
语言百科2024-02-21 08:51:38留学世界



1. 定义



2. 词源


3. 文学作品中的使用


4. 现代使用

如今,dexter这个名字已经成为一个流行的英文名,尤其是在美国。许多父母选择给自己的孩子取这个名字,希望他们能够拥有灵巧、敏捷和精明的特质。此外,dexter也经常被用作商业品牌名称,如电视剧《邪恶力量》中出现的Dexter Industries公司。



1. 常见用法


2. 例句

- His name is Dexter.


- Dexter is a talented musician.


- The main character in the TV series "Dexter" is a forensic technician and serial killer.


- Dexter's parents chose his name because it means "right-handed" and they hoped he would be skilled in using his right hand.


- The word "dexterity" comes from the same Latin root as Dexter, and it means skill or agility.


3. 寓意


4. 其他用法


- He is a dexterous chef and can create delicious dishes with ease.


- The magician's dexterous hands amazed the audience.



1. dexter的含义


2. dexter在翻译行业中的应用


2.1 专业性


2.2 助力翻译工作


2.3 指代翻译团队


2.4 代表翻译流派




1. Dexterous - 灵巧的,敏捷的,机智的

2. Dexterity - 灵巧,敏捷,机智

3. Dexterously - 灵巧地,敏捷地,机智地

4. Dextrousness - 灵巧性,敏捷性,机智性

5. Dexterously skilled - 技术娴熟的

6. Dexterity in handling - 处理灵活的技巧

7. Dexterously maneuvered - 巧妙地操纵

8. Dexterous performance - 灵巧表现

9. Dexterous problem solving - 灵巧解决问题

10. Adroit dexterousness - 熟练灵活性

11. Dexterously executed tasks - 巧妙完成的任务

12. Deft and dexterous - 敏捷和灵巧的

13. Dexterous manipulation of objects - 对物体的灵巧操作

14. Dexterous use of tools - 工具的灵活使用

15. Mental dexterity - 心智灵活性

16.Dexter's Laboratory (迪斯特实验室) – 一部美国动画片,讲述一个天才小男孩迪斯特在他自建的实验室里进行各种奇妙实验的故事。

17.Dexter Morgan (迪斯特·摩根) – 一部美国电视剧《律师本色》中的主角,是一名具有双重身份的杀手和法医。

18.Dexterous fingers - 灵巧的手指

19.Dexterous mind - 灵巧的头脑

20.Dexterous handling of situations - 情况处理灵巧

21.Dexterous balance - 灵巧平衡

22.Dexterous coordination - 灵巧协调

23.Dexterous footwork - 脚部灵活性

24.In dexter's style - 左手风格(指左撇子)

25.The dexterity of a magician - 魔术师的灵巧技艺

26.The dexterity of a chef - 厨师的灵巧手艺

27.The dexterity of a musician - 音乐家的灵巧技能

28.The dexterity of a dancer - 舞者的灵活性和技能

29.A dexterous writer - 才华横溢的作家

30.A dexterous speaker - 口才流利的演讲者


1. Synonyms for dexter

- Dexterous

- Skillful

- Adroit

- Deft

- Handy

2. Differences between dexter and its synonyms

The word "dexter" is derived from the Latin word "dexter", meaning "right" or "on the right side". It is often used to describe someone who is skillful or adept at using their hands. The synonyms listed above all share similar meanings, but there are some subtle differences between them.

- Dexterous: This word refers to someone who is skillful and agile in using their hands. It can also be used to describe someone who is mentally quick and clever.

- Skillful: This word emphasizes the ability to do something well and with precision. It can also refer to someone who has a lot of experience or expertise in a particular field.

- Adroit: This word describes someone who is clever, skillful, and resourceful in handling difficult situations. It can also be used to describe someone who has a talent for something.

- Deft: This word refers to someone who is skillful and quick in their movements, especially with their hands. It can also be used to describe someone who is clever and resourceful.

- Handy: This word describes someone who is skilled at using their hands for practical tasks. It can also refer to something that is useful or convenient.

3. The usage of dexter

The word "dexter" is often used in formal contexts, such as literature or academic writing, as it has a more sophisticated connotation compared to its synonyms. However, it can also be used in everyday language when describing someone's abilities or talents.

4. The cultural significance of dexter

In addition to its literal meaning, the term "dexter" has also gained symbolic significance over time. In Western culture, being left-handed was once considered taboo and associated with negative connotations. In contrast, being right-handed was seen as more favorable and associated with positive qualities such as skill and dexterity. This cultural bias has led to the word "dexter" being used to describe someone who is skilled or talented, further emphasizing its positive connotation.

5. Conclusion

In summary, while the synonyms for dexter all share similar meanings, they each have their own nuances and usage in different contexts. The word "dexter" itself has a rich cultural significance and continues to be used in both literal and symbolic ways. Whether describing someone's abilities or referring to a cultural bias, "dexter" is a versatile word that adds depth and sophistication to any piece of writing

