
语言百科2024-02-21 19:26:38留学世界



1. 介绍dieout的含义:dieout是一个英文单词,意为“灭绝”、“消失”、“绝种”等。它由两个部分组成,die和out,分别表示“死亡”和“出去”。将它们结合起来就可以理解为“死亡而消失”。


2. dieout的使用场景:这个词通常用来形容某种物种或事物的数量逐渐减少并最终消失的过程。比如,我们可以说某种动物正在濒临灭绝,或者某种语言正在慢慢地被人们遗忘。

3. dieout与extinction的区别:虽然dieout和extinction都可以表示“灭绝”,但它们之间还是有一些微妙的区别。dieout更多指某种物种或事物在自然过程中逐渐消失,而extinction则更强调外部因素(如人类活动)导致某种物种完全消失。

4. dieout在当代社会的应用:除了在科学领域使用外,在当代社会,dieout也经常被用来形容一些流行文化、时尚、技术等方面的事物。比如,“那款手机已经dieout了”,意思就是说这款手机已经不再流行了。

5. dieout的反义词:dieout的反义词是survive,意为“幸存”、“存活”。它们可以构成一个对比,用来描述某种物种或事物的生死存亡。

6. dieout在年轻人中的使用:由于dieout这个词比较简单易懂,所以在年轻人中也很流行。比如,“这个游戏已经dieout了,没人再玩了”,或者“你那件衣服已经dieout了,换一件新的吧”。

7. 总结:dieout是一个非常有趣且具有多重含义的英文单词。它不仅可以用来形容自然界中物种的消失,还可以用来描述时尚、流行文化等方面的变迁。希望通过本小节你能更加深入地了解这个词,并在日常生活中灵活运用它







1. 用法解释


2. 双语例句

1) The dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.


2) Many species have died out due to human activities.


3) This plant is on the brink of dying out in the wild.


4) The ancient language has gradually died out over time.


3. 派生词


- die off:逐渐消失、死亡

- die away:渐渐消失、减弱

- dying out:正在消失、濒临灭绝的

4. 相关短语


- die out completely:完全灭绝

- die out slowly:缓慢地消失、逐渐减少

- be dying out:濒临灭绝的、即将消失的

5. 用法提示


- 它通常用于描述生物种群的灭绝,而不适用于其他事物。

- 它可以作为及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词使用。

- 当表示某种生物已经完全消失时,可以使用dieout;当表示正在逐渐减少、濒临灭绝时,则可以使用dying out


1. Fade away: 逐渐消失,慢慢淡出

2. Disappear: 消失不见

3. Vanish: 突然消失,莫名其妙地消失

4. Wither: 枯萎,衰败,渐渐消亡

5. Fizzle out: 慢慢熄灭,逐渐消退

6. Perish: 死亡,毁灭,彻底消失

7. Extinct: 灭绝,绝种

8. Go out of existence: 不复存在,从此消失

9. Cease to exist: 不再存在,彻底消亡

10. Die a natural death: 自然死亡


1. Extinction

Extinction is a synonym for dieout and refers to the complete disappearance of a species. It can also be used to describe the process of becoming extinct.

2. Annihilation

Annihilation is another synonym for dieout and describes the total destruction or eradication of a species. It can also refer to the elimination of something completely.

3. Extirpation

Extirpation is a synonym for dieout but has a slightly different meaning. It refers to the local extinction or disappearance of a species in a specific area, rather than its complete extinction.

4. Obliteration

Obliteration is another word that can be used interchangeably with dieout and means the total destruction or elimination of something, including a species.

5. Vanishing

Vanishing is a less intense synonym for dieout and describes the gradual disappearance or decline of a species over time.

6. Demise

Demise can be used as a synonym for dieout and refers to the death or end of something, including a species.

7. Disappearance

Disappearance is another word that can be used in place of dieout and describes the process or act of disappearing completely, especially in reference to a species.

8. Extermination

Extermination is similar to annihilation and refers to the complete destruction or elimination of something, including an entire species.

9. Wipeout

Wipeout can be used as a synonym for dieout and means the complete eradication or removal of something, such as an entire population or species.

10. Extinction event

Extinction event is another phrase that can be used instead of dieout and specifically refers to an event that causes the mass extinction of multiple species at once.

11. Fading away

Fading away is similar to vanishing and describes the gradual disappearance or decline of something over time, including a species.

12. Elimination

Elimination is another word that can be used in place of dieout and means the complete removal or destruction of something, such as a species.

13. Endangerment

Endangerment is a synonym for dieout and refers to the state of being at risk of extinction or disappearing completely.

14. Cessation

Cessation can be used as a synonym for dieout and means the ending or stopping of something, including a species' existence.

15. Termination

Termination is another word that can be used interchangeably with dieout and refers to the end or conclusion of something, such as the existence of a species

通过阅读本文,相信大家对于dieout这个词汇已经有了更深入的了解。它的意思是消失、灭绝,发音为[dī ˈaʊt]。在使用时,我们可以说某种物种正在dieout,或者某种文化正在慢慢dieout。下面给大家提供一些双语例句来帮助理解:The pandas are in danger of dying out.(熊猫正处于灭绝的危险中);With the rise of technology, traditional customs are dying out.(随着科技的发展,传统习俗正在逐渐消失)。除此之外,还有一些相关的词组如die out completely(完全消失)、die out slowly(缓慢消失)等。如果你想要找到与dieout意思相近的词汇,可以使用extinct、disappear、vanish等。作为网站的编辑,我很高兴能够为大家带来这篇关于dieout的文章,并希望能够为大家提供更多有趣、实用的知识。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多精彩内容吧!
