disparity 的翻译是

语言百科2024-02-22 16:10:40留学世界





1. 首先,disparity这个词的读音是/dɪˈspærəti/,其中的重音在第二个音节上。

disparity 的翻译是

2. 如果你是一个英语母语人士,你可能会轻松地读出这个单词。但如果你不是,那么可能需要一些练习才能把它读得流利。

3. 不用担心,其实disparity并不是一个很难读的单词。它只是有点生硬,不太常用而已。

4. 为了帮助大家更好地理解和记忆这个单词,我们可以把它拆分成两部分来看:dis-和-parity。

5. Dis-意为“相反”或“不同”,而parity则表示“平等”或“相似”。所以disparity指的就是两者之间的差异或不平等。

6. 举个例子来说,我们可以说:“There is a great disparity in wealth between the rich and the poor.”(富人和穷人之间财富差距很大。)

7. 另外一个帮助记忆这个单词的方法就是联想它与另一个常用词汇paradise(天堂)的发音相似。虽然它们的意思完全不同,但这样可以帮助我们更容易地记住disparity这个单词。

8. 总的来说,disparity的读音并不难,但它的含义却很重要。在当今社会,我们需要更多地关注和解决不同群体之间的差异和不平等,让世界变得更加平等和美好


1. 简单粗暴的翻译:disparity的意思就是差异,不同之处。比如说,不同地区之间的收入差异很大。

2. 深入浅出的解释:disparity指的是两个或多个事物之间的差距或不平等。它可以用来描述各种情况,比如财富、地位、年龄等方面的差异。

3. 例句1:There is a huge disparity between the rich and the poor in this country. (这个国家的贫富差距很大。)

4. 例句2:The disparity in education opportunities between urban and rural areas is still a major issue. (城乡教育机会不平等仍然是一个重要问题。)

5. 例句3:The disparity in healthcare access between different social classes is a growing concern. (不同社会阶层之间医疗资源不平等是一个日益严重的问题。)

6. 例句4:There is a significant disparity in pay between men and women in this company. (这家公司男女员工薪资存在显著差异。)

7. 例句5:The cultural disparities between East and West can be seen in their customs and traditions. (东西方文化差异可以从他们的习俗和传统中看出来。)


1. "差距不大":disparity is not large

2. "悬殊的差距":disparity is staggering

3. "巨大的不平等":disparity is vast

4. "明显的差异":disparity is evident

5. "不同的水平":disparity in levels

6. "迥然不同":disparity stands in stark contrast

7. "天壤之别":disparity is worlds apart

8. "极端的差别":disparity is extreme

9. "明显的不平等":disparity is glaring

10. "巨大的落差":disparity is a huge gap


1. Difference: disparity can be translated as difference, which highlights the contrast between two or more things.

2. Inequality: another synonym for disparity, this word emphasizes the unequal distribution or treatment of something.

3. Gap: a common term used to describe a disparity, often referring to a difference in wealth, opportunity, or achievement.

4. Discrepancy: this word implies a disagreement or inconsistency between two things, highlighting the disparity between them.

5. Variance: similar to discrepancy, this word suggests a divergence or variation between two things.

6. Imbalance: a synonym for disparity that emphasizes an unequal distribution or lack of proportion between two things.

7. Inconsistency: this word can be used to describe a lack of consistency or coherence between two things, highlighting their disparity.

8. Contrast: often used to describe a visual difference, contrast can also be used to highlight the disparity between two things.

9. Disproportion: this word emphasizes an unequal relationship or lack of balance between two things.

10. Gaposis: a humorous term that combines "gap" and "osis" (a medical suffix meaning condition), highlighting the negative impact of disparities on individuals and society as a whole

