggests providing for someone's needs in a professional setting.

In conclusion, there are many ways to say "delivered" in English depending on the context and intended meaning. These include synonyms such as dispatched, conveyed, transmitted, handed over, and distributed among others. It is important for writers and translators to choose the most appropriate synonym based on the specific situation in order to accurately convey the intended message

