
语言百科2024-02-22 10:56:39留学世界




1. 打折优惠:discount是指商家为吸引顾客,降低商品价格的促销活动。这种优惠通常以折扣的形式呈现,比如“买一送一”、“半价优惠”等。

2. 折扣率:在商务谈判中,discount也可以指双方协商的折扣率。例如,如果一家公司以10%的discount购买另一家公司的产品,那么最终价格将会打九折。

3. 减免:在财务术语中,discount可以表示减免或减少某项费用。比如,在税务上可以享受tax discount(减税),在学费上可以获得tuition discount(学费减免)。

4. 低估:在金融行业,discount也可以指证券价格低于其面值或市场价值。这种情况下,投资者可以通过购买低估证券来获得利润。

5. 轻视:作为动词,discount还有轻视、忽视的意思。例如,“Don't discount the importance of this meeting.”(不要轻视这次会议的重要性)


1. 什么是discount


2. discount的发音


3. discount的用法


(1) 作为动词时,discount意为“打折扣”,常与介词on连用,表示对某物进行折扣。例如:“The store is discounting all winter clothes by 50%.”(这家商店正在对所有冬季服装打5折。)

(2) 作为名词时,discount指的是折扣本身。例如:“I got a 20% discount on this jacket.”(我在这件夹克上得到了20%的折扣。)

(3) 作为形容词时,discount意为“打折扣的”,常用于描述商品或服务。“Discounted price”表示打折后的价格,“discounted items”表示打折商品。例如:“I bought this dress at a discounted price.”(我以打折价买了这件连衣裙。)

4. discount的同义词

Discount的同义词包括:rebate, deduction, reduction, markdown等。它们都指的是在原价基础上减少的金额或比例。

5. discount与sale的区别


6. 优惠券(coupons)和折扣券(vouchers)


7. 折上折(double discount)

折上折是指在原有打折基础上再进行一次打折。例如:“The store is offering a double discount of 20% off all sale items.”(这家商店正在对所有特价商品再打8折。)

8. 抢购(flash sale)

Flash sale指的是短期的折扣活动,通常持续几小时或一天。这种活动可以吸引消费者抢购商品,也可以帮助商家快速清空库存


1. Discount的基本释义


2. Discount作为名词的用法

a. 指商品或服务的折扣、减价


- The store is offering a 20% discount on all items this week.


- We got a discount on our hotel room because we booked in advance.


b. 指贴现、折扣率


- The bank charges a 2% discount for early payment of loans.


- The discount rate for this bond is 5%.


3. Discount作为动词的用法

a. 表示打折、减价


- The store discounted all winter clothes by 50%.


- We were able to discount the price of the car by negotiating with the dealer.


b. 表示贴现


- The bank will discount the loan if we pay it back early.


- The company discounted its accounts receivable to improve its cash flow.


4. Discount的双语例句

- The store is offering a 20% discount on all items this week.


- 我们提前预订酒店房间得到了优惠。

We got a discount on our hotel room because we booked in advance.

- 银行对提前还款收取2%的贴现费用。

The bank charges a 2% discount for early payment of loans.

- 该债券的折扣率为5%。

The discount rate for this bond is 5%.

- 这家商店将所有冬季服装打五折。

The store discounted all winter clothes by 50%.

- 通过与经销商谈判,我们成功地降低了汽车的价格。

We were able to discount the price of the car by negotiating with the dealer.

- 如果我们提前还款,银行会贴现贷款。

The bank will discount the loan if we pay it back early.

- 公司贴现应收账款来改善现金流。

The company discounted its accounts receivable to improve its cash flow


1. Cut a deal: 达成协议,达成折扣

2. Bargain hunting: 寻找折扣商品

3. Half off: 半价,打五折

4. Clearance sale: 清仓大甩卖

5. BOGO (Buy One Get One): 买一送一

6. Early bird discount: 早鸟优惠

7. Student discount: 学生优惠

8. Bulk discount: 批量折扣

9. VIP discount: VIP会员优惠

10. Flash sale: 限时特惠


1. Sale - This is a common synonym for discount, often used in retail settings. For example, "The store is having a sale on all clothing items."

2. Bargain - This word can also be used to describe a discount or good deal. For instance, "I got this new phone for a bargain price."

3. Markdown - This term refers to the reduction of the original price of an item. For example, "The store has marked down all electronics by 20%."

4. Rebate - A rebate is a type of discount where the customer receives money back after making a purchase. For instance, "This car comes with a $500 rebate."

5. Special offer - This phrase is often used to describe a limited-time discount or promotion. For example, "Take advantage of our special offer and get 50% off your next purchase."

6. Clearance - When products are on clearance, it means they are being sold at a discounted price to make room for new inventory. For instance, "All winter clothing is on clearance now."

7. Coupon - A coupon is a document or code that can be used to receive a discount on a specific item or purchase. For example, "Use this coupon for 10% off your entire order."

8. Deal - Similar to bargain, this word can also be used to describe a good discount or offer. For instance, "I found an amazing deal on flights for my vacation."

9. Discounted rate - This phrase refers to the reduced price of something compared to its regular rate. For example, "As an employee benefit, we receive discounted rates at local gyms."

10. Cut-price - This term describes something that is sold at a lower price than usual or expected. For instance, "We were able to get these concert tickets at cut-price from a friend."

