
语言百科2024-02-21 18:44:12留学世界





1. died作为动词,表示“死亡”,例如:He died of a heart attack.(他死于心脏病发作。)在这种情况下,died通常用作过去式或过去分词形式。

2. died也可以用作名词,指代“死亡”这个概念。例如:The fear of death is universal.(对于死亡的恐惧是普遍存在的。)在这种情况下,died通常与形容词连用。

3. 此外,在某些特定的语境中,died也可以表示“消失”或“消亡”的意思。例如:The tradition died out over the years.(这项传统随着岁月逝去而消失了。)在这种情况下,died通常与out连用。

4. 在口语中,died也可以用来表达夸张或强调的意思。例如:I almost died laughing at that joke.(我差点被那个笑话逗死了。)在这种情况下,died通常用作过去式。


1. be dying to do something:渴望做某事。例如:I'm dying to go on vacation.(我渴望去度假。)

2. die down:逐渐平息或减弱。例如:The storm is finally dying down.(暴风雨终于开始平息了。)

3. die for something:为某事而牺牲或付出一切。例如:He would die for his country.(他愿意为自己的国家而牺牲一切。)

4. die off:逐渐减少或消失。例如:The population of this species is dying off due to pollution.(这个物种的数量因污染而逐渐减少。)


1. died的发音


2. died的词性和含义


3. died的同义词和近义词

与died意思相同或类似的词汇有:passed away, passed on, departed, expired, deceased等。这些词汇都可以用来表达人或动物死亡的含义。

4. died在句子中的用法

a. 主动语态:主语+动词过去式(died)+其他成分。

例句:My grandfather died last year.


b. 被动语态:主语+be+过去分词(died)+其他成分。

例句:The old man was found dead in his house.


5. died常见搭配

a. die of + 疾病/原因:因某种疾病或原因而死亡。

例句:She died of cancer at the age of 50.


b. die from + 原因:因某种原因而死亡。

例句:He died from a heart attack.


c. die in + 地点:在某个地方死亡。

例句:Many soldiers died in battle.


6. died的常见用法

a. die for:为…而牺牲,为…而奋斗。

例句:He was willing to die for his country.


b. die out:灭绝,消失。

例句:This species of bird is in danger of dying out.


7. died的常见误区

a. 不要将died和dead混淆使用。dead是形容词,表示“死了”的状态;而died是动词,表示“死亡”的动作。

b. 不要将died和die混淆使用。die是不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词都是died;而died只能用作过去式。

8. died的相关词汇

a. death:n. 死亡,逝世

b. dead:adj. 死的,无生命的

c. dying:adj./n./v. 濒临死亡的/垂死/死亡

d. mortality:n. 死亡率,必死性

e. deceased:adj./n. 已故的/已故者

9. died在不同场景下的应用

a. 家庭场景:My grandmother died peacefully in her sleep.


b. 医疗场景:The patient died from complications after the surgery.


c. 新闻报道:The famous actor died at the age of 85 due to a heart attack.



1. Died的基本用法


- My grandmother died last year.(我的祖母去年过世了。)

- The cat died peacefully in its sleep.(那只猫在睡梦中平静地离世了。)

2. Died的双语例句


- He died of a heart attack at the age of 60.(他在60岁时因心脏病发作去世了。)

- The flowers died because we forgot to water them.(那些花儿都枯萎了,因为我们忘记给它们浇水了。)

- The old man died peacefully, surrounded by his loved ones.(那位老人在亲人的陪伴下安详地离开了人世。)

- Many soldiers died in the war, leaving behind grieving families and friends.(许多士兵在战争中牺牲,留下悲痛的家人和朋友。)

3. Died的幽默用法


- My laptop died on me right before my final project was due.(我的笔记本电脑在我最后的项目截止前坏掉了。)

- I tried to learn how to play the guitar, but my dreams of becoming a rockstar died quickly.(我试着学习弹吉他,但成为摇滚明星的梦想很快就破灭了。)

4. Died的反问用法

- You've never watched Star Wars? Have you been living under a rock or something?(你从来没看过《星球大战》?你是生活在岩石下面还是怎么样?)

- You forgot to save your document again? Have you died or something?(你又忘记保存文件了?你是死了还是怎么回事?)


1. Kicked the bucket: 这是一个非常常见的俚语,意思是“死亡”,通常用于幽默的场合。

2. Passed away: 这是一个比较正式的说法,意思是“去世”,通常用于描述某人的死亡。

3. Bit the dust: 这个词组来自于西部片中经常出现的场景,指的是某人被枪杀或者死亡。在现代用法中,它也可以表示某人死亡或者失败。

4. Bought the farm: 这个词组来自于军事术语,指的是士兵在战场上牺牲。在平时生活中,它也可以表示某人死亡。

5. Checked out: 这个词组来自于酒店退房时使用的表达方式,意思是“离开”。在口语中,它也可以表示某人死亡。

6. Pushing up daisies: 这个词组带有一种幽默的意味,指的是某人已经死了并被埋葬在地下。它通常用于幽默场合。

7. Six feet under: 这个词组指的是某人已经被埋葬在地下六英尺深处。它也可以表示某人已经死了。

8. Met one's maker: 这个词组来自于宗教用语,指的是某人已经去见上帝。在现代用法中,它也可以表示某人死亡。

9. Gave up the ghost: 这个词组来自于圣经,指的是灵魂离开肉体。在现代用法中,它也可以表示某人死亡。

10. Passed on: 这个词组比较委婉地表达某人已经死亡的意思。它通常用于描述老年人或者病逝者的死亡


1. Passed away: This is a more formal way of saying "died" and is often used in obituaries or news reports.

2. Deceased: This is another formal term for someone who has died.

3. Departed: This word implies that the person has left this world and moved on to the afterlife.

4. Perished: This word emphasizes the idea of death being a result of an unfortunate event or circumstance.

5. Expired: This is a more euphemistic way of saying "died" and is often used in medical contexts.

6. Ceased to be: This phrase implies that the person's life has ended and they no longer exist.

7. Met their end: This phrase can be used to describe someone who has died in a tragic or unexpected way.

8. Gone to a better place: This phrase suggests that the person's death was not necessarily a bad thing, as they have moved on to a happier place.

9. Resting in peace: A common phrase used to describe someone who has passed away, implying that they are now at peace in death.

10. Kicked the bucket: A slang term for dying, often used in a humorous or lighthearted way

