
语言百科2024-02-20 20:42:37留学世界





1. 描述

首先,我们来看一下“describe”的基本含义。它可以作为动词使用,意为“描述”、“叙述”。例如,“She described her trip to Europe in great detail.”(她详细地描述了她的欧洲之行。)通过这个例子,我们可以发现,“describe”是用来表达某件事物的外观、特征和细节的。

2. 形容

除了作为动词使用外,“describe”还可以作为形容词使用。此时,它的含义是“特殊的”、“特别的”。例如,“This is a very descriptive passage.”(这是一段非常有描述性的文字。)通过这个例子,我们可以发现,“describe”在这里表示某物具有独特或特殊的性质。

3. 画像

除了以上两种含义外,当“describe”作为名词时,它还有一个意思——“画像”。例如,“The artist painted a beautiful describe of the princess.”(艺术家画了一幅美丽的公主画像。)通过这个例子,我们可以发现,“describe”在这里表示通过绘画来展示某人或某物的形象。




1. 首先,让我们来看看这个单词的拼写。它由六个字母组成,其中前四个字母“des”发音为/dɪ's/,后两个字母“cribe”发音为/kraɪb/。所以整个单词的发音为/dɪ'skraɪb/。

2. 但是要注意的是,在英语中,“s”和“c”有时会有不同的发音。在单词“describe”中,当“s”和“c”后面跟随元音时(如i, e, y),它们的发音会变成/z/和/s/。所以在这种情况下,“describe”的正确读音为/dɪ'zkrəɪb/。

3. 另外,还有一种常见的错误发音方式是将单词分开读,“de-scribe”。但事实上,在英语中,“de-”并不表示分开或者强调某一部分,而是作为一个前缀加在动词前面表示向下、离开或者否定等含义。所以正确的读音并不是“de-scribe”,而是“describe”。

4. 如果你想更准确地掌握这个单词的发音,可以去网上搜索“describe的英语发音”,会有很多英语发音网站提供真人发音的录音,帮助你更好地学习和掌握。

5. 最后,记住在英语中,重读通常都落在第一个音节上。所以在“describe”这个单词中,重读就落在第一个音节上,“de”。如果你能把重读部分读准确了,整个单词的发音也就不会有太大问题了


1. 描述一个人或事物

- He described his trip to Europe as life-changing.


- The author beautifully describes the scenery of the countryside.


2. 用语言表达

- Can you describe your feelings when you first saw the Grand Canyon?


- She described her idea for a new business venture to her friends.


3. 详细解释或说明

- The teacher described the rules of the game to the students.


- The doctor described the procedure for the surgery to the patient.


4. 形容词+describe可以表示程度

- The movie was accurately described as a masterpiece by critics.


- Her outfit can only be described as outrageous.


5. 双语例句

- The artist's paintings perfectly describe the beauty of nature. (这位艺术家的画作完美地描绘出了大自然的美丽。)

- She struggled to find words to describe her emotions. (她努力寻找词语来描述自己的情感。)

- The detective described the suspect as a tall, dark-haired man. (侦探将嫌疑人描述为一个高个子、黑发的男人。)

- The novel vividly describes the struggles of immigrants in a new country. (这部小说生动地描写了移民在一个新国家的挣扎。)


1. Paint a picture - 描述一个画面

2. Give an account of - 叙述

3. Portray in words - 用文字描绘

4. Tell the story of - 讲述...的故事

5. Depict in detail - 详细描绘

6. Illustrate with words - 用文字说明

7. Outline the details of - 概述...的细节

8. Characterize in writing - 以文字描述特征

9. Convey in words - 用语言传达

10. Report on - 报告关于...

11. Narrate the events of - 叙述...的事件

12. Present a verbal picture of - 呈现一个口头描述的画面

13. Describe with vivid language - 用生动的语言描述

14. Sketch out the particulars of - 概述...的具体情况

15. Express in writing - 用文字表达


1. Explain - This word can be used to describe something in detail, providing a clear and thorough understanding of it.

2. Depict - Similar to "describe", this word emphasizes the use of words or images to paint a vivid and accurate picture of something.

3. Portray - This word also conveys the idea of describing something through words or images, but with a focus on highlighting specific qualities or characteristics.

4. Delineate - This word implies a more precise and detailed description, often using specific examples or boundaries to define something.

5. Characterize - Used to describe the essential qualities or features of something, this word can be used when discussing a person, place, or thing.

6. Outline - This word suggests providing a general overview or summary of something, often using bullet points or brief descriptions.

7. Narrate - To tell a story or give an account of events in a descriptive manner, often using vivid language and details.

8. Depicting - Similar to "depict", this word emphasizes the use of images or visual representations to describe something.

9. Elucidate - To make something clear and easy to understand through detailed explanation and description.

10. Presenting - This word can be used when describing something in a formal setting, such as giving a presentation or report on a topic.

In summary, there are many different ways to describe something in English. Each synonym may have slight nuances in meaning, but they all share the common goal of providing an accurate and detailed portrayal of something through words, images, or other means of communication

