
语言百科2024-02-20 18:11:37留学世界



1. 概念解释



2. 来源解释


3. 各领域用法

(1) 在数学领域,derive常用来表示通过运算、推理等方式得出某个数学公式或结论。

(2) 在语言学领域,derive可以指从一个词源发展出另一个相关但具有不同含义的单词。

(3) 在金融领域,derive常用来表示从股票、债券等金融产品中获取收益。

(4) 在生物学领域,derive可以指通过遗传方式获得特定的性状或特征。

(5) 在哲学领域,derive可以指通过推理、演绎等方式得出某个结论。

4. 深层含义

除了以上常见的用法外,derive还有着更深层的含义。它可以指从某种精神或情感来源中获取灵感、启发或力量。比如,我们常说“derive inspiration from”,意为从某种事物中获得灵感。



1. "derive"是一个动词,读作/dɪˈraɪv/,意为“衍生”、“导出”、“得到”。

2. 这个词源于拉丁语的“derivare”,意为“引流”或“引出”,后来演变为现在的含义。

3. 在英文中,“derive”可以表示从某个来源或基础中得到某物,也可以指通过逻辑推理或数学运算得出结论。

4. 例如,“The word 'derive' is derived from Latin.”(derive这个词源自拉丁语。)

5. 另外,“derive from”也可以表示从某人或某物那里获得启发、影响或帮助。

6. 例如,“She derives her inspiration from nature.”(她从大自然中获得灵感。)

7. 此外,“derive”还可以指从某种情况、状态或经历中产生某种结果。

8. 例如,“He derived great satisfaction from his hard work.”(他从自己的努力工作中获得了极大的满足感。)

9. 总体来说,无论是在学术领域还是日常生活中,我们都会用到“derive”,它是一个非常常用且多义的动词。

10. 所以,如果你想要表达“衍生”的意思,就可以使用这个单词啦!


1. 用法概述


2. 用作及物动词

a. derive something from something: 从某事中获得某事

例句:The company derives most of its income from overseas sales. (这家公司大部分收入来自海外销售。)

b. derive something from someone: 从某人那里获得某事

例句:She derived great pleasure from her children's success. (她从孩子们的成功中获得了极大的快乐。)

c. derive pleasure/satisfaction/benefit, etc. from something: 从某事中获得快乐/满足/好处等

例句:I derive great satisfaction from helping others. (我从帮助他人中获得极大的满足感。)

3. 用作不及物动词

a. derive from: 源自、衍生自

例句:The word "robot" derives from the Czech word "robota", meaning "forced labor". (单词“机器人”源自捷克语中的“robota”,意为“强迫劳动”。)

b. derive from something: 来自、起源于

例句:His wealth derives from his successful investments. (他的财富来自于他成功的投资。)

4. 双语例句

a. The word "derive" comes from the Latin word "derivare", meaning "to lead or draw off". (单词“derive”来自拉丁语中的“derivare”,意为“引导或抽出”。)


b. The company derives its profits from a variety of sources, including sales, investments, and partnerships. (这家公司从各种来源获得利润,包括销售、投资和合作伙伴关系。)


c. His inspiration for the novel was derived from his own experiences as a young immigrant in a new country. (他创作这部小说的灵感来源于自己年轻时在一个新国家的移民经历。)


d. The concept of democracy is derived from ancient Greek political philosophy. (民主的概念源自古希腊政治哲学。)


e. The company derives great benefits from its partnership with a local charity organization. (这家公司从与当地的慈善组织的合作中获得巨大的好处。)




1. Derive from: 从...中得到,源于

例如:The word "derive" is derived from the Latin word "derivare".


2. Derive benefits from: 从...中获益

例如:We can derive many benefits from reading books.


3. Derive inspiration from: 从...中汲取灵感

例如:Artists often derive inspiration from their surroundings.


4. Derive pleasure from: 从...中获得快乐

例如:I derive great pleasure from spending time with my family.


5. Derive satisfaction from: 从...中获得满足感

例如:I derive a sense of satisfaction from helping others.


6. Derive income from: 从...中获得收入

例如:Many people in rural areas derive their income from farming.


7. Derive meaning from: 从...中获得意义

例如:We can derive different meanings from the same piece of art.


8. Derive knowledge from: 从...中获取知识

例如:Students can derive knowledge from textbooks and lectures.


9. Derive pleasure from: 从...中获得快乐

例如:I always derive pleasure from cooking for my friends.


10. Derive strength from: 从...中获得力量

例如:In difficult times, we can derive strength from our loved ones.



1. Derive Synonyms:

- Obtain

- Acquire

- Gain

- Attain

- Secure

- Procure

2. Derive Antonyms:

- Lose

- Surrender

- Relinquish

- Forfeit

- Give up

3. Other ways to say derive:

- Come from

- Stem from

- Originate from

- Spring from

- Arise from

derive是一个非常有用的词汇,它可以用来描述从某处获得信息或者得出结论。它的读音为/dɪˈraɪv/,很容易记忆和发音。在使用时,我们可以通过一些常用的词组来加强表达效果,比如derive from、derive meaning from等等。同时,我们也可以通过一些同义词来丰富文章的表达,比如obtain、acquire等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。

